Keep flying pigeons Montuori A CASERTA
Caserta - La “Columbia Livia varietà domestica”, di proprietà di Gaetano Montuori, da Caserta, potrà continuare nella sua antichissima attività sociale, agonistica e di servizio, con l’utilizzo dei “piccioni viaggiatori”, sia per le manifestazioni sportive, che per il recapito della posta il cosiddetto servizio “Voyageurs”.
E’ quanto ha stabilito il Tar della Campania ( Presidente Vincenzo Cernese, giudici Gabriele Nunziata e Sergio Zeuli - estensore ) con una sentenza ottenuta in seguito ad un ricorso intentato dall’Avv. Prof. Ciro Centore nell’interesse del Montuori che si era visto block the activity of its dovecote for the absurd ordinance of the town of Caserta.
The world of racing pigeons in the world is fascinating mystery that fascinates many people, especially for the study of the brain, the brain just to a "bird" intelligent (even experienced even by the CIA, and intelligence for strategic purposes), but despite every effort, today, still do not understand how the animals to travel, at very high speeds, miles and miles back then to the starting point without getting lost in the immensity of the cosmos.
Here is a brief history of Caserta. "The Montuori - supported the prof. Centore in his defense - a member of the National Federation of the holders of "pigeon" for "pigeons" for the last thirty years, and has, in Caserta, in a building he owned, located on the Via Marchesiello, with a dovecote pigeons for sporting purposes / amateur and affection.
The dovecote has a full fitness from the standpoint of hygiene and care and, as such, has never given any complaints and any restrictions, so much so that, even recently, and exactly on the date 11 / 4 / 2010, without any preavvertenza, there has been a verification / inspection by the ASL Caserta 1 / District 25 / Veterinary Unit, which aims to check the status of sites. And on this occasion the operation, according to the minutes of Medical Examiners, the Veterinary Unit had to check - the regularity of all things, then exposed to (anonymous) is likely to be "neighbors" non-residents.
"At the time of the visit - said prof. Centore - "The pigeons were about seventy, all" rings fitted with identification, fixed and inviolable, as can be seen from another ring with the number of identification and belonging to the applicant and the indication of the number of the phone itself. The survey also found that a brigade of the pigeon was placed "on the top floor - attic, and was found to be about 120 square meters., Consists of two aviaries containing 70 pigeons fitted with an exit, that the pigeon was also illuminated; that you can smell unpleasant and the aviaries were equipped with litter normally.
Like the inspection results - said in his Centore exposed to TAR - "seemed burdened by excessive and arbitrary power to the power of logic and deviance measures to stop the pigeon ordered by Mayor Nicodemus Petteruti.
The Tar, as mentioned, with a ruling filed the other day, has restored the right things so far, even condemning the municipality to pay the costs that had been made in court, asking A confirmation of the closure. The Municipality of Caserta was assisted by lawyers and Luigi Di Matteo Pasquale Fiorillo.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Vertigo After Stomach Virus
Tuesday 22 at the Crowne Plaza interesting meeting
will moderate 'RAFFAELE Ceniccola Advocate General of the Supreme Court - Organized Order of Caserta -
Caserta (Ferdinand Terlizzi) Organized by the accountants and accounting experts in Caserta will be held Tuesday February 22, beginning at 15 at the Crowne Plaza (Ex Area Saint Gobain), an interesting conference on the theme: Mediation: The role of the accountant.
After the greeting of Peter Rauch, president of the Order, Mark Stabile, Director of the Arbitration and Conciliation Commission to the Council, Antonio Santagata, Chairman Committee on Arbitration and Conciliation Order, will introduce and moderate the debate, Raffaele Ceniccola, Attorney General Attorney General at the Court of Cassation. Interventions are planned Crescenzo Soriano, President Adr Network, conciliation bodies, Professor accredited to the Ministry of Justice for the settlement, who will speak on the topic: ”La conciliazione secondo il decreto legislativo del 2010: profili giuridici, prospettive professionali.
Seguirà poi l’intervento di Giuseppe De Biase, Componente Commissione Arbitrato e Conciliazione ODCEC di Caserta che parlerà sul tema delle “Le procedure applicative della disciplina del d.lgs. 28/2010”; seguirà Felice Ruscetta, Consigliere con delega alla Conciliazione del Consiglio Nazionale dei Dottori Commercialisti e degli Esperti Contabili tratteggerà un profilo dello Stato di attuazione della legge del 2010 ed il ruolo del Consiglio Nazionale.
La mediazione è una procedura di risoluzione delle controversie in base alla quale un terzo imparziale (il mediatore) assiste le parti in conflict to find the optimal solution of the problem and reach an agreement beneficial to both. The recent Legislative Decree 28, March 4, 2010, implementing the EU Directive 52/2008, has covered this important legal institution for civil and commercial disputes, in particular Article 5, paragraph 1, provides that "the condition of admissibility of the claim" the experiment compulsory attempt at mediation in disputes concerning condominium, real rights, division, inheritance, family agreements, lease, loan, rental companies, damages resulting from the movement of vehicles and boats, from medical liability and da diffamazione con il mezzo della stampa o con altro mezzo di pubblicità, contratti assicurativi, bancari e finanziari.
Le relative norme saranno ( la proroga di sei mesi, decretato l’altro giorno, riguarda però, soltanto le controversie per il risarcimento del danno derivante dalla circolazione di veicoli e natanti e delle controversie dei condomini ) esecutive dal 21.3.2011.
Obiettivo del Ministero della Giustizia è quello di “deflazionare” l’arretrato in materia civile e commerciale (oltre 5.000.000 di contenziosi) delegando alla conciliazione stragiudiziale ed ai professionisti conciliatori la risoluzione di parte di tali controversie pendenti, oltre, naturalmente, a creare un argine all’emergere new litigation. The conference is intended to highlight the state of the reform started with the D. Decree 28/2010 and the job prospects for economists who engage in such activity, also wants to make a contribution to spreading the culture of reconciliation as a means of alternative, non-replacement of ordinary justice, because this revolution before that legislation will be cultural and will receive the contribution of all.
Arbitration and Conciliation Commission of the Council of which he is president Antonio Santagata, include: Gaetano Grosso, Giuseppe de Biase, Carlo D'Abbrunzo, Nicola Di Dona, Nicolina Di Dona Rosario Esposito, Francesco Paolo Guidi, Roberto Iavarone, Domenico Oliva, Domenico Palumbo, Angela Pisano and Flavia Squeglia. As the delegate of the Council is Mark Stabile.
Tuesday 22 at the Crowne Plaza interesting meeting
will moderate 'RAFFAELE Ceniccola Advocate General of the Supreme Court - Organized Order of Caserta -
Caserta (Ferdinand Terlizzi) Organized by the accountants and accounting experts in Caserta will be held Tuesday February 22, beginning at 15 at the Crowne Plaza (Ex Area Saint Gobain), an interesting conference on the theme: Mediation: The role of the accountant.
After the greeting of Peter Rauch, president of the Order, Mark Stabile, Director of the Arbitration and Conciliation Commission to the Council, Antonio Santagata, Chairman Committee on Arbitration and Conciliation Order, will introduce and moderate the debate, Raffaele Ceniccola, Attorney General Attorney General at the Court of Cassation. Interventions are planned Crescenzo Soriano, President Adr Network, conciliation bodies, Professor accredited to the Ministry of Justice for the settlement, who will speak on the topic: ”La conciliazione secondo il decreto legislativo del 2010: profili giuridici, prospettive professionali.
Seguirà poi l’intervento di Giuseppe De Biase, Componente Commissione Arbitrato e Conciliazione ODCEC di Caserta che parlerà sul tema delle “Le procedure applicative della disciplina del d.lgs. 28/2010”; seguirà Felice Ruscetta, Consigliere con delega alla Conciliazione del Consiglio Nazionale dei Dottori Commercialisti e degli Esperti Contabili tratteggerà un profilo dello Stato di attuazione della legge del 2010 ed il ruolo del Consiglio Nazionale.
