Nell''inchiesta Friday, March 11, 2011 that led to the arrest for complicity with the Mafia Magliocca George, Mayor of Pignataro Maggiore (Caserta) and component the secretary of the mayor of Rome Gianni Alemanno, prosecutors have made use of statements made by a 'sorry' and the contribution of a journalist, Enzo Palmes, the author of numerous investigations of the irregular handling of confiscated property to the Camorra clan Lubrano-Ligato and entrusted the small town of Agro Caleno. Enzo Palmes, former editor of the newspaper "Rome", published le sue inchieste su alcuni quotidiani locali e su alcuni siti web, è stato più volte minacciato e fatto oggetto di ritorsioni e attentati, come ha documentato il Meta Rapporto Ossigeno 2010. Dopo l’arresto di Magliocca, Palmesano ha espresso soddisfazione. Le indagini, ha commentato, hanno confermato in pieno il contenuto delle sue inchieste e “la pericolosità del comitato d’affari politico camorristico che tiene in pugno l’amministrazione comunale di Pignataro Maggiore”. Nelle scorse settimane a Pignataro Maggiore è stato minacciato più volte un altro giornalista, che ha collaborato alle inchieste di Palmesano.
Since 2006 I am conducting several journalistic investigations on illegal nell'Agro Caleno large and small (the area that is home to my country, Pignataro Maggiore). All have one thing in common: they converge on a business group that includes businessmen, politicians, white-collar and organized crime. In my articles I reported the failure of administrative machinery and some incidents related directly or indirectly. I published my first article on "Il Giornale di Caserta" (later renamed "Hello Caserta") and, a couple of months on "The Morning" - the drafting of Caserta. The publication of these articles made it difficult for some politicians and some Camorra.
In 2007, I began pointing to the possible infiltration of the Camorra in the construction of a biomass power plant in the territory of Pignataro Maggiore. In May, while making an inspection on a property confiscated along with a colleague of mine, I saw the presence of entrepreneurs holders of the company that was building the plant. A few tens of meters above the ground which was to host the center, there was also the boss Peter Ligas. The September 27 of that year, inside my car I found a dead fish. I thought of a girl, and I did not give the incident weight. But a few days later, taking the car that I had left parked in another place, I found another fish in the vehicle died. At that point, denounced the incident.
I put my finger into a big business illegal. So much so that, in February 2009, 23 people ended up under arrest for a round of bribes involving just that biomass power plant. The operation was dubbed "Biopower." Because of those news, and despite the claims were proved and confirmed by subsequent police operations, in 2008 I was forced to discontinue cooperation with the daily "Good Morning Caserta," which for some time did not publish my journalistic investigations. I continued working servant of my blog. I posted on-line all that I found in these two years.
These are the facts. And these facts are the basis of what I do today. Last September I managed to get an external collaboration with "Il Mattino" (handing over intellectual property rights and opening a VAT). The newspaper published - among others - some of my articles about an important process on the death of a municipal employee who committed suicide after having sued for forgery, corruption and vote trading the current mayor of Pignataro Maggiore, George Magliocca. Another article published by the "Morning" focused on the contract for the school bus, donated by a company linked to the cooperative, which already operates in Pignataro - unsuccessfully, in my opinion - some assets confiscated from the mafia. Also, I have devoted several 'pieces' to the question of waste and consortia that deal with management in Caserta.
From December 3, together with other colleagues (Enzo Palmesano Minieri and Savior, they also threatened, in recent years), I'm running a daily online information called, which I am the chief. On this I went to an online report all unclear affairs of the lobby above. On December 7, unknown persons threw an envelope full of excrement against my garage. Shortly before, a neighbor heard a gunshot and, at the gate of my house, he found many bird feathers. An obvious incident of intimidation against me, which I reported to the police. I immediately informed the preparation of the "Morning" Caserta and to my surprise, instead of receiving support and solidarity, have been asked to stop publishing news on my blog and other online sites to prevent, they said, possible retaliation that would threatened to involve the "Morning." I have also been invited to close the proceedings in a friendly way that I have been instituted by the Mayor of Pignataro Maggiore and in which an employee is involved in the newspaper. And also I was notified that I should not write any more news about Pignataro Maggiore on "Morning."
