II COLLEGIO PENALE ( Pres. Guglielmo)
Atto di costituzione di Parte Civile
Per: Arturo Scotto nato a Torre del Greco (NA) il 15/05/1978 residente in via Carbonara 127 Napoli nella qualità di coordinatore Regionale della Campania di Sinistra Ecologia e Libertà, giusta attestazione del sig. Boccadutri Sergio nato a Palermo il 19/06/1976, Codice Fiscale BCC SRG 76H19 G273W, nella sua qualità di Tesoriere Nazionale e quindi Legale Rappresentante pro-tempore, ai sensi dell’art. 12 dello Statuto (deposito Notaio Atlante in Roma rep. 36126 racc. 15744) di Sinistra Ecologia Libertà, con sede in Roma, via Goito 39, elettivamente domiciliato in Benevento alla via Salvator Rosa,2, presso e nello studio legale dall'avv. Italo Palumbo, dal quale è rappresentato e difeso giusta procura speciale stesa in calce al presente atto
a norma degli artt. 74 e segg. C.P.P.: di costituirsi, come in effetti si costituisce, parte civile nel procedimento penale pendente dinanzi al Tribunale di Santa Maria Capua Vetere per l’udienza dibattimentale del 10-3-2011
del delitto di cui all'artt. 110, 416 bis - I, II, III, IV, V, VI ed VIII comma, C.P., perché non essendo inserito organicamente ed agendo nella consapevolezza della rilevanza causale dell’apporto reso e della finalizzazione dell’attività agli scopi dell’associazione di tipo mafioso denominata “clan dei casalesi” - promossa e diretta da Antonio BARDELLINO (fino al 1988), da Francesco SCHIAVONE di Nicola, detto “Sandokan”, da Francesco BIDOGNETTI e da Vincenzo DE FALCO (dal 1988 al 1991) e infine da Francesco SCHIAVONE di Nicola e da Francesco BIDOGNETTI - dopo l’arresto di questi ultimi due, da Michele Zagaria e Iovine Antonio, quali esponenti di vertice, tuttora latitanti, della fazione facente Head to the family and Bidognetti Dominic Schiavone, Bidognetti Aniello, Bidognetti Raffaele, Luigi Guide, Alfieri Nicola Cirillo Bristles Joseph and Alexander, as members who took turns driving the apical side of the family headed Bidognetti (against which we proceed separately) which, operating on the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe province of Caserta and elsewhere, uses of force to intimidate the associative bond and the condition of subjection and conspiracy of silence that follows, for the realization of the following purposes: •
control of economic activities, through monopolistic management of entire business sectors and commercial
• giving licenses and administrative authorizations;
• the acquisition of contracts and public services;
• the unlawful conditioning of the political rights of citizens (by preventing the free exercise of voting, getting votes for candidates nominated by the organization during consultations election) and, through that, the conditioning of the composition and activities of political organizations representing local
• condition the activities of government, local and central;
• reinvestment in speculative businesses, real estate, financial and Business arising from the huge capital attività delittuose, sistematicamente esercitate (estorsioni in danno di imprese affidatarie di pubblici e privati appalti e di esercenti attività commerciali, traffico di sostanze stupefacenti, truffe, riciclaggio ed altro);
• assicurare impunità agli affiliati attraverso il controllo, realizzato anche con la corruzione, di organi istituzionali;
• l'affermazione del controllo egemonico sul territorio, realizzata non solo attraverso la contrapposizione armata con organizzazioni criminose rivali nel tempo e la repressione violenta dei contrasti interni ma altresì attraverso condotte stragiste e terroristiche;
• il conseguimento, infine, per sè e per gli altri affiliati of unjust profits and benefits;
contribute, with continuity and stability, since the 90s, to strengthen leadership and activities of the Camorra families headed Bidognetti and Schiavone (from which the partnership will deliver electoral support in elections Cosentino who participated as a candidate, becoming the provincial council of Caserta in 1990, Regional Council of Campania in 1995, list MP for Forza Italy in 1996 and, therefore, political office before becoming Deputy Coordinator and then as Coordinator of the party Forza Italy in Campania, on after the parliamentary mandate in 2001) through the following conduct:
• ensuring the permanence of the relationship between business mafia, government and municipal
• ensuring the perpetuation of economic crime trends, exemplified by exerting undue pressure on institutions to cut prefect, as is the case Eco4 spa on procedures leading to the issue certification in situations where anti-mafia elements were discernible impediments to the issuance of the certificates themselves or still active, with prefectural authorities and / or structures of the Ministry of Interior in order to prevent, as in the case of the City of Mondragone, the proper unfolding of the procedure provided for the dissolution of the local mafia infiltration;
• creating and co-managed company in business monopolies controlled by Mafia families, such as Eco4 spa, and where the Cosentino exercised - in higher-level position with Joseph Valente, and Sergio Orsi Michele Orsi - the real power steering and management , thus allowing the building re-use of illicit proceeds, taking advantage of these business activities for electoral purposes, including the hiring of staff and various utilities;
criminal conduct occurred in the province of Caserta right from 'early '90s and continuing .