La mediazione è una procedura di risoluzione delle controversie in base alla quale un terzo imparziale (il mediatore) assiste le parti in conflict to find the optimal solution of the problem and reach an agreement beneficial to both. The recent Legislative Decree 28, March 4, 2010, implementing the EU Directive 52/2008, has covered this important legal institution for civil and commercial disputes, in particular Article 5, paragraph 1, provides that "the condition of admissibility of the claim" the experiment compulsory attempt at mediation in disputes concerning condominium, real rights, division, inheritance, family agreements, lease, loan, rental companies, damages resulting from the movement of vehicles and boats, from medical liability and da diffamazione con il mezzo della stampa o con altro mezzo di pubblicità, contratti assicurativi, bancari e finanziari.
Le relative norme saranno ( la proroga di sei mesi, decretato l’altro giorno, riguarda però, soltanto le controversie per il risarcimento del danno derivante dalla circolazione di veicoli e natanti e delle controversie dei condomini ) esecutive dal 21.3.2011.
Obiettivo del Ministero della Giustizia è quello di “deflazionare” l’arretrato in materia civile e commerciale (oltre 5.000.000 di contenziosi) delegando alla conciliazione stragiudiziale ed ai professionisti conciliatori la risoluzione di parte di tali controversie pendenti, oltre, naturalmente, a creare un argine all’emergere new litigation. The conference is intended to highlight the state of the reform started with the D. Decree 28/2010 and the job prospects for economists who engage in such activity, also wants to make a contribution to spreading the culture of reconciliation as a means of alternative, non-replacement of ordinary justice, because this revolution before that legislation will be cultural and will receive the contribution of all.
Arbitration and Conciliation Commission of the Council of which he is president Antonio Santagata, include: Gaetano Grosso, Giuseppe de Biase, Carlo D'Abbrunzo, Nicola Di Dona, Nicolina Di Dona Rosario Esposito, Francesco Paolo Guidi, Roberto Iavarone, Domenico Oliva, Domenico Palumbo, Angela Pisano and Flavia Squeglia. As the delegate of the Council is Mark Stabile.
Package Novaform Grandmattress
The hearing set for March 9
before the Labour Court Judge S. Maria CV
Professor. Ciro Centore has filed a complaint with the protection of freedom of association
Syndicate FVM (Veterinary Medical Association)
Caserta - The head of the union "FVM SIVEMP (Veterinary Medical Association), Dr. Castaldo Pasquale Campanile, in his capacity as Deputy Regional Secretary, was forced to appeal to Mr Justice Labour, with the assistance of Prof. Cyrus Centore, refused to claim the right to organize and humiliated by the behavior of the vertices of the ASL Caserta and in particular by the Commissioner extraordinary legal rapp.te pt, appointed by decree of the Regional Bell n.596 of 08/05/2010, Dr. Paul Menduni, who had to approve a "reorganization" of the administrative and management departments, without the prior and necessary "information" to make the unions and even to proceed, albeit with a qualified assignment "provisionally" to the preposition of work units to the various departments and various units.
The resolution in question (dismissing, inter alia, positive promises previously made by the top Asl, who brought forth the first legal action taken and then the waiver thereof) and the alleged "reorganization" ex officio, non- Only reset and climbed over the declaration of willingness to overcome the litigation which is anchored by all the unions (which was already fixed for hearing 18/10/2010, before the Court, Sec. Lavoro, Judge Dr. Martorana), but determined, Once again, a reopening of the conflict and the violation of Article evident. N.300/70 28 of the Act (the Workers' Statute).
It embodies, in fact, at the end of Paragraph. 28 a true "action" intended to restrict or prevent the exercise of freedom and union activities, so that was no need, once again, before the Court, for the suppression of anti-union behavior.
"It 's clear that there has been no" prior information "required by the Workers' Statute and fixed with Legislative Decree n.25 02/06/2007, implementing Directive 2002/14 EC, as referred to OJ 67/2007. It is obvious that - said Prof. Ciro Centore, explained in his detailed all’Autorità Giudiziaria ( che porterà anche risvolti in sede penale ) che così operando, la ASL ha voluto mettere i Sindacati innanzi ad un fatto compiuto, creando sconcerto e disorientamento negli scritti dei singoli sindacati, a fronte di detta notizia, ma ancor più della delibera assunta “unilateralmente”, hanno manifestato il loro “disappunto” sia all’interno che all’esterno del Sindacato, con perdita di credibilità”.
Tra l’altro si consideri che la ASL, con la legge 1424 del 26/11/2010, ha avuto anche a riportare una notizia “infondata” quale è quella secondo cui, si era provveduto a comunicare al Sub-Commissario Governativo that occurred reorganization of the central and defining the responsibilities of the main centers of unique features, with its departmental organization was "well accepted by the unions and the leadership of the sector."
This circumstance is unfounded and has no evidence in any action, so that, even in this respect, they have created a confusion and a loss of credibility in the applicant union and the need to emphasize this behavior as "unconstitutional" and "misconduct" union. " It will all be discussed before the Labour Court Judge S. Maria CV hearing on 9 March which we will follow for our readers.
The hearing set for March 9
before the Labour Court Judge S. Maria CV
Professor. Ciro Centore has filed a complaint with the protection of freedom of association
Syndicate FVM (Veterinary Medical Association)
Caserta - The head of the union "FVM SIVEMP (Veterinary Medical Association), Dr. Castaldo Pasquale Campanile, in his capacity as Deputy Regional Secretary, was forced to appeal to Mr Justice Labour, with the assistance of Prof. Cyrus Centore, refused to claim the right to organize and humiliated by the behavior of the vertices of the ASL Caserta and in particular by the Commissioner extraordinary legal rapp.te pt, appointed by decree of the Regional Bell n.596 of 08/05/2010, Dr. Paul Menduni, who had to approve a "reorganization" of the administrative and management departments, without the prior and necessary "information" to make the unions and even to proceed, albeit with a qualified assignment "provisionally" to the preposition of work units to the various departments and various units.
The resolution in question (dismissing, inter alia, positive promises previously made by the top Asl, who brought forth the first legal action taken and then the waiver thereof) and the alleged "reorganization" ex officio, non- Only reset and climbed over the declaration of willingness to overcome the litigation which is anchored by all the unions (which was already fixed for hearing 18/10/2010, before the Court, Sec. Lavoro, Judge Dr. Martorana), but determined, Once again, a reopening of the conflict and the violation of Article evident. N.300/70 28 of the Act (the Workers' Statute).
It embodies, in fact, at the end of Paragraph. 28 a true "action" intended to restrict or prevent the exercise of freedom and union activities, so that was no need, once again, before the Court, for the suppression of anti-union behavior.
"It 's clear that there has been no" prior information "required by the Workers' Statute and fixed with Legislative Decree n.25 02/06/2007, implementing Directive 2002/14 EC, as referred to OJ 67/2007. It is obvious that - said Prof. Ciro Centore, explained in his detailed all’Autorità Giudiziaria ( che porterà anche risvolti in sede penale ) che così operando, la ASL ha voluto mettere i Sindacati innanzi ad un fatto compiuto, creando sconcerto e disorientamento negli scritti dei singoli sindacati, a fronte di detta notizia, ma ancor più della delibera assunta “unilateralmente”, hanno manifestato il loro “disappunto” sia all’interno che all’esterno del Sindacato, con perdita di credibilità”.
Tra l’altro si consideri che la ASL, con la legge 1424 del 26/11/2010, ha avuto anche a riportare una notizia “infondata” quale è quella secondo cui, si era provveduto a comunicare al Sub-Commissario Governativo that occurred reorganization of the central and defining the responsibilities of the main centers of unique features, with its departmental organization was "well accepted by the unions and the leadership of the sector."