I am amazed by these requests. Because the process that I should quit amicably concerning compensation in civil proceedings that were commenced against me by the mayor of Pignataro, Giorgio Magliocca, who asked me for damages for having reported between brackets the public statements of a local councilor. The latter, during a meeting of the City Council Pignataro, said that the mayor Magliocca, during the election campaign of 2002, he dined with the Camorra Raffaele Lubrano, the son of "Don Vincenzo" Speech and son Lorenzo. This dinner, on the other, you are in a complex investigation of the DDA in Naples. I believe that the claim block will hide my investigations, which have often described behavior of the mayor who make it look dirty business involved in administrative decisions and "questionable".
The collaborator of the "Morning" with which I should reconcile, a few years ago, produced a video interview with the mayor in front of the camera Magliocca who expressed opinions on the offensive me and other people (including Carl Pascarella, Palmesano Enzo, Lorenzo Diana, just to name a few), and makes threatening statements against us. He said he would "hurt" and we would "walk with their bellies on the ground.
Insomma, non capisco proprio la richiesta che mi è stata fatta e neppure la ragione per cui da allora di fatto la collaborazione con il “Mattino” è stata interrotta. Immagino che alcuni miei articoli pubblicati da “Il Mattino” e numerosi altri pubblicati sul blog abbiano fatto incavolare la lobby affaristica di cui racconto le magagne e che essa abbia fatto pressioni sul giornale. Anche perché si stanno avvicinando le elezioni amministrative del 2011.
Quella che si sta giocando in questo territorio, è una partita importante. Io credo di avere fatto solo il mio dovere di cronista e provo amarezza per come vanno le cose. Per avere svolto la mia professione con passione e coscienza subisco pesanti intimidazioni e, inoltre, sono allontanato come un “appestato” da numerosi colleghi giornalisti. Mi chiedo: che paese è questo?
Davide De Stavola
“L’arresto del sindaco di Pignataro Maggiore, Giorgio Magliocca, con l’accusa di concorso esterno in associazione mafiosa e l’intera indagine della Direzione distrettuale antimafia di Napoli e della Squadra Mobile della Questura di Caserta sullo scandalo dei beni confiscati alle cosche confermano in pieno le mie inchieste giornalistiche sulla pericolosità del comitato d’affari politico-camorristico che tiene in pugno l’Amministrazione comunale di Pignataro Maggiore. Rngrazio magistrati e Polizia di Stato per l’attenzione investigativa dimostrata per il territorio di una città tristemente nota come ‘la Svizzera dei clan’.
Il clan Lubrano-Ligato, grazie anche alle collusioni politiche, istituzionali e imprenditoriali, è capace di governare non solo le attività criminali ma pure quelle apparentemente legali e ad imporre a certa stampa locale linea politica e la cacciata di giornalisti scomodi. Sono vari i casi in cui giornalisti pignataresi sono stati censurati, cacciati o messi a tacere perché avevano osato dare fastidio the Camorra or the mayor and his administration George Magliocca colluding. I urge all journalists to report affected the District Anti-Mafia Directorate, without any reticence, naming the so-called 'gentlemen' that may be provided as needed. Another page is shameful that so-called organizations 'anticamorra' than to have backed the mayor Pignataro Maggiore Giorgio Magliocca, contributing with their initials to give coverage to the maneuvers-Camorra mafia. "
As for me, and from investigative journalist for more General investigative journalism that Pignataro Maggiore has one of its most courageous bulwarks, we can assure you that we will not stop for fear of any Magliocca and his cronies in politics and the Camorra. I am sure that sooner or later the courts will clearly well on those cowards who hit my innocent family members. Those cowards are convinced (wrongly) that this will serve to silence my journalistic investigations. "
NAPOLI, 11 MAR 2011 - Un sindaco "asservito ai desiderata del clan camorristico locale, un sodalizio criminale agguerritissimo, protagonista di delitti efferati": Giorgio Magliocca, 37 anni, primo cittadino di Pignataro Maggiore (Caserta) è stato arrestato oggi con l'accusa di concorso esterno in associazione mafiosa.
Una curiosità: sul suo sito web c'é una foto dei pm Giovanni Falcone e Paolo Borsellino, sotto cui è scritto: "L'Italia impariamo how to love them. "An A in the past, today in the PDL, Magliocca - helping various initiatives anticamorra and author of complaints against the boss Joseph Brisson - is accused of having facilitated the criminal activities of the clan-Lubrano Ligato in exchange for electoral support (and twice mayor, Magliocca was also Councilor of Caserta).