The Italian Constitution explicitly recognizes the role of political parties when he writes, art. 49, that "all citizens have the right to freely associate in parties to participate in a democratic way to determine national policy." Four principles derive from this provision in particular:
1. The formation of political parties is free: each party has the right to citizenship in the Italian State irrespective of their ideology. The only limit to this freedom, written art. XII of the transitional provisions of the Constitution, is the reorganization of the fascist party.
2. The republic is based on party pluralism. The use of the plural ("parties") art. 49 of the Constitution implies che sarebbe inammissibile un regime a partito unico.
3. Ai partiti è riconosciuta la funzione di determinare la politica nazionale, in concorrenza tra di loro.
A partire dagli anni ’70, ha trovato ingresso nel processo penale la tutela dei cosiddetti interessi diffusi, anche attraverso la costituzione di parte civile. La Suprema Corte ebbe a sottolineare che, per interessi diffusi, potevano intendersi quegli interessi che sono riferibili non al soggetto come individuo, ma come membro di una collettività più o meno ampia, coincidente, al limite, con la generalità dei cittadini, dando così luogo ad una generalità di situazione soggettive analoghe (Cfr. Cass.Civile, Sez.Unite, 08.05.78 in Arch. Civ. 1978, p.. 956). Well, the protection of these interests was widely assumed by groups and associations that if they made carriers, such protection was accomplished through the application of civil restorative, which allowed the intrusion of common interests in the criminal trial, in this case collective interests (see Ichino, the civil party in criminal proceedings. The legitimacy, Padova, 1989, p. 97.).
Case law has established that the institutions and associations are entitled action for damages, whether in a criminal through a civil, if by the offense have received damage to its own interest. The identification of the bearer entity with common interests gli interessi perseguiti e statutariamente enunciati comporta la sua elevazione a titolare di un diritto soggettivo, potenzialmente leso dai fatti di reato relativi alla lesione di quell'interesse. L'aver posto l'interesse statutariamente enunciato, sia in astratto che in concreto, tra gli obiettivi della propria azione (ponendo dunque la tutela di questi interessi quale ragion d'essere stessa dell’associazione) configura l'esistenza, in capo alla medesima, di un diritto soggettivo idoneo a essere leso dalle condotte illecite e quindi idoneo a cagionare all’associazione stessa un danno.(Cfr. Tribunale di S. Maria Capua Vetere, 19.07.04; Ufficio Indagini Preliminari di Milano, 10.02.03; Cass. Penale, SEz.VI, 01.06.89 in GP, 1990, III, p.. 204).
However, the offenses for which they were asked the trial of Cosentino, can certainly be considered plurioffensivi and subject to interest and, given the parliamentary function of the suspect and the role he has played for polluting the vote, may be considered offensive even in respect of political parties which play a key role recognized by the Constitution.
Al Cosentino is in dispute:
"the unlawful conditioning of the political rights of citizens (by preventing the free exercise of voting, getting votes for candidates nominated by the organization during elections) and, through that, the conditioning the composition and activities of political organizations representing local condition the activities of government, local and central, "
The offenses alleged, in addition of course to harm the interests protected by criminal law in a direct way, ends with the also produce damage to the system of political parties and their credibility, their social function, exercise democratic right to vote, its transparency and fair competition among political parties, as guaranteed by the Italian Constitution.
And the subjective position of Cosentino - who, as parliamentary institution plays a role of national importance - and the types of crimes for which he is under investigation, may justify, in fact, the request for a civil part of a political party and, therefore, Freedom and Ecology of the Left.
In particular, as reflected in the charges, the Cosentino has engaged in an unlawful conditioning of the political rights of citizens, hinder the free exercise of voting, getting votes for candidates nominated by the criminal at the time of elections and, through this, took steps to influence the composition and activities of local political representative bodies and to influence the activities of government, local and central.
Well, the suspect, with the weight of his national political role, has certainly given an unfair advantage to his political constituency, to the serious detriment of other forces, which are also policies on local and national territory. The Cosentino has in fact illegally influenced the electoral vote, he has handled, and took steps to influence political bodies and local government, only to cause damage to other parties-including the Left, Freedom and Ecology, who have always acted within the law.