This circumstance is unfounded and has no evidence in any action, so that, even in this respect, they have created a confusion and a loss of credibility in the applicant union and the need to emphasize this behavior as "unconstitutional" and "misconduct" union. " It will all be discussed before the Labour Court Judge S. Maria CV hearing on 9 March which we will follow for our readers.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Flamming Hot Cheetos Cause Hemroids
Wednesday, February 23 to 17 in Caserta MEET THE AUTHOR At the Library Mondadori "The Unholy Balance" by Giuseppe Garofalo
Caserta - Another important cultural encounter, at the Libreria Mondadori, in Corso Trieste in Caserta. Wednesday, February 23, at 17: 00, in fact, the criminal lawyer Gennaro Iannotti (newly elected to the Governing Council of the Criminal Chamber of the Court of S. Maria CV) will moderate the debate for the presentation of the book "The Unholy balance" of Giuseppe Garofalo. Interview with the author, Dr. Anthony Pepe, President of the Criminal Division of the Court of Santa Maria Capua Vetere and Dr. Vincent Gisondi, Financial Advisor - UBI Banca Private Investment - Phil. Caserta.
Giuseppe Garofalo, known criminal Sammaritano, intense professional activity. He is the author of two successful books, "Theater of Justice" (Tullio Pironti, 1996) and the Neapolitan Camorra War "(Tullio Pironti, 2005). In this new work "The Unholy Balance", shearers of money and justice, the offender under the eyes of the reader old vices and defects of the new scales of justice. With simple language moves between the ancient and modern law with the agility and the ease of someone who knows the tools of mestiere.
“L’Empia Bilancia”, con sottotitolo “ TOSATORI DI MONETE E DI GIUSTIZIA” è uno spaccato sulla Storia del Regno di Napoli ai margini di un processo al direttore del Banco dello Spirito Santo del 1747, accusato di tosare monete – “Chi tosava le monete – ironizza l’autore con la sua vena sarcastica di autorevole storico – “era condannato a morte… chi tosava le leggi veniva, spesso, elevato a grado di giureconsulto”.
Nel libro è tra l’altro raccontata la strenua difesa dei suoi avvocati e i retroscena per scongiurare il “taglio della testa” del cassiere Gaspare Starace, condannato a morte. Le arringhe difensive and original documents in the dramatic and witty story out of the poisoned pen of the noted criminal lawyer Sammaritano.

Caserta - Another important cultural encounter, at the Libreria Mondadori, in Corso Trieste in Caserta. Wednesday, February 23, at 17: 00, in fact, the criminal lawyer Gennaro Iannotti (newly elected to the Governing Council of the Criminal Chamber of the Court of S. Maria CV) will moderate the debate for the presentation of the book "The Unholy balance" of Giuseppe Garofalo. Interview with the author, Dr. Anthony Pepe, President of the Criminal Division of the Court of Santa Maria Capua Vetere and Dr. Vincent Gisondi, Financial Advisor - UBI Banca Private Investment - Phil. Caserta.
Giuseppe Garofalo, known criminal Sammaritano, intense professional activity. He is the author of two successful books, "Theater of Justice" (Tullio Pironti, 1996) and the Neapolitan Camorra War "(Tullio Pironti, 2005). In this new work "The Unholy Balance", shearers of money and justice, the offender under the eyes of the reader old vices and defects of the new scales of justice. With simple language moves between the ancient and modern law with the agility and the ease of someone who knows the tools of mestiere.
“L’Empia Bilancia”, con sottotitolo “ TOSATORI DI MONETE E DI GIUSTIZIA” è uno spaccato sulla Storia del Regno di Napoli ai margini di un processo al direttore del Banco dello Spirito Santo del 1747, accusato di tosare monete – “Chi tosava le monete – ironizza l’autore con la sua vena sarcastica di autorevole storico – “era condannato a morte… chi tosava le leggi veniva, spesso, elevato a grado di giureconsulto”.
Nel libro è tra l’altro raccontata la strenua difesa dei suoi avvocati e i retroscena per scongiurare il “taglio della testa” del cassiere Gaspare Starace, condannato a morte. Le arringhe difensive and original documents in the dramatic and witty story out of the poisoned pen of the noted criminal lawyer Sammaritano.
How Long Does Water Take To Freeze Ice
Scam ASL, postponed until May 19 the decision to unify or not the two trial of Roberto Saviano's father and other doctors of Caserta - The ball is in the college Lello Magi A - The offenses to the prescription-
S. Maria CV - (FerTerPress) Yesterday the President of the College B of the first section of the Court of St. Maria CV, Francesco Ciocia, in favor of the request for some advocates, has put all the records of the trial for fraud and forgery against Luigi Saviano, doctor, writer father Robert and other doctors and clinics Caserta, which was at its screening at the boarding school in the first section of which he is President Raffaello Magi. On 19 May, the president of the college (before which there was already another process with the same defendants and for the same crimes) must decide whether or not to unify the two sections.
Saviano's father, a doctor, Luigi Saviano in Frattamaggiore was indicted, along with other professionals, for fraud, corruption and extortion against receiving ASL for a series of false analysis and other requirements. The story dates back to 2004 and now draws to a prescription.
The other processes are involved in some owners of centers such as radiology Caserta Aniello Morrone Ginolfi and Antonio, but also doctors, Pasquale Corvino, Fierce Sonia, Iannitti Eduardo Eugenio Riccardelli, Vincenzo Graziano Tuoro, Peter and Mary Magdalene Susia Fois of Caserta, the son of Hermes Tornatore, Luca Luigi. With them are also under investigation finished Eugenio Ciaraffa Atella Orta, Angelo De Laurentis of San Cipriano D'Aversa, Eduardo Giannini of Naples, Vincenzo Matrunola of Rocca d'Evandro, Mario Meer of Naples, Naples Alberto Migliore, Paul and Renato Morrone Morrone children Aniello of Caserta, the official Pacific Carlo Caserta, Antonio Pascale Pietravairano, France makes of Naples, Rosa Robertazzo of Naples, Domenico Sabatini Bacoli, Tartaglione Angela Nocera Inferiore. All
arises from a local health scam company. In essence, the doctors of the ASL Caserta and Naples were performed on a number of challenging clinical analysis in relation to patients who had never visited the family doctor, but were themselves professionals - not all but some of them - that directed patients at approved centers and nursing homes. Demanding that were sent to local health authorities who issued the payments. The alleged facts relate to the years 2000/2004.
So far, however, the father of the author of Gomorra defended himself claiming to have suffered a fraud. The lawyer Marina Di Siena, civil, following Luigi Saviano explains: "Dr. Saviano was actually the victim of a scam: for an incident dating back to a period between the third and fourth quarter of 2004. "The explanation:" Hit by a severe autoimmune disease, Luigi Saviano had to resort to blood transfusion and asked to be replaced for three months. The deputy, Angelo Luca Capasso, identified as medically known, even in a matter of replacement, proceeded to prescriptions that were not covered in the habits of the owner. Demanding that the ASL challenged to return to Dr. Saviano. "Capasso turned out that was not even a doctor, was not entitled to exercise the profession, was using a false stamp - continued the lawyer - However, the local health authorities, however, proceeded with regard to Saviano, requesting a refund of € 10 000, and suspending from work. "
lawyers engaged in the process are: Henry Accinni, Michele Fraietta, Joseph Stellato, Alberto Martucci, Roberto Garofalo, and Bernard Lombardi.
Scam ASL, postponed until May 19 the decision to unify or not the two trial of Roberto Saviano's father and other doctors of Caserta - The ball is in the college Lello Magi A - The offenses to the prescription-
S. Maria CV - (FerTerPress) Yesterday the President of the College B of the first section of the Court of St. Maria CV, Francesco Ciocia, in favor of the request for some advocates, has put all the records of the trial for fraud and forgery against Luigi Saviano, doctor, writer father Robert and other doctors and clinics Caserta, which was at its screening at the boarding school in the first section of which he is President Raffaello Magi. On 19 May, the president of the college (before which there was already another process with the same defendants and for the same crimes) must decide whether or not to unify the two sections.