Employee of the Municipality of Rome and clerical staff of the mayor, Gianni Alemanno, Magliocca was suspended from that post as soon as the news spread of his arrest.
Sostenuto da clan -L'esponente del Pdl sarebbe stato appoggiato e sostenuto nelle competizioni elettorali prima dal boss Lello Lubrano, che lo avrebbe fatto eleggere nel 2002; successivamente all'uccisione di Lubrano sarebbe stato appoggiato da Pietro Ligato, attualmente detenuto in regime di 41 bis. In cambio, secondo l'accusa, Magliocca avrebbe contribuito a rafforzare i vertici e le attività del gruppo camorrista, omettendo qualsiasi controllo dovuto in qualità di sindaco sui beni confiscati al clan e consentendo che i capi e i loro familiari continuassero a gestire i beni, solo formalmente annessi da anni al patrimonio indisponibile del Comune.
Searches -arrest the same time, several searches were carried out against those responsible for the non-profit organizations including the City of Pignataro Maggiore had entrusted the land confiscated.
addition to the declarations of repentance Pettrone Joseph, the investigation has benefited from assistance from a journalist, Enzo Palmes, the author of numerous investigations on the goods confiscated from the clan.
the policy response -L 'stop Magliocca, who was also advisor to the Ministry of Telecommunications when he was Minister Mario Landolfi, a strong response in political circles. "Trust and solidarity have been expressed in particular by its Mario Landolfi, deputy coordinator of the Campania regional vicar of the PDL, and sen. Gennaro Coronella, deputy provincial coordinator of the PDL of Caserta. "Takes note" of their statements, Gianni Alemanno, who in a footnote adds: "It 's clear that the objections raised by the judiciary lawyer Magliocca have nothing to do with his work at Rome Capital". "Clarity" was requested by several members of the Democratic Party, including Vice President Commissioner of the Senate and Lazio, Vannino Chiti. The deputy Campania Luisa Bossa, a member of the Anti-Mafia Commission, calls for "continued vigilance on the criminal infiltration." Pina Picierno and Stephen Graziano, deputies of the Democratic Party, have said that they put exactly the same issue, management of assets seized in Pignataro Maggiore, with a query, the Minister Maroni, more than two years ago and have not received a response.
WHO '- George Magliocca was arrested on charges of collusion with the Mafia, has 37 years, is a lawyer, was active in the past in the National Alliance and then passed to the PDL. He served as mayor of Pignataro Maggiore (Caserta). It 'been a consultant to the Ministry of Telecommunications when it was governed by Mario Landolfi. Employee of the City of Rome, was recently appointed consultant by the mayor Gianni Alemanno.
ACCUSATION - would have allowed the Camorra clan-Lubrano Ligato to continue to manage assets that were confiscated and its data management to the mayor Magliocca. In particular, rather than allocating a house and some plots of land for social purposes, would allow the mayor that the building was devastated, even with the removal of the frames, and that the land was cultivated a beneficio degli originari proprietari.
CHI INDAGA - Gli agenti della squadra mobile hanno notificato ordinanze emesse dal gip Antonella Terzi su richiesta del procuratore aggiunto di Napoli Federico Cafiero de Raho e dei sostituti Giovanni Conzo, Alessandro Milita e Liana Esposito..
IL RUOLO DI PALMESANO - L'inchiesta si è avvalsa del contributo del giornalista, Enzo Palmesano, autore di numerose inchieste sui beni confiscati al clan Lubrano-Ligato. Nell'ordinanza di custodia cautelare sono riportati vari stralci delle deposizioni rese da Palmesano alla polizia giudiziaria, che più volte lo ha ascoltato come persona informata dei fatti. Il giornalista, sia su quotidiani locali sia su siti web, ha in particolare raccontato le vicende della grande villa confiscata ai boss di Pignataro Maggiore, ai quali fu consentito di smontare e portare via gli infissi di valore. Palmesano ha anche raccontato che un trattamento di favore era riservato anche ai poderi confiscati, che continuavano ad essere coltivati ed i cui ricavi - come fu accertato dai carabinieri, che interruppero una raccolta delle pesche - finivano comunque nelle casse del clan.