For these reasons, Arturo Scotto was born in Torre del Greek (NA) on 15.05.1978, resident in Naples alla via Carbonara 127, nella qualità di coordinatore Regionale della Campania di Sinistra Ecologia e Libertà, giusta attestazione del sig. Boccadutri Sergio nato a Palermo il 19/06/1976, nella sua qualità di Tesoriere Nazionale e quindi Legale Rappresentante pro-tempore, ai sensi dell’art. 12 dello Statuto (Deposito Notaio Atlante in Roma rep. 36126 racc. 15744) di Sinistra Ecologia Libertà, ut supra domiciliato, rappresentato e difeso
Di costituirsi, come in effetti si costituisce, parte civile nei confronti dell’indagato Cosentino Nicola, nato a Casal di Principe il 02.01.59 ed ivi residente al Umberto I n.44, in relazione ai reati ascrittigli ed indicati in rubrica, allo scopo di ottenere, con la condanna dello stesso alla pena di giustizia, l’integrale risarcimento dei danni morali nella misura che sarà determinata in corso di causa o in separata sede, oltre alle spese di costituzione di parte civile e di difesa.
Napoli lì 10.03.2011
Arturo Scotto Avv. Italo Palumbo
Io sottoscritto Arturo Scotto nato a Torre del Greco (NA) il 15/05/1978 residente in via Carbonara 127 Napoli nella qualità di coordinatore Regionale della Campania di Sinistra Ecologia e Libertà,
l’Avv. Italo Palumbo nato a San Bartolomeo in Galdo il 20.11.1952, with the law firm in Benevento Via Salvator Rosa, No 2. from which elects domicile, giving special agent, so that you may pursue the civil action in criminal proceedings pending before the Court of Santa Maria Capua Vetere, initiated against Nicola Cosentino was born in Casal di Principe January 2, 1959 and there resident in Corso Umberto, 44, investigated for crimes pe p. Articles. 110, 416 bis - I, II, III, IV, V, VI and VIII paragraph CP in order to obtain compensation for damages including with the widest powers to appoint replacement lawyers in Naples there
Arturo Scotto
To Authentic
Mr. Italo Palumbo
II COLLEGIO PENALE ( Pres. Guglielmo)
Atto di costituzione di Parte Civile
Per: Arturo Scotto nato a Torre del Greco (NA) il 15/05/1978 residente in via Carbonara 127 Napoli nella qualità di coordinatore Regionale della Campania di Sinistra Ecologia e Libertà, giusta attestazione del sig. Boccadutri Sergio nato a Palermo il 19/06/1976, Codice Fiscale BCC SRG 76H19 G273W, nella sua qualità di Tesoriere Nazionale e quindi Legale Rappresentante pro-tempore, ai sensi dell’art. 12 dello Statuto (deposito Notaio Atlante in Roma rep. 36126 racc. 15744) di Sinistra Ecologia Libertà, con sede in Roma, via Goito 39, elettivamente domiciliato in Benevento alla via Salvator Rosa,2, presso e nello studio legale dall'avv. Italo Palumbo, dal quale è rappresentato e difeso giusta procura speciale stesa in calce al presente atto
a norma degli artt. 74 e segg. C.P.P.: di costituirsi, come in effetti si costituisce, parte civile nel procedimento penale pendente dinanzi al Tribunale di Santa Maria Capua Vetere per l’udienza dibattimentale del 10-3-2011
del delitto di cui all'artt. 110, 416 bis - I, II, III, IV, V, VI ed VIII comma, C.P., perché non essendo inserito organicamente ed agendo nella consapevolezza della rilevanza causale dell’apporto reso e della finalizzazione dell’attività agli scopi dell’associazione di tipo mafioso denominata “clan dei casalesi” - promossa e diretta da Antonio BARDELLINO (fino al 1988), da Francesco SCHIAVONE di Nicola, detto “Sandokan”, da Francesco BIDOGNETTI e da Vincenzo DE FALCO (dal 1988 al 1991) e infine da Francesco SCHIAVONE di Nicola e da Francesco BIDOGNETTI - dopo l’arresto di questi ultimi due, da Michele Zagaria e Iovine Antonio, quali esponenti di vertice, tuttora latitanti, della fazione facente Head to the family and Bidognetti Dominic Schiavone, Bidognetti Aniello, Bidognetti Raffaele, Luigi Guide, Alfieri Nicola Cirillo Bristles Joseph and Alexander, as members who took turns driving the apical side of the family headed Bidognetti (against which we proceed separately) which, operating on the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe province of Caserta and elsewhere, uses of force to intimidate the associative bond and the condition of subjection and conspiracy of silence that follows, for the realization of the following purposes: •
control of economic activities, through monopolistic management of entire business sectors and commercial
• giving licenses and administrative authorizations;
• the acquisition of contracts and public services;
