Friday, March 11, 2011

Bionicle Building Instruction


The measure was taken by the High Council of Justice Tax. E 'on trial in Rome for serious crimes. He denounced his deputy Paul Albano. He became famous for having been arrested the wife of the Keeper Sandra Lonardo -
S. Maria CV (Chronicles Online Journalism Agency) - At the last meeting, the Presidency Council of Rome of the Tax Justice (a sort of CSM) gave notice all’ex Procuratore della Repubblica di S. Maria C.V., Mariano Maffei, un provvedimento di sospensione dalla sua funzione di presidente di sezione della commissione tributaria di Napoli. Infatti, l’ex magistrato, pur essendo andato in quiescenza, continuava ad occupare la prestigiosa poltrona della giustizia tributaria in grado di appello. Il provvedimento è scaturito dopo una lunga istruttoria – nel corso della quale sono stati richiesti ed ottenuti tutti i consensi ministeriali – in seguito al grave processo instauratosi a Roma che vede l’ex procuratore accusato di gravissimi reati nei confronti di alcuni suoi colleghi.

La vicenda è ben nota ma vale summarize the penalty. Following a detailed complaint by the deputy prosecutor Paolo Albano (then employed by the attorney Sammaritani) now Chief Prosecutor in Isernia, Maffei was committed for trial at the request of Gup Maurizio Silvestri that he had accepted the request of the Prosecutor Giancarlo Amato in Rome). To occupy and the 2nd Chamber of the Court of Rome (competent to judge the crimes of the magistrates Sammaritani) and the offenses charged are: abuse of office (art. 323 CP penalty from 6 months to 3 years) and aggravated defamation ( art. 368 CP penalty from 2 to 6 years), aggrieved parties are formed prosecutors Dr. Paul Albano and Filomena Capasso.

Mariano Maffei's defense was taken by his son, lawyer. Giovanni Francesco Maffei (but seems to be a civilian) and Prof. Alfonso Maria Style Court of Rome. To the offended parties was present as the defender of Sen. Law Ferdinando Imposimato, a former magistrate.

The charge of abuse of office with respect to an arbitrary exercise by acting in the performance of his duties as Prosecutor at the Court of St. Maria CV in violation of the provision contained in art. CPP 335 (which allows the recording in the register only real "news of crime" pervenute dalla polizia giudiziaria ovvero acquisite di iniziativa dagli uffici di Procura ) cagionava intenzionalmente ingiusto danno al Procuratore Aggiunto della Repubblica Paolo Albano, in servizio presso il richiamato ufficio giudiziario, con le seguenti condotte: In data coincidente o immediatamente successiva al 7/6/2006 il Dottor Maffei veniva a conoscenza, attraverso il Sostituto Procuratore della Repubblica Maria Di Mauro ( in servizio presso l’ufficio da lui diretto e titolare del procedimento penale 58/06 mod. 21 nell’ambito del quale erano svolte indagini in merito a presunti illeciti ascrivibili al dottor Giuseppe Tatavitto, medico presso l’ospedale di S. Maria C.V. per la predisposizione di falsi titoli professionali in occasione di un concorso da lui vinto, bandito per il conferimento dell’incarico di Direttore Sanitario di quel presidio) di una situazione per la quale relativamente ai medesimi fatti era pervenuto alcuni anni prima presso la Procura della Repubblica di S. Maria C.V. un esposto anonimo.

L’esposto che era stato inizialmente trattato dal Procuratore Paolo Albano con delega alle indagini ai carabinieri di S. Maria C.V., accompagnata peraltro nel corso dell’attività investigativa da alcuni biglietti manoscritti con i quali il medesimo magistrato aveva precisato gli adempimenti da svolgere in maniera più analitica dall’ufficiale di polizia giudiziaria incarico della trattazione ( Marshal Henry Jordan, then commander of the local Carabinieri station), the delegation was later found to be informative signature of the said officer, presents the vision for the first time the dr. Albano but had not been filed or registered with the Attorney S. Maria CV, following purely formal findings by the Prosecutor Added dell'operante containing an opinion as to the absence of facts which were considered a crime (more properly attributable to the judicial authorities) and then revived without the above proceedings.

Dr. Albano objectively despite the negative outcome of the investigations carried out, considering the matter worthy of further investigation, he ordered a new registration of documents from the model 46 to model 21 (albeit against a "person to be identified" and not against a particular suspect) in the group with automatic specialized jurisdiction over Deputy Prosecutor Patrick Dongiacomo, continuing to follow developments pi ù significant investigation, and endless views of the storage request god (after that advice had not allowed graphics to establish the falsity of the only document reported as suspicious by Marshal Jordan ). Subsequent investigations conducted by Dr. Di Mauro, however, led to results very different on the basis of a much more complete verification made by the police from her delegate (Commando Provinciale Carabinieri di Caserta, Unit Operations) who had also considered other documents submitted by an applicant Tatavitto Health Director and had examined the issue concerning the falsity the registration number of one act on which it was concentrated (albeit with negative outcome) the attention of Marshal Jordan, noting in a permanent inadequate investigative activity took place at the time by the latter (considered fraudulent by the Police Provincial Command of the said 5/7/2006 denounced them with information only as Marshal Enrico Giordano autore dei delitti previsti dagli artt. 323 -328 e 479 C.P. ).

Preso atto di quanto sopra il Dr. Mariano Maffei disponeva per la trasmissione degli atti contenenti le precedenti investigazioni sfociate in una richiesta di archiviazione del Sostituto Dongiacomo vistata dal Procuratore Aggiunto Albano alla Procura della Repubblica di Roma per competenza funzionale ( ai sensi dell’art. 11 del C.P.P. ) segnalando eventuali responsabilità del maresciallo Giordano e “di magistrati di questo ufficio” ed iscrivendo nei confronti del medesimo Giordano le fattispecie previste dagli artt. 323- 328 e 479 C.P.

"In fact, such an initiative - it is written in the request for indictment of the Prosecutor of Rome - had been taken in complete absence of any element accusatory, as well as to marshal the Jordan against Dr. Albano, in fact at that point quickly and duly registered as a suspect by the public prosecutor of Rome upon arrival from the corresponding office of the acts Sammaritano since he appeared as the only possible Public Prosecutor of the Republic of S. Maria CV involved in the misconduct attributed to Marshal Jordan since only that the deputy prosecutor had taken the prescribed reports and operational directives to the NCO of the Carabinieri in the conduct phases of the investigation that was assumed by the latter intentionally incomplete.

"The initiative of Dr Maffei - is written in the documents - if anything was justified in previous disagreements with the previous personal and or professional colleague - no suspicion of collusion to the benefit of a compliant suspect had never been able to induce the expected absence of any element to recognize a direct knowledge of the person who would be favored. The initial delegation of investigation that had been prepared, the next indication to expunge the information from a reference to the absence of crime in question, the new registration acts as a model 21 with assignment to a Deputy Prosecutor, who then carried out further investigations, including technical. "

The charge of slander was instead blamed for the prosecutor Paolo Albano even knowing the 'innocence of competition in the consummation of the offense provided for denouncing him (in an indirect but unmistakable) while in Rome GA in the absence of any real news of crime against him. Maffei and also responds to abuse of office against not only the Attorney Albano Added also to the Deputy Philip Capasso for other events.


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