Nell''inchiesta Friday, March 11, 2011 that led to the arrest for complicity with the Mafia Magliocca George, Mayor of Pignataro Maggiore (Caserta) and component the secretary of the mayor of Rome Gianni Alemanno, prosecutors have made use of statements made by a 'sorry' and the contribution of a journalist, Enzo Palmes, the author of numerous investigations of the irregular handling of confiscated property to the Camorra clan Lubrano-Ligato and entrusted the small town of Agro Caleno. Enzo Palmes, former editor of the newspaper "Rome", published le sue inchieste su alcuni quotidiani locali e su alcuni siti web, è stato più volte minacciato e fatto oggetto di ritorsioni e attentati, come ha documentato il Meta Rapporto Ossigeno 2010. Dopo l’arresto di Magliocca, Palmesano ha espresso soddisfazione. Le indagini, ha commentato, hanno confermato in pieno il contenuto delle sue inchieste e “la pericolosità del comitato d’affari politico camorristico che tiene in pugno l’amministrazione comunale di Pignataro Maggiore”. Nelle scorse settimane a Pignataro Maggiore è stato minacciato più volte un altro giornalista, che ha collaborato alle inchieste di Palmesano.
Since 2006 I am conducting several journalistic investigations on illegal nell'Agro Caleno large and small (the area that is home to my country, Pignataro Maggiore). All have one thing in common: they converge on a business group that includes businessmen, politicians, white-collar and organized crime. In my articles I reported the failure of administrative machinery and some incidents related directly or indirectly. I published my first article on "Il Giornale di Caserta" (later renamed "Hello Caserta") and, a couple of months on "The Morning" - the drafting of Caserta. The publication of these articles made it difficult for some politicians and some Camorra.
In 2007, I began pointing to the possible infiltration of the Camorra in the construction of a biomass power plant in the territory of Pignataro Maggiore. In May, while making an inspection on a property confiscated along with a colleague of mine, I saw the presence of entrepreneurs holders of the company that was building the plant. A few tens of meters above the ground which was to host the center, there was also the boss Peter Ligas. The September 27 of that year, inside my car I found a dead fish. I thought of a girl, and I did not give the incident weight. But a few days later, taking the car that I had left parked in another place, I found another fish in the vehicle died. At that point, denounced the incident.
I put my finger into a big business illegal. So much so that, in February 2009, 23 people ended up under arrest for a round of bribes involving just that biomass power plant. The operation was dubbed "Biopower." Because of those news, and despite the claims were proved and confirmed by subsequent police operations, in 2008 I was forced to discontinue cooperation with the daily "Good Morning Caserta," which for some time did not publish my journalistic investigations. I continued working servant of my blog. I posted on-line all that I found in these two years.
These are the facts. And these facts are the basis of what I do today. Last September I managed to get an external collaboration with "Il Mattino" (handing over intellectual property rights and opening a VAT). The newspaper published - among others - some of my articles about an important process on the death of a municipal employee who committed suicide after having sued for forgery, corruption and vote trading the current mayor of Pignataro Maggiore, George Magliocca. Another article published by the "Morning" focused on the contract for the school bus, donated by a company linked to the cooperative, which already operates in Pignataro - unsuccessfully, in my opinion - some assets confiscated from the mafia. Also, I have devoted several 'pieces' to the question of waste and consortia that deal with management in Caserta.
From December 3, together with other colleagues (Enzo Palmesano Minieri and Savior, they also threatened, in recent years), I'm running a daily online information called, which I am the chief. On this I went to an online report all unclear affairs of the lobby above. On December 7, unknown persons threw an envelope full of excrement against my garage. Shortly before, a neighbor heard a gunshot and, at the gate of my house, he found many bird feathers. An obvious incident of intimidation against me, which I reported to the police. I immediately informed the preparation of the "Morning" Caserta and to my surprise, instead of receiving support and solidarity, have been asked to stop publishing news on my blog and other online sites to prevent, they said, possible retaliation that would threatened to involve the "Morning." I have also been invited to close the proceedings in a friendly way that I have been instituted by the Mayor of Pignataro Maggiore and in which an employee is involved in the newspaper. And also I was notified that I should not write any more news about Pignataro Maggiore on "Morning."