• the unlawful conditioning of the political rights of citizens (by preventing the free exercise of voting, getting votes for candidates nominated by the organization during consultations election) and, through that, the conditioning of the composition and activities of political organizations representing local
• condition the activities of government, local and central;
• reinvestment in speculative businesses, real estate, financial and Business arising from the huge capital attività delittuose, sistematicamente esercitate (estorsioni in danno di imprese affidatarie di pubblici e privati appalti e di esercenti attività commerciali, traffico di sostanze stupefacenti, truffe, riciclaggio ed altro);
• assicurare impunità agli affiliati attraverso il controllo, realizzato anche con la corruzione, di organi istituzionali;
• l'affermazione del controllo egemonico sul territorio, realizzata non solo attraverso la contrapposizione armata con organizzazioni criminose rivali nel tempo e la repressione violenta dei contrasti interni ma altresì attraverso condotte stragiste e terroristiche;
• il conseguimento, infine, per sè e per gli altri affiliati of unjust profits and benefits;
contribute, with continuity and stability, since the 90s, to strengthen leadership and activities of the Camorra families headed Bidognetti and Schiavone (from which the partnership will deliver electoral support in elections Cosentino who participated as a candidate, becoming the provincial council of Caserta in 1990, Regional Council of Campania in 1995, list MP for Forza Italy in 1996 and, therefore, political office before becoming Deputy Coordinator and then as Coordinator of the party Forza Italy in Campania, on after the parliamentary mandate in 2001) through the following conduct:
• ensuring the permanence of the relationship between business mafia, government and municipal
• ensuring the perpetuation of economic crime trends, exemplified by exerting undue pressure on institutions to cut prefect, as is the case Eco4 spa on procedures leading to the issue certification in situations where anti-mafia elements were discernible impediments to the issuance of the certificates themselves or still active, with prefectural authorities and / or structures of the Ministry of Interior in order to prevent, as in the case of the City of Mondragone, the proper unfolding of the procedure provided for the dissolution of the local mafia infiltration;
• creating and co-managed company in business monopolies controlled by Mafia families, such as Eco4 spa, and where the Cosentino exercised - in higher-level position with Joseph Valente, and Sergio Orsi Michele Orsi - the real power steering and management , thus allowing the building re-use of illicit proceeds, taking advantage of these business activities for electoral purposes, including the hiring of staff and various utilities;
criminal conduct occurred in the province of Caserta right from 'early '90s and continuing .
The Italian Constitution explicitly recognizes the role of political parties when he writes, art. 49, that "all citizens have the right to freely associate in parties to participate in a democratic way to determine national policy." Four principles derive from this provision in particular:
1. The formation of political parties is free: each party has the right to citizenship in the Italian State irrespective of their ideology. The only limit to this freedom, written art. XII of the transitional provisions of the Constitution, is the reorganization of the fascist party.
2. The republic is based on party pluralism. The use of the plural ("parties") art. 49 of the Constitution implies che sarebbe inammissibile un regime a partito unico.
3. Ai partiti è riconosciuta la funzione di determinare la politica nazionale, in concorrenza tra di loro.
A partire dagli anni ’70, ha trovato ingresso nel processo penale la tutela dei cosiddetti interessi diffusi, anche attraverso la costituzione di parte civile. La Suprema Corte ebbe a sottolineare che, per interessi diffusi, potevano intendersi quegli interessi che sono riferibili non al soggetto come individuo, ma come membro di una collettività più o meno ampia, coincidente, al limite, con la generalità dei cittadini, dando così luogo ad una generalità di situazione soggettive analoghe (Cfr. Cass.Civile, Sez.Unite, 08.05.78 in Arch. Civ. 1978, p.. 956). Well, the protection of these interests was widely assumed by groups and associations that if they made carriers, such protection was accomplished through the application of civil restorative, which allowed the intrusion of common interests in the criminal trial, in this case collective interests (see Ichino, the civil party in criminal proceedings. The legitimacy, Padova, 1989, p. 97.).