Saviano's father, a doctor, Luigi Saviano in Frattamaggiore was indicted, along with other professionals, for fraud, corruption and extortion against receiving ASL for a series of false analysis and other requirements. The story dates back to 2004 and now draws to a prescription.
The other processes are involved in some owners of centers such as radiology Caserta Aniello Morrone Ginolfi and Antonio, but also doctors, Pasquale Corvino, Fierce Sonia, Iannitti Eduardo Eugenio Riccardelli, Vincenzo Graziano Tuoro, Peter and Mary Magdalene Susia Fois of Caserta, the son of Hermes Tornatore, Luca Luigi. With them are also under investigation finished Eugenio Ciaraffa Atella Orta, Angelo De Laurentis of San Cipriano D'Aversa, Eduardo Giannini of Naples, Vincenzo Matrunola of Rocca d'Evandro, Mario Meer of Naples, Naples Alberto Migliore, Paul and Renato Morrone Morrone children Aniello of Caserta, the official Pacific Carlo Caserta, Antonio Pascale Pietravairano, France makes of Naples, Rosa Robertazzo of Naples, Domenico Sabatini Bacoli, Tartaglione Angela Nocera Inferiore. All
arises from a local health scam company. In essence, the doctors of the ASL Caserta and Naples were performed on a number of challenging clinical analysis in relation to patients who had never visited the family doctor, but were themselves professionals - not all but some of them - that directed patients at approved centers and nursing homes. Demanding that were sent to local health authorities who issued the payments. The alleged facts relate to the years 2000/2004.
So far, however, the father of the author of Gomorra defended himself claiming to have suffered a fraud. The lawyer Marina Di Siena, civil, following Luigi Saviano explains: "Dr. Saviano was actually the victim of a scam: for an incident dating back to a period between the third and fourth quarter of 2004. "The explanation:" Hit by a severe autoimmune disease, Luigi Saviano had to resort to blood transfusion and asked to be replaced for three months. The deputy, Angelo Luca Capasso, identified as medically known, even in a matter of replacement, proceeded to prescriptions that were not covered in the habits of the owner. Demanding that the ASL challenged to return to Dr. Saviano. "Capasso turned out that was not even a doctor, was not entitled to exercise the profession, was using a false stamp - continued the lawyer - However, the local health authorities, however, proceeded with regard to Saviano, requesting a refund of € 10 000, and suspending from work. "
lawyers engaged in the process are: Henry Accinni, Michele Fraietta, Joseph Stellato, Alberto Martucci, Roberto Garofalo, and Bernard Lombardi.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Colonoscopy Gave Me Hemorrhoids
at the School of Education of the Bar of S. Maria CV
administrative justice and Business Banking in credit management
Two interesting seminars. begins on Tuesday refresher course for lawyers. They will present the program on Presidente dell’Ordine, Avv. Elio Sticco e l’Avv. Eduardo Ernesto Margarita. Seguirà una prolusione di Carlo Buonauro, magistrato del Tar – Tra i docenti il Prof. Avv. Ciro Centore
S. Maria C.V. ( di Ferdinando Terlizzi ) – Organizzato dall’Ordine degli Avvocati di S. Maria C.V., inizierà martedì prossimo ( e si concluderà il 29 marzo ) presso la Scuola di Formazione, il corso di aggiornamento professionale per avvocati e praticanti avvocati. Il tema sarà quello della nuova normativa del processo amministrativo. La partecipazione ai sette incontri attribuisce 30 crediti formativi. Il seminario affronta sette argomenti in materia di giustizia amministrativa, come detto, alla luce del new code of the process of great interest and importance, and will be supplemented by meetings of ethics and security, according to the guidelines established by the National Bar Council.
After the greetings of President Elio Sticco will follow the opening lecture, which will be held by the magistrate of the Tar Campania Buonaura Dr. Carlo, and will focus on the theme: "Justice administrative pretoria elaboration coding. The general principles in the code of the administrative process. " The organization was cured in every detail by the lawyer. Annamaria Sticco. At the end of each session will develop a debate with the participation of all learners present. During
degli incontri si alterneranno i docenti: Avv. Paolo Del Vecchio, Avvocato dello Stato, ( il giudizio di primo grado ); Avv. Antonio Romano, ( le impugnazioni ); il Dott. Michele Buonauro, magistrato Tar Campania, ( i riti speciali, prima parte ); Avv. Pasquale Marotta e Avv. Prof. Ciro Centore ( i riti speciali, seconda parte ); Dott. Luca Cestaro, magistrato Tar Campania, ( l’esecuzione); Avv. Carlo Maria Palmiero, (il codice deontologico ); Dott. Carlo Galloppi, commercialista in Napoli, (Il sistema pensionistico e previdenziale dell’Avvocatura).
Dal 4 marzo al 27 maggio invece, avrà luogo un altro interessante ed attualissimo aggiornamento sul tema: “Notizie Banking on Firms in the management of savings and loans. Business Insurance and Responsibility ". Represented by Laura Tonelli and Elizabeth Carconi (Unicredit Credit Menagement Bamk) will speak on: "Recent developments in the banking law" and "The social function of business credit and calling the bank. On''and "operations of the bank in the recovery of the claim and would oversee the banks."
followed by Att. Francesco Cattich, (Head of the Secretariat of the Area Legal and Corporate Affairs dell'Unicredit) a lecture on "the protection of savings in the provision dei servizi di investimento”. Mentre il Dr. Roberto Boscia, Direttore risorse umane East Europa, Turchia, CIS & paesi Baltici di ORANGE Business Services (France Telecom Group), parlerà sull’ “innovazione tecnologica sul rapporto di lavoro nell’Era 2.0: risvolti strutturali e regolamentari”. Del “risarcimento del danno in RCA. Normativa, la richiesta dei danni e le tempistiche previste dalla legge”, tratterà invece il Dr. Gaetano Occorsio, (Responsabile rete liquidativa SARA).
Seguiranno le lezioni del Prof. Roberto Rosapepe , ordinario di diritto Commerciale all’Università di Salerno, sul tema “Concordati e soluzioni stragiudiziali the company crisis. " The "European Investment Bank: legal aspects and operational profiles" will speak instead the 'Mr. Alfredo Panarella, Director of "institutional and operational policies in the European Union with the General Secretariat and Legal Affairs of the European Investment Bank (EIB).
of "Private insurance" will speak to Prof. Dr. Ascanio Sirignano, Professor Forensic Medicine University of Camerino. In closing the seminar on "Lawyer, privacy and professional ethics" and "necessary requirements for obtaining a pension," the lawyer will speak respectively. Giannico Bruno and Dr. Charles Galloppa, accountant in Naples.

at the School of Education of the Bar of S. Maria CV
administrative justice and Business Banking in credit management
Two interesting seminars. begins on Tuesday refresher course for lawyers. They will present the program on Presidente dell’Ordine, Avv. Elio Sticco e l’Avv. Eduardo Ernesto Margarita. Seguirà una prolusione di Carlo Buonauro, magistrato del Tar – Tra i docenti il Prof. Avv. Ciro Centore
S. Maria C.V. ( di Ferdinando Terlizzi ) – Organizzato dall’Ordine degli Avvocati di S. Maria C.V., inizierà martedì prossimo ( e si concluderà il 29 marzo ) presso la Scuola di Formazione, il corso di aggiornamento professionale per avvocati e praticanti avvocati. Il tema sarà quello della nuova normativa del processo amministrativo. La partecipazione ai sette incontri attribuisce 30 crediti formativi. Il seminario affronta sette argomenti in materia di giustizia amministrativa, come detto, alla luce del new code of the process of great interest and importance, and will be supplemented by meetings of ethics and security, according to the guidelines established by the National Bar Council.