I am amazed by these requests. Because the process that I should quit amicably concerning compensation in civil proceedings that were commenced against me by the mayor of Pignataro, Giorgio Magliocca, who asked me for damages for having reported between brackets the public statements of a local councilor. The latter, during a meeting of the City Council Pignataro, said that the mayor Magliocca, during the election campaign of 2002, he dined with the Camorra Raffaele Lubrano, the son of "Don Vincenzo" Speech and son Lorenzo. This dinner, on the other, you are in a complex investigation of the DDA in Naples. I believe that the claim block will hide my investigations, which have often described behavior of the mayor who make it look dirty business involved in administrative decisions and "questionable".
The collaborator of the "Morning" with which I should reconcile, a few years ago, produced a video interview with the mayor in front of the camera Magliocca who expressed opinions on the offensive me and other people (including Carl Pascarella, Palmesano Enzo, Lorenzo Diana, just to name a few), and makes threatening statements against us. He said he would "hurt" and we would "walk with their bellies on the ground.
Insomma, non capisco proprio la richiesta che mi è stata fatta e neppure la ragione per cui da allora di fatto la collaborazione con il “Mattino” è stata interrotta. Immagino che alcuni miei articoli pubblicati da “Il Mattino” e numerosi altri pubblicati sul blog abbiano fatto incavolare la lobby affaristica di cui racconto le magagne e che essa abbia fatto pressioni sul giornale. Anche perché si stanno avvicinando le elezioni amministrative del 2011.
Quella che si sta giocando in questo territorio, è una partita importante. Io credo di avere fatto solo il mio dovere di cronista e provo amarezza per come vanno le cose. Per avere svolto la mia professione con passione e coscienza subisco pesanti intimidazioni e, inoltre, sono allontanato come un “appestato” da numerosi colleghi giornalisti. Mi chiedo: che paese è questo?
Davide De Stavola
“L’arresto del sindaco di Pignataro Maggiore, Giorgio Magliocca, con l’accusa di concorso esterno in associazione mafiosa e l’intera indagine della Direzione distrettuale antimafia di Napoli e della Squadra Mobile della Questura di Caserta sullo scandalo dei beni confiscati alle cosche confermano in pieno le mie inchieste giornalistiche sulla pericolosità del comitato d’affari politico-camorristico che tiene in pugno l’Amministrazione comunale di Pignataro Maggiore. Rngrazio magistrati e Polizia di Stato per l’attenzione investigativa dimostrata per il territorio di una città tristemente nota come ‘la Svizzera dei clan’.
Il clan Lubrano-Ligato, grazie anche alle collusioni politiche, istituzionali e imprenditoriali, è capace di governare non solo le attività criminali ma pure quelle apparentemente legali e ad imporre a certa stampa locale linea politica e la cacciata di giornalisti scomodi. Sono vari i casi in cui giornalisti pignataresi sono stati censurati, cacciati o messi a tacere perché avevano osato dare fastidio the Camorra or the mayor and his administration George Magliocca colluding. I urge all journalists to report affected the District Anti-Mafia Directorate, without any reticence, naming the so-called 'gentlemen' that may be provided as needed. Another page is shameful that so-called organizations 'anticamorra' than to have backed the mayor Pignataro Maggiore Giorgio Magliocca, contributing with their initials to give coverage to the maneuvers-Camorra mafia. "
As for me, and from investigative journalist for more General investigative journalism that Pignataro Maggiore has one of its most courageous bulwarks, we can assure you that we will not stop for fear of any Magliocca and his cronies in politics and the Camorra. I am sure that sooner or later the courts will clearly well on those cowards who hit my innocent family members. Those cowards are convinced (wrongly) that this will serve to silence my journalistic investigations. "
NAPOLI, 11 MAR 2011 - Un sindaco "asservito ai desiderata del clan camorristico locale, un sodalizio criminale agguerritissimo, protagonista di delitti efferati": Giorgio Magliocca, 37 anni, primo cittadino di Pignataro Maggiore (Caserta) è stato arrestato oggi con l'accusa di concorso esterno in associazione mafiosa.
Una curiosità: sul suo sito web c'é una foto dei pm Giovanni Falcone e Paolo Borsellino, sotto cui è scritto: "L'Italia impariamo how to love them. "An A in the past, today in the PDL, Magliocca - helping various initiatives anticamorra and author of complaints against the boss Joseph Brisson - is accused of having facilitated the criminal activities of the clan-Lubrano Ligato in exchange for electoral support (and twice mayor, Magliocca was also Councilor of Caserta).