Case law has established that the institutions and associations are entitled action for damages, whether in a criminal through a civil, if by the offense have received damage to its own interest. The identification of the bearer entity with common interests gli interessi perseguiti e statutariamente enunciati comporta la sua elevazione a titolare di un diritto soggettivo, potenzialmente leso dai fatti di reato relativi alla lesione di quell'interesse. L'aver posto l'interesse statutariamente enunciato, sia in astratto che in concreto, tra gli obiettivi della propria azione (ponendo dunque la tutela di questi interessi quale ragion d'essere stessa dell’associazione) configura l'esistenza, in capo alla medesima, di un diritto soggettivo idoneo a essere leso dalle condotte illecite e quindi idoneo a cagionare all’associazione stessa un danno.(Cfr. Tribunale di S. Maria Capua Vetere, 19.07.04; Ufficio Indagini Preliminari di Milano, 10.02.03; Cass. Penale, SEz.VI, 01.06.89 in GP, 1990, III, p.. 204).
However, the offenses for which they were asked the trial of Cosentino, can certainly be considered plurioffensivi and subject to interest and, given the parliamentary function of the suspect and the role he has played for polluting the vote, may be considered offensive even in respect of political parties which play a key role recognized by the Constitution.
Al Cosentino is in dispute:
"the unlawful conditioning of the political rights of citizens (by preventing the free exercise of voting, getting votes for candidates nominated by the organization during elections) and, through that, the conditioning the composition and activities of political organizations representing local condition the activities of government, local and central, "
The offenses alleged, in addition of course to harm the interests protected by criminal law in a direct way, ends with the also produce damage to the system of political parties and their credibility, their social function, exercise democratic right to vote, its transparency and fair competition among political parties, as guaranteed by the Italian Constitution.
And the subjective position of Cosentino - who, as parliamentary institution plays a role of national importance - and the types of crimes for which he is under investigation, may justify, in fact, the request for a civil part of a political party and, therefore, Freedom and Ecology of the Left.
In particular, as reflected in the charges, the Cosentino has engaged in an unlawful conditioning of the political rights of citizens, hinder the free exercise of voting, getting votes for candidates nominated by the criminal at the time of elections and, through this, took steps to influence the composition and activities of local political representative bodies and to influence the activities of government, local and central.
Well, the suspect, with the weight of his national political role, has certainly given an unfair advantage to his political constituency, to the serious detriment of other forces, which are also policies on local and national territory. The Cosentino has in fact illegally influenced the electoral vote, he has handled, and took steps to influence political bodies and local government, only to cause damage to other parties-including the Left, Freedom and Ecology, who have always acted within the law.
For these reasons, Arturo Scotto was born in Torre del Greek (NA) on 15.05.1978, resident in Naples alla via Carbonara 127, nella qualità di coordinatore Regionale della Campania di Sinistra Ecologia e Libertà, giusta attestazione del sig. Boccadutri Sergio nato a Palermo il 19/06/1976, nella sua qualità di Tesoriere Nazionale e quindi Legale Rappresentante pro-tempore, ai sensi dell’art. 12 dello Statuto (Deposito Notaio Atlante in Roma rep. 36126 racc. 15744) di Sinistra Ecologia Libertà, ut supra domiciliato, rappresentato e difeso
Di costituirsi, come in effetti si costituisce, parte civile nei confronti dell’indagato Cosentino Nicola, nato a Casal di Principe il 02.01.59 ed ivi residente al Umberto I n.44, in relazione ai reati ascrittigli ed indicati in rubrica, allo scopo di ottenere, con la condanna dello stesso alla pena di giustizia, l’integrale risarcimento dei danni morali nella misura che sarà determinata in corso di causa o in separata sede, oltre alle spese di costituzione di parte civile e di difesa.
Napoli lì 10.03.2011
Arturo Scotto Avv. Italo Palumbo
Io sottoscritto Arturo Scotto nato a Torre del Greco (NA) il 15/05/1978 residente in via Carbonara 127 Napoli nella qualità di coordinatore Regionale della Campania di Sinistra Ecologia e Libertà,
l’Avv. Italo Palumbo nato a San Bartolomeo in Galdo il 20.11.1952, with the law firm in Benevento Via Salvator Rosa, No 2. from which elects domicile, giving special agent, so that you may pursue the civil action in criminal proceedings pending before the Court of Santa Maria Capua Vetere, initiated against Nicola Cosentino was born in Casal di Principe January 2, 1959 and there resident in Corso Umberto, 44, investigated for crimes pe p. Articles. 110, 416 bis - I, II, III, IV, V, VI and VIII paragraph CP in order to obtain compensation for damages including with the widest powers to appoint replacement lawyers in Naples there
Arturo Scotto
To Authentic
Mr. Italo Palumbo
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