After the greetings of President Elio Sticco will follow the opening lecture, which will be held by the magistrate of the Tar Campania Buonaura Dr. Carlo, and will focus on the theme: "Justice administrative pretoria elaboration coding. The general principles in the code of the administrative process. " The organization was cured in every detail by the lawyer. Annamaria Sticco. At the end of each session will develop a debate with the participation of all learners present. During
degli incontri si alterneranno i docenti: Avv. Paolo Del Vecchio, Avvocato dello Stato, ( il giudizio di primo grado ); Avv. Antonio Romano, ( le impugnazioni ); il Dott. Michele Buonauro, magistrato Tar Campania, ( i riti speciali, prima parte ); Avv. Pasquale Marotta e Avv. Prof. Ciro Centore ( i riti speciali, seconda parte ); Dott. Luca Cestaro, magistrato Tar Campania, ( l’esecuzione); Avv. Carlo Maria Palmiero, (il codice deontologico ); Dott. Carlo Galloppi, commercialista in Napoli, (Il sistema pensionistico e previdenziale dell’Avvocatura).
Dal 4 marzo al 27 maggio invece, avrà luogo un altro interessante ed attualissimo aggiornamento sul tema: “Notizie Banking on Firms in the management of savings and loans. Business Insurance and Responsibility ". Represented by Laura Tonelli and Elizabeth Carconi (Unicredit Credit Menagement Bamk) will speak on: "Recent developments in the banking law" and "The social function of business credit and calling the bank. On''and "operations of the bank in the recovery of the claim and would oversee the banks."
followed by Att. Francesco Cattich, (Head of the Secretariat of the Area Legal and Corporate Affairs dell'Unicredit) a lecture on "the protection of savings in the provision dei servizi di investimento”. Mentre il Dr. Roberto Boscia, Direttore risorse umane East Europa, Turchia, CIS & paesi Baltici di ORANGE Business Services (France Telecom Group), parlerà sull’ “innovazione tecnologica sul rapporto di lavoro nell’Era 2.0: risvolti strutturali e regolamentari”. Del “risarcimento del danno in RCA. Normativa, la richiesta dei danni e le tempistiche previste dalla legge”, tratterà invece il Dr. Gaetano Occorsio, (Responsabile rete liquidativa SARA).
Seguiranno le lezioni del Prof. Roberto Rosapepe , ordinario di diritto Commerciale all’Università di Salerno, sul tema “Concordati e soluzioni stragiudiziali the company crisis. " The "European Investment Bank: legal aspects and operational profiles" will speak instead the 'Mr. Alfredo Panarella, Director of "institutional and operational policies in the European Union with the General Secretariat and Legal Affairs of the European Investment Bank (EIB).
of "Private insurance" will speak to Prof. Dr. Ascanio Sirignano, Professor Forensic Medicine University of Camerino. In closing the seminar on "Lawyer, privacy and professional ethics" and "necessary requirements for obtaining a pension," the lawyer will speak respectively. Giannico Bruno and Dr. Charles Galloppa, accountant in Naples.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Certification For Unemployment
My article on ACE OF CASERTA
L 'ACI: a caravan PERSONAL USE
I Sessa Aurunca the Secretary-General, the Chairman and the Director of the seat of Caserta. A lot of patronage hiring. A hole of 32 million euros. In perhaps the construction of the plant planned for the city aurunca - Seven employees redundant and summarized in Caserta, despite the decision of the court of Labor
Caserta - (Ferdinand Terlizzi) - Yesterday, the national press, with extensive and detailed services, has given a warning signal for the whole country about the dangers and unreliability of services dell’ACI. Ma la sede di Caserta è già da tempo appannaggio delle grinfie personali di uomini che l’hanno trascinata sull’orlo del fallimento con una gestione clientelare e forsennata. Ma l’aspetto più inquietante è che tutto ruota intorno ad un solo personaggio e tutto nasce e muore a Sessa Aurunca.
Di Sessa Aurunca sono infatti, il Segretario Generale Ascanio Rozera ( con 320 mila euro all’anno di appannaggio); il Presidente Avv. Giuseppe Patrone e il direttore Perretta Marino, della Sede di Caserta, oltre a quelli assunti nell’Ente. Moltissimi sessani sono stati assunti in tempi diversi e con diverse qualifiche alla sede di Roma ( ma non facciamo i nomi ) per la maggior parte donne that are part of families that count in the social and political fabric of the city aurunca. But the list is long and endless. Di Sessa Aurunca also the editor of the periodical "AciCaserta, the journalist Oreste D'Onofrio and defense lawyers study Hole & Magnificent and Sessa Aurunca time a system at a cost of more than 6 million. Even here, given a branch, a point Aci, with all services ((including insurance) and denied to anyone who had previously asked not kneel on all fours to the powerful leaders of Sessa Aurunca.
By contrast in the prestigious Caserta (property of the Via Nazario Sauro to 10) with 7 employees were laid off (but no sex and aurunca) and despite the court has ordered the reintegration in the workplace are many families on the street. The defenders appealed the ACI but anchwe gioudice the second degree has given reason aio employees ... But no avail so far, attempts by the lawyer's office by Stanga Dominic Caserta (which defends fired) to reach a settlement.
While in Rome the last budget has a gap of 34 million euro, but the managers continue to collect premiums and invest in production advice. E 'was meanwhile announced a plan for disposal of property, was sold a bank, and employees begin to fear losing their jobs but have already lost to Caserta.
An institution "master", armored, half and half bandwagon Association of State, the Directors still always in the saddle in spite of everything and executives cashing reward even in the face of losses in four zeros. This, and much more for the truth, is the ACI, Automobile Club of Italy. Repository of a glorious sporting history to say the least, a company with 3 000 people on the payroll and 1 billion euro a year in turnover. The club, so let's call it, has 106 offices and provincial and operates as a monopoly business millionaires: the Grand Prix from Monza only worth 60 million euro, Pra, the Public Vehicle Register, which brings in cash 220 million a year.
But the accounts are in red and now the nodes of a management on a personal coming home to roost, with a hole in the last budget of 34 million €. Result? In recent days, the symbolic price of one euro ACI was forced to yield to the Banca Intesa Sanpaolo Sara. And to settle the accounts the president Enrico Gelpi, number two of the International Federation of the car, and the Secretary-General Rozera Ascanio, deus ex machina of the institution, announced a plan for the sale of public property.
But the waste continues unabated and the heads of the institution continue to spend undisturbed million euro in external consultants and to pay mega chips to board members sitting on chairs of a myriad of subsidiaries, most at a loss. But that subsidiaries are active in or has a little loss, because that is the golden rule of the parent: that those who remain in the saddle administrator for life beyond the operating results. ACI is at the top of four consecutive terms the powerful Secretary Rozera Ascanio from Sessa Aurunca, who earns € 320 000 per year to have almost absolute control of the machine managers.
And it's always the deus ex machina Rozera from Ace '72, which runs the investment of € 6 million to implement, in its Comune di nascita, Sessa Aurunca (Caserta), il primo centro di guida sicura dell'Aci nel Sud Italia. Impianto, che, finora ha fatto la fine del Consorzio Aurunca Shopping. Le ragioni dei ritardi? Misteri? Alla Pirandello: Uno nessuno e centomila.
L 'ACI: a caravan PERSONAL USE
I Sessa Aurunca the Secretary-General, the Chairman and the Director of the seat of Caserta. A lot of patronage hiring. A hole of 32 million euros. In perhaps the construction of the plant planned for the city aurunca - Seven employees redundant and summarized in Caserta, despite the decision of the court of Labor
Caserta - (Ferdinand Terlizzi) - Yesterday, the national press, with extensive and detailed services, has given a warning signal for the whole country about the dangers and unreliability of services dell’ACI. Ma la sede di Caserta è già da tempo appannaggio delle grinfie personali di uomini che l’hanno trascinata sull’orlo del fallimento con una gestione clientelare e forsennata. Ma l’aspetto più inquietante è che tutto ruota intorno ad un solo personaggio e tutto nasce e muore a Sessa Aurunca.
