Thursday, February 17, 2011

Package Novaform Grandmattress


The hearing set for March 9
before the Labour Court Judge S. Maria CV
Professor. Ciro Centore has filed a complaint with the protection of freedom of association
Syndicate FVM (Veterinary Medical Association)

Caserta - The head of the union "FVM SIVEMP (Veterinary Medical Association), Dr. Castaldo Pasquale Campanile, in his capacity as Deputy Regional Secretary, was forced to appeal to Mr Justice Labour, with the assistance of Prof. Cyrus Centore, refused to claim the right to organize and humiliated by the behavior of the vertices of the ASL Caserta and in particular by the Commissioner extraordinary legal rapp.te pt, appointed by decree of the Regional Bell n.596 of 08/05/2010, Dr. Paul Menduni, who had to approve a "reorganization" of the administrative and management departments, without the prior and necessary "information" to make the unions and even to proceed, albeit with a qualified assignment "provisionally" to the preposition of work units to the various departments and various units.
The resolution in question (dismissing, inter alia, positive promises previously made by the top Asl, who brought forth the first legal action taken and then the waiver thereof) and the alleged "reorganization" ex officio, non- Only reset and climbed over the declaration of willingness to overcome the litigation which is anchored by all the unions (which was already fixed for hearing 18/10/2010, before the Court, Sec. Lavoro, Judge Dr. Martorana), but determined, Once again, a reopening of the conflict and the violation of Article evident. N.300/70 28 of the Act (the Workers' Statute).
It embodies, in fact, at the end of Paragraph. 28 a true "action" intended to restrict or prevent the exercise of freedom and union activities, so that was no need, once again, before the Court, for the suppression of anti-union behavior.
"It 's clear that there has been no" prior information "required by the Workers' Statute and fixed with Legislative Decree n.25 02/06/2007, implementing Directive 2002/14 EC, as referred to OJ 67/2007. It is obvious that - said Prof. Ciro Centore, explained in his detailed all’Autorità Giudiziaria ( che porterà anche risvolti in sede penale ) che così operando, la ASL ha voluto mettere i Sindacati innanzi ad un fatto compiuto, creando sconcerto e disorientamento negli scritti dei singoli sindacati, a fronte di detta notizia, ma ancor più della delibera assunta “unilateralmente”, hanno manifestato il loro “disappunto” sia all’interno che all’esterno del Sindacato, con perdita di credibilità”.
Tra l’altro si consideri che la ASL, con la legge 1424 del 26/11/2010, ha avuto anche a riportare una notizia “infondata” quale è quella secondo cui, si era provveduto a comunicare al Sub-Commissario Governativo that occurred reorganization of the central and defining the responsibilities of the main centers of unique features, with its departmental organization was "well accepted by the unions and the leadership of the sector."
This circumstance is unfounded and has no evidence in any action, so that, even in this respect, they have created a confusion and a loss of credibility in the applicant union and the need to emphasize this behavior as "unconstitutional" and "misconduct" union. " It will all be discussed before the Labour Court Judge S. Maria CV hearing on 9 March which we will follow for our readers.


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