TV FREE 20-Rai - Can. 5 - SKY TV - A day at the Magistrates Court, the BBC asked to perform live - President's Reserve - hypothesis of a civil party for "Left and Freedom" - The Presidency of the Council and Fibe Ministers present with its defenders -
S. Maria CV. (Ferdinand Terlizzi) - The first hearing of the trial of former Secretary of the Government Economics Berlusconi (PDL) Hon Nicola Cosentino was held yesterday morning before the 1st Criminal Division of the Court of St. Maria CV (President William Gianpaolo, Judges Luigi and Tommaso D'Angiolella Perrella) with the presence of representatives of the Anti-Mafia Prosecutor prosecutors Dott.ri Milita and Alessandro Giuseppe Narducci.
L’On. Cosentino ( abito scuro e giaccone marrone Fly) si è seduto in prima fila schierandosi al fianco dei suoi difensori avv.ti Stefano Montone e Agostino De Caro. “Sono presente oggi qui – ha dichiarato a fine udienza ai giornalisti presenti – perché intendo seguire tutte le udienze per far emergere la verità e fare chiarezza su questa nebulosa parentesi della mia vita. Sono stato io a chiedere il processo “immediato” perché sono stato accusato e coinvolto in vicende alle quali ritengo di essere totalmente estraneo. Spero che i miei difensori riusciranno a dimostrare che non sono contiguo ai clan, non ho concesso agevolazioni ai boss. Non ho usufruito del their contributions in politics. The rest of my personal position against the clan is given by the proof of the battle fought for the closure of landfills Saurino Park. You can not ignore - said Cosentino - we asked for and obtained the so-called model Caserta to combat the mafia and that the Berlusconi government has obtained remarkable achievements in combating organized crime not only in our country but throughout Italy. "
Classroom many people, amongst many Sen. Gennaro Coronella: "I'm here to show solidarity with a friend and a fellow party member for whom I hope for a well prepared solution. " In the spotlight a lot of TV, and a score over 30 envoys of all publications including the British BBC (Sky - Rai - TG1-TG2-TG3 - TG5 - One day in Magistrate's Court - BBC Radio Radical - who have made application for transmit the entire process live and deferred) President William opened the proceedings by distrusting the photographers and camera operators not to hinder the smooth running of the process while allowing the filming within the limits of freedom of the press, being a major media event .
The President then announced that it has already drawn up a timetable for the next hearings (see separate box) said that the process was now postponed because of irregularities "incurable" in the area of \u200b\u200bnotifications, not having been notified Avvocatura State, which should become a civil party, representing the Presidency of Council of Ministers copy of the proceedings.
However, the President has also asked Mr. Cosentino had he had regular communication and the same answer in the affirmative, said he was willing to be present at any hearing in accordance with the timetable agreed between the parties. The President then asked the parties (defendants, lawyers, pubblici ministeri e rappresentanti della privata accusa ) il loro pensiero sull’autorizzazione delle tv che avevano chiesto di seguire in diretta l’intero processo.
Sia pure con pareri diversi, tutti hanno convenuto che è auspicabile una discrezione nella presenza in aula della tv, perché la loro presenza “condiziona” massicciamente il regolare svolgimento del processo. In particolare l’avv. Italo Palumbo, in rappresentanza del movimento “SINISTRA ECOLOGIA LIBERTA” ( ma non ancora ufficialmente ammesso come parte civile ) ha espresso parere favorevole alla ripresa dell’intero processo.
E 'was the turn of the Anti-Mafia prosecutors in the Attorney Narducci and Milita who have asked to know the schedule of the hearing in order to prepare the material for the prosecution for the most part consisting of eavesdropping and phone. On the "media advertising" the prosecutors said they were favorable, but with a shooting footage that does not affect the smooth functioning of the process.
defense lawyers of the same opinion of Mr Nicola Cosentino, Stefano De Caro Montone and Augustine: "As long as no conditions the smooth running of the process and the resumption of clips.
They have also announced their creation in court - as the injured party for now - part of the civil FIBE with the lawyer of the Roman Forum Prof. Alfonso Maria Style, professor of criminal law at the University of Rome "La Sapienza". The Fibe (involved, inter alia in the management of Acerra incinerator) would have been affected by Mr partisanship. Cosentino for "Ecoquattro" (headed by brothers Michael and Sergio Orsi.
Nutritissime le liste sia della pubblica che privata accusa. Per l’on. Cosentino gli avvocati Montone e De Caro hanno presentato una sfilza di nome a discarico che partono dall’ex sindaco Carlo Natale, proseguono con i consiglieri provinciali Arcangelo Tedesco e Raffaele Tessitore, Stefano Coronella, Vincenzo Caterino, Aldo Riccardi, Giovanni Piccirillo ( ex deputati DC ) Renato Natale ex sindaco, l’ex sen. Lorenzo Diana, Nicola Rocco, Vincenzo D’Amore, Luigi Fucci. I parlamentari Carlo Sarro, Pasquale Giuliano, Gennaro Coronella, Paolo Santulli, Vito Amemdolara ( Assessore all’agricoltura nella Giunta Caldoro ), Franco Delvino ( ex comandante dei vigili urbani di Caserta ), Former Vice Questore Vincent Roca and the Mayors Pauline Franco Provolo Maddaloni and former President of the Province Hon Richard Ventre.
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