Di Sessa Aurunca sono infatti, il Segretario Generale Ascanio Rozera ( con 320 mila euro all’anno di appannaggio); il Presidente Avv. Giuseppe Patrone e il direttore Perretta Marino, della Sede di Caserta, oltre a quelli assunti nell’Ente. Moltissimi sessani sono stati assunti in tempi diversi e con diverse qualifiche alla sede di Roma ( ma non facciamo i nomi ) per la maggior parte donne that are part of families that count in the social and political fabric of the city aurunca. But the list is long and endless. Di Sessa Aurunca also the editor of the periodical "AciCaserta, the journalist Oreste D'Onofrio and defense lawyers study Hole & Magnificent and Sessa Aurunca time a system at a cost of more than 6 million. Even here, given a branch, a point Aci, with all services ((including insurance) and denied to anyone who had previously asked not kneel on all fours to the powerful leaders of Sessa Aurunca.
By contrast in the prestigious Caserta (property of the Via Nazario Sauro to 10) with 7 employees were laid off (but no sex and aurunca) and despite the court has ordered the reintegration in the workplace are many families on the street. The defenders appealed the ACI but anchwe gioudice the second degree has given reason aio employees ... But no avail so far, attempts by the lawyer's office by Stanga Dominic Caserta (which defends fired) to reach a settlement.
While in Rome the last budget has a gap of 34 million euro, but the managers continue to collect premiums and invest in production advice. E 'was meanwhile announced a plan for disposal of property, was sold a bank, and employees begin to fear losing their jobs but have already lost to Caserta.
An institution "master", armored, half and half bandwagon Association of State, the Directors still always in the saddle in spite of everything and executives cashing reward even in the face of losses in four zeros. This, and much more for the truth, is the ACI, Automobile Club of Italy. Repository of a glorious sporting history to say the least, a company with 3 000 people on the payroll and 1 billion euro a year in turnover. The club, so let's call it, has 106 offices and provincial and operates as a monopoly business millionaires: the Grand Prix from Monza only worth 60 million euro, Pra, the Public Vehicle Register, which brings in cash 220 million a year.
But the accounts are in red and now the nodes of a management on a personal coming home to roost, with a hole in the last budget of 34 million €. Result? In recent days, the symbolic price of one euro ACI was forced to yield to the Banca Intesa Sanpaolo Sara. And to settle the accounts the president Enrico Gelpi, number two of the International Federation of the car, and the Secretary-General Rozera Ascanio, deus ex machina of the institution, announced a plan for the sale of public property.
But the waste continues unabated and the heads of the institution continue to spend undisturbed million euro in external consultants and to pay mega chips to board members sitting on chairs of a myriad of subsidiaries, most at a loss. But that subsidiaries are active in or has a little loss, because that is the golden rule of the parent: that those who remain in the saddle administrator for life beyond the operating results. ACI is at the top of four consecutive terms the powerful Secretary Rozera Ascanio from Sessa Aurunca, who earns € 320 000 per year to have almost absolute control of the machine managers.
And it's always the deus ex machina Rozera from Ace '72, which runs the investment of € 6 million to implement, in its Comune di nascita, Sessa Aurunca (Caserta), il primo centro di guida sicura dell'Aci nel Sud Italia. Impianto, che, finora ha fatto la fine del Consorzio Aurunca Shopping. Le ragioni dei ritardi? Misteri? Alla Pirandello: Uno nessuno e centomila.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Songs To Play Basketball To
Di Sessa Aurunca sono il Presidente e il direttore della Sede di Caserta.
Moltissimi i sessani assunti nell’Ente -
In forse la costruzione dell’impianto di Sessa Aurunca -
hands of politics behind the crisis of the association. The hole is the last budget of € 34 million, but executives continue to collect premiums and invest in production advice. Plan announced sale of public property, sold a bank, and employees begin to fear losing their jobs
ANTONIO FRASCHILLA (Republic February 4, 2010)
Di Sessa Aurunca sono il Presidente e il direttore della Sede di Caserta.
Moltissimi i sessani assunti nell’Ente -
In forse la costruzione dell’impianto di Sessa Aurunca -
hands of politics behind the crisis of the association. The hole is the last budget of € 34 million, but executives continue to collect premiums and invest in production advice. Plan announced sale of public property, sold a bank, and employees begin to fear losing their jobs
ANTONIO FRASCHILLA (Republic February 4, 2010)
An institution "master", armored half association and half bandwagon of State, administrators always remained in the saddle in spite of everything and executives cashing reward even in the face di perdite di bilancio a quattro zeri. Questo, e molto altro per la verità, è l'Aci, Automobile club d'Italia. Depositario di una storia sportiva a dir poco gloriosa, impresa con 3 mila persone a libro paga e 1 miliardo di euro all'anno di giro d'affari. E anche holding su cui hanno messo addosso gli occhi - e talvolta anche le mani - i falchi del Pdl, a cominciare dai ministri Michela Vittoria Brambilla e Ignazio La Russa. Il club, chiamiamolo così, ha 106 sedi provinciali e gestisce e in regime di monopolio business milionari: dal Gran Premio di Monza che da solo vale 60 milioni di euro, al Pra, il Pubblico registro automobilistico, che porta in cassa 220 milioni all'anno.
Ma i conti sono in rosso e adesso i nodi di una gestione ad personam arrivano al pettine, con un buco nell'ultimo bilancio di 34 milioni di euro. Risultato? Nei giorni scorsi al prezzo simbolico di un euro l'Aci è stata costretta a cedere a Intesa Sanpaolo la controllata Banca Sara. E per ripianare i conti il presidente Enrico Gelpi, numero due della Federazione internazionale dell'auto, e il segretario generale Ascanio Rozera, deus ex machina dell'ente, hanno annunciato un piano di dismissione degli immobili. I sindacati sono preoccupati: "La svalutazione del patrimonio sta rendendo l'Aci sempre più fragile, a rischio sono centinaia di posti di lavoro", denuncia Daniele Nola della Funzione pubblica Cgil, mentre in alcuni sedi sull'orlo del crac i dipendenti iniziano a non ricevere più lo stipendio, come accade a Palermo. Ma lo spreco prosegue senza sosta e i vertici dell'ente continuano indisturbati a spendere milioni di euro in consulenze esterne e a versare mega gettoni ai consiglieri d'amministrazione seduti sulle poltrone di una miriade di controllate, la gran parte in perdita. Ma quante sono le sezioni in difficoltà e quali gli sprechi a livello centrale? Chi ha governato l'Aci negli anni del crac? E, soprattutto, chi ha messo le mani sul cuore economico dell'ente, a partire dell'Aci Milano?