Employee of the Municipality of Rome and clerical staff of the mayor, Gianni Alemanno, Magliocca was suspended from that post as soon as the news spread of his arrest.
Sostenuto da clan -L'esponente del Pdl sarebbe stato appoggiato e sostenuto nelle competizioni elettorali prima dal boss Lello Lubrano, che lo avrebbe fatto eleggere nel 2002; successivamente all'uccisione di Lubrano sarebbe stato appoggiato da Pietro Ligato, attualmente detenuto in regime di 41 bis. In cambio, secondo l'accusa, Magliocca avrebbe contribuito a rafforzare i vertici e le attività del gruppo camorrista, omettendo qualsiasi controllo dovuto in qualità di sindaco sui beni confiscati al clan e consentendo che i capi e i loro familiari continuassero a gestire i beni, solo formalmente annessi da anni al patrimonio indisponibile del Comune.
Searches -arrest the same time, several searches were carried out against those responsible for the non-profit organizations including the City of Pignataro Maggiore had entrusted the land confiscated.
addition to the declarations of repentance Pettrone Joseph, the investigation has benefited from assistance from a journalist, Enzo Palmes, the author of numerous investigations on the goods confiscated from the clan.
the policy response -L 'stop Magliocca, who was also advisor to the Ministry of Telecommunications when he was Minister Mario Landolfi, a strong response in political circles. "Trust and solidarity have been expressed in particular by its Mario Landolfi, deputy coordinator of the Campania regional vicar of the PDL, and sen. Gennaro Coronella, deputy provincial coordinator of the PDL of Caserta. "Takes note" of their statements, Gianni Alemanno, who in a footnote adds: "It 's clear that the objections raised by the judiciary lawyer Magliocca have nothing to do with his work at Rome Capital". "Clarity" was requested by several members of the Democratic Party, including Vice President Commissioner of the Senate and Lazio, Vannino Chiti. The deputy Campania Luisa Bossa, a member of the Anti-Mafia Commission, calls for "continued vigilance on the criminal infiltration." Pina Picierno and Stephen Graziano, deputies of the Democratic Party, have said that they put exactly the same issue, management of assets seized in Pignataro Maggiore, with a query, the Minister Maroni, more than two years ago and have not received a response.
WHO '- George Magliocca was arrested on charges of collusion with the Mafia, has 37 years, is a lawyer, was active in the past in the National Alliance and then passed to the PDL. He served as mayor of Pignataro Maggiore (Caserta). It 'been a consultant to the Ministry of Telecommunications when it was governed by Mario Landolfi. Employee of the City of Rome, was recently appointed consultant by the mayor Gianni Alemanno.
ACCUSATION - would have allowed the Camorra clan-Lubrano Ligato to continue to manage assets that were confiscated and its data management to the mayor Magliocca. In particular, rather than allocating a house and some plots of land for social purposes, would allow the mayor that the building was devastated, even with the removal of the frames, and that the land was cultivated a beneficio degli originari proprietari.
CHI INDAGA - Gli agenti della squadra mobile hanno notificato ordinanze emesse dal gip Antonella Terzi su richiesta del procuratore aggiunto di Napoli Federico Cafiero de Raho e dei sostituti Giovanni Conzo, Alessandro Milita e Liana Esposito..
IL RUOLO DI PALMESANO - L'inchiesta si è avvalsa del contributo del giornalista, Enzo Palmesano, autore di numerose inchieste sui beni confiscati al clan Lubrano-Ligato. Nell'ordinanza di custodia cautelare sono riportati vari stralci delle deposizioni rese da Palmesano alla polizia giudiziaria, che più volte lo ha ascoltato come persona informata dei fatti. Il giornalista, sia su quotidiani locali sia su siti web, ha in particolare raccontato le vicende della grande villa confiscata ai boss di Pignataro Maggiore, ai quali fu consentito di smontare e portare via gli infissi di valore. Palmesano ha anche raccontato che un trattamento di favore era riservato anche ai poderi confiscati, che continuavano ad essere coltivati ed i cui ricavi - come fu accertato dai carabinieri, che interruppero una raccolta delle pesche - finivano comunque nelle casse del clan.
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