I bilanci in rosso. Se fino al 2008, nonostante le spese per ripianare i deficit delle subsidiaries, the Automobile club recorded a surplus of 800 000 €, two years is in constant red and forecasts for 2011 this is certainly not the best. In 2009, the assessed loss is 30 million €, which become 34 in 2010 and 2011 an estimated 16 million hole. "Blame the reduction in demand for cars, and thus the revenue of the Pra, but also for loss of profits of subsidiaries," said the Chairman Gelpi unions. In reality, not a tap of expenditure has been closed. And nothing has been done to reduce the deficit of local Aci, many of which are on the verge of bankruptcy. According to the latest statements of the local branches, 57 are well over 106 at a loss. With records like that ACI Palermo, which marks a less than € 6 million for four months and does not pay wages to 20 employees of a subsidiary (ACI service): "For five years the board of directors who led the section of Palermo have squandered the resources and accumulated debts against the revenue in disregard of all, "says Marianna Flute of the UIL. In loss, among others, the offices of Ancona (red by € 2 million mark since 2008), Cagliari (1 million), Catanzaro (1 million), Macerata (1 million with a lot of mortgage on home) Lecco ( 4 million, with 2 million be returned to the middle section), Padova (1.7 million), Rome (5 million) and Venice (2 million). But the leaders in Rome are doing something to reverse course? There are amministratori che hanno lasciato la poltrona dopo questi disastri? Il Comitato esecutivo presieduto da Gelpi nella seduta dello scorso 18 ottobre ha approvato senza battere ciglio i bilanci di previsione degli Automobile club di Agrigento (che segna un rosso da 500 mila euro da rendiconto 2008), Ragusa (1 milione di deficit) e Reggio Calabria (300 mila euro di buco), limitandosi a invitare "gli organi di Palermo a porre ogni iniziativa necessaria al ripristino dell'equilibrio gestionale". Bocciati invece i bilanci di Caltanissetta e Bolzano e commissariate nel 2010 le sedi di Nuoro, Macerata, Oristano, Reggio Calabria, Salerno, Pistoia, Brescia, Venezia, Brescia e Padova. Insomma, è stato fatto poco o nulla.
not be better then on the front of the subsidiaries, bringing the turnover to almost one billion ACI. The main Aci computer that only works for the institution, ACI Vallelunga racing circuit that handles the same name, Aci sport by sporting events, Aci Progeo care that a property worth tens of millions, the travel agency Ventura the insurance company Sara, and Aci Mondadori in charge of publications and initiatives related to the publishing house of Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. Apart from the information society, the others are almost all in red everlasting, from the most profitable on paper, namely Sara insurance, which is no coincidence that at the end of December, it sold its subsidiary, Banca Sara: istituto di credito nato nel 2002 alla Banca di Roma, passato poi nel 2004 all'Aci che contava di sfruttare la propria ramificazione territoriale per incrementarne i fatturati. In realtà Banca Sara si è rivelata subito una zavorra e in pochi mesi si è svalutata per 34 milioni di euro. Per trovare un acquirente si è mosso il gotha della finanza vicina al premier Berlusconi: prima il suo socio Ennio Doris con Mediolanum e poi quella Banca Intesa di Corrado Passera che con Palazzo Chigi ha già portato a termine l'operazione Alitalia. Alla fine, il 23 dicembre scorso, Intesa ha rilevato al prezzo simbolico di un euro Banca Sara. Almeno così una voce di spesa a vuoto è stata eliminata.
Poltrone e consulenze. Ma che le controllate siano in attivo o in perdita conta poco, perché vale la regola d'oro della capogruppo: e cioè che chi è in sella rimane amministratore a vita al di là dei risultati di gestione. Al vertice dell'Aci c'è da quattro mandati consecutivi il potentissimo segretario Ascanio Rozera, da Sessa Aurunca, che guadagna 320 mila all'anno per avere il controllo quasi assoluto della macchina dirigenziale. È lui che impartisce trasferimenti e piazza suoi uomini nelle sedi di mezza Italia: a partire dal direttore Fabrizio Turci, che Rozera ha voluto alla direzione dell'Aci Milano, e che il mese scorso è appena entrato anche nella Sias, ente che gestisce l'autodromo di Monza con relativo ghiottissimo Gran premio. È Rozera che dà tre poltrone a Francesco Cervadoro, direttore Aci delle sedi di Catanzaro e Reggio Calabria, con altro incarico a Roma come responsabile "funzione progettuale".
Ed è sempre il deus ex machina Rozera, dal '72 all'Aci, che avvia l'investimento di 6 milioni di euro per realizzare nel suo Comune di nascita, Sessa Aurunca (Caserta), il primo centro di guida sicura dell'Aci nel Sud Italia.
Se Rozera è l'uomo forte, dal 2008 il presidente dell'Aci è Enrico Gelpi, comasco, numero due della Fia, che per la guida dell'Automobile club guadagna 270 mila euro all'anno. Al vertice ci sono poi i vicepresidenti, alcuni con doppia e tripla poltrona. Un esempio? Pasquale De Vita, storico presidente dell'Unione petrolifera italiana, ma che da oltre dieci anni amministra l'Aci di Roma e Aci informatica. Nel comitato esecutivo c'è poi Angelo Sticchi Damiani, che presiede l'Aci di Lecce e Aci consult. Sono loro gli uomini che da anni guidano il carrozzone, senza mai frenare le spese.
Non a caso proprio in un Executive Committee recently that of last July 15, was the decision to give nearly all the 100 leaders reward, despite the negative trend of expenditure. Rain fell at a premium even on those who, at first, the same internal organs ACI believed to exclude: the Audit Committee had, for example, explicitly said that it had not been able to verify the achievement of management objectives for two managers, because they had not assigned any particular target. Well, the Executive Committee has however decided to award the maximum allowed, is that a bonus equal to 30 percent of basic pay. Prizes for all, so even if the directors non hanno fatto nulla nemmeno per ridurre i tassi record d'assenteismo che si registrano all'Aci: dalla direzione centrale, che a ottobre ha fatto registrare un assenteismo del 19,40 per cento, al record delle sede di Agrigento che arriva al 30 per cento.
Lo spreco continua. Se i vertici hanno ritenuto necessario spendere 20 mila euro per piazzare gazebo ai concerti di Irene Grandi fatti in estate a Gardone Riviera e Verona, nonostante i problemi di bilancio nel comitato del 19 ottobre è stato autorizzato un prelievo dal fondo di riserva per coprire le spese impreviste della "Settimana delle conferenza della Fia" che si è svolta a Cernobbio: The planned spending for the event was 370 000 €, but in the end the cost was € 630 000. Aci But you know, it always pays. Not a euro less then has been spent in consulting: scrolling through the list of external mandates entrusted in 2010, springing from 1,100 € for 3 payments on law review articles online or ACI for 18 000 euro only to support activities' organization of an award of degree.
The quarrels of the parties. The ACI, however, always makes my throat. Why? What are the mechanisms that link the policy to intervene in its management? One seat is coveted by Milan, from which governs Sias, the company that runs the Grand Prix at Monza, which alone is worth 50 million euro. Milan on ACE and slingshots Minister Michela Vittoria Brambilla, sparking a war that has brought three prosecutors, including Monza, Milan and Rome, to investigate the renewal of the board and buy suspicion of membership cards. Everything started last summer when to proceed with the renewal of the Board, the Commissioner Massimiliano Brambilla sent as Ermolli, son of Bruno has always been faithful managers from Berlusconi's Fininvest times. Ermolli junior now decide to exclude una lista, che si chiamava "Per la trasparenza", guidata da Iacopo Bini Smaghi, cinquantenne ex manager dell'Altea (società del settore auto), che assicurava nel suo programma di far "fuori la politica dall'Aci milanese". Ermolli fa di più: da commissario si candida nell'altra lista rimasta in corsa, l'unica. Risultato? Il 22 luglio, sotto la supervisione del neo direttore, quel Turci fedelissimo di Rozera, viene eletto dai soci tesserati il consiglio direttivo, che indica presidente Carlo Edoardo Valli, già guida della Camera di commercio brianzola e imprenditore molto noto in Lombardia. Con lui al vertice dell'Aci salgono, tra gli altri, anche il compagno del ministro Brambilla, Eros Maggioni, e il figlio del ministro La Russian Antonio junior. The PDL takes command. Are locked in a war, with the exception of having exposed the prosecutor in Milan and Monza, which immediately initiate investigations assuming the crime of fraud for the anomalous purchase of some pieces Aci in the days before the election, such as those sold by a section Lissone even an octogenarian lady resident Introibo however. Also in Liss, then, in the days before the renewal of the ACI meeting in Milan, he snapped up the cards Edilimpianti srl, in related work to see that the Grand Prix in Monza managed by Sias. A circumstance which is not surprising, given the ties between the ACI Milano and Monza racetrack. No coincidence that one of the first acts undertaken by the Steering Committee weblog PDL was to appoint the board of directors of Sias. Its members are now, among others, Michele Nappi (which is also in the ACI Committee Milan) Pier Fausto Giuliani (Treasurer of the Working freedom of Brambilla) and Fabrizio Turco, the director of Lombard. The circle closes, and conflicts of interest are growing like mushrooms. But the war of the excluded is far from over. The lawyers of the firm on behalf of Nava Bini Smaghi complained of an alleged loss of revenue made by the top ACI Milano and Brambilla. The reason? Failed to comply with the rules of the Financial Tremonti approved last March, which requires public utilities to reduce to 3 members of governing bodies, "Instead a luglio si è proceduto alla nomina di un comitato a 9, con conseguente danno erariale e nullità degli atti, in primis la nomina del cda della Sias", si legge nell'esposto. E lo stesso presidente Gelpi, in una lettera del 7 dicembre scorso, mette in dubbio la validità dei comitati direttivi a 9 componenti eletti dopo il varo della Finanziaria. Lo scontro continua e c'è chi giura che si sposterà a Roma: in scadenza questa volta è il comitato nazionale, con Rozera intenzionato a prendere il posto di Gelpi.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Pattycake Online Real Name
apply specifically to Rosario and Roberto Saviano Capacchione THAT ARE OFTEN THE INVESTIGATORS The prosecutors and judges
judicial reports. POINT OF LAW: "The journalist was neither judged nor POLICEMAN. DIA NEWS AND SUGGESTION WITHOUT possible developments. "
"To each his own: the investigators responsible for carrying out the investigations to the court to determine the truth, the task of the journalist give notice, in the exercise of the right to inform, but not to influence the community ". In CODA's comment PERON Sabrina and the text of the award.
Rome, February 1, 2011. "To each his own: the investigators responsible for carrying out the investigations to the court to determine the truth, the task of the journalist give notice, in the exercise of the right to inform, but not to influence the community." It is the admonition of the Supreme Court, called to examine a case of defamation. According to the Supreme Court, in particular, "falls within the exercise of the right to report judicial proceedings and investigations and to report acts of censorship, from public authorities, but is not allowed to carry out reconstruction, analysis, evaluations tend to precede and complement police activity and judiciary, regardless of results of that activity. " "It is therefore in stark contrast to the right and duty to tell the facts that have already happened (...) the work of the journalist who confuse news about events that occurred and prognosis on events to come", because "in this way - adds to the Supreme Court, referring to the matter - he, independently, suggests and anticipates the evolution and outcome of investigations into key culprits, compared with no beginning and no official investigation concluded. " The case on which it is delivered in the Fifth Criminal Division concerns proceedings for defamation against the journalist Peter Gomez against the Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.
The Court of Appeal of Rome, in 2009, while declaring the extinction statute of limitations for defamation was considered grounds for arguing that the journalist in an article on alleged mafia financing of the Fininvest group, in addition to reporting the statements of an associate of justice contained in the investigation, he added, "further consideration drawn from other statements of other entities that appeared aimed to enhance the credibility of the collaborator with justice thus creating a feedback function "but it can not be a journalist but only" the judicial authority. " In the appeal to the Supreme Court asked the reporter that although the prescription was the same as the ability to exercise the freedom of the press, but the supreme 3674 trial, rejected the request. They write that the judges' interest of citizens is to be aware of possible violations of criminal laws and civil rights, know and control the progress of the investigation and the reaction of state bodies in front of the illegality in order to make assessments on the state institutions and level of law of the rulers and the ruled 'too, "is the collective right to receive information about who has been involved in any criminal or civil, especially if the players have prominent position in social, political or judicial." But the Supreme Court states, is "in stark contrast to the right and duty" of Chronicle reporter that the action of "confusing news about events that occurred and prognosis on events to come." In this case, "the reporter's statements integrated with other data source finding a match, making the investigation and evaluation function called to the exclusive jurisdiction of the court." And the article says the Supreme Court, "can not be considered an aseptic (...) but a reproduction of statements that articulate speech, including other historical data, tends to support unequivocally the truth of the contents of these 'statements, 'in front of their ongoing investigations to ascertain the truth. " (ANSA).
Supreme penale: “A ciascuno il suo: agli inquirenti il compito di effettuare gli accertamenti, ai giudici il compito di verificarne la fondatezza, al giornalista il compito di darne notizia, nell’esercizio del diritto di informare, ma non di suggestionare la collettività”.
commento di Sabrina Peron, avvocato in Milano
La cronaca giudiziaria è quel particolare ramo della cronaca che riguarda l’esposizione di avvenimenti criminosi e delle vicende giudiziarie ad essi conseguenti, al fine di consentire alla collettività di avere una retta opinione su vicende penalmente rilevanti, sull'operato degli organi giudiziari e, più in generale, sul sistema giudiziario e legislativo del Paese.
Difatti come ricordato dalla Cassazione (Cass. pen., 1 febbraio 2011, n. 3674, Pres. Calabrese, Rel. Bevere) nella sentenza che qui si pubblica l’esimente delle cronaca giudiziaria riguarda il “diritto di informare i cittadini sull’andamento degli andamenti giudiziaria a cario degli altri consociati”, dato che “è interesse dei cittadini essere informati su eventuali violazioni di norme penali e civili, conoscere e controllare l’andamento degli accertamenti e la reazione degli organi dello stato dinanzi all’illegalità, onde potere effettuare consapevoli valutazioni sullo stato delle istituzioni e sul livello i legalità caratterizzante governanti e governati, in un determinato momento storico”.
Continua sempre la Corte osservando come il “diritto di cronaca giornalistica, giudiziaria o di altra natura, rientra nella più vasta categoria dei diritti pubblici soggettivi, relativi alla libertà di pensiero e al diritto dei cittadini di essere informati, onde poter effettuare scelte consapevoli nell’ambito della vita associata. E’ diritto della collettività ricevere informazioni su chi sia stato coinvolto in un procedimento penale o civile, specialmente se i protagonisti abbiano posizioni di rilievo nella vita sociale, politica o giudiziaria”.
Ne segue che “in pendenza di indagini di polizia giudiziaria e di accertamenti giudiziari nei confronti di un cittadino, non può essere a questi riconosciuto il diritto alla tutela della propria reputazione: ove i limiti del diritto di cronaca siano rispettati, la lesione perde il suo carattere di antigiuridicità”.
Ciò posto, nell’ambito della cronaca giudiziaria si ritiene che sia certamente legittima l’esposizione di fatti recanti discredito all’onore ed alla reputazione altrui, purché i "fatti in questione trovino rispondenza in quanto espresso dalle autorità inquirenti ovvero nel contenuto degli atti processuali, dovendosi altresì considerare che per il cronista giudiziario il limite della verità delle notizie si atteggia come corrispondenza della notizia al contenuto degli atti e degli accertamenti processuali compiuti dalla magistratura, con la conseguenza che il fatto da dimostrarsi True, the purpose of verification of the justifications, the correspondence is only to the pleadings of the news regardless of the truth of the facts can be deduced from these "(T. Roma, 09.05.2003, in CPR, 2005, 232)
In the narration of these facts, however, necessary to observe the right of persons involved in these events, so that the view of the assembly of citizens, is formed on the news to those members who are the actual findings of the proceedings against them.
E 'therefore evident that the judicial reporting may collide with the conflicting interests of protecting the privacy of the person involved in the events covered by the judicial record. Also
(And especially) the judicial record is placed in potential conflict with the principles expressed in art. 27 of the Constitution, under which are prohibited anticipatory statements of condemnation or in any way prejudicial to the position of suspects and defendants: the rationale for the rule is intended to protect such persons against any claim that accredits them as guilty before a final determination of the case that actually recognize them as such (see Cass. pen., 21.03.1991, in RPen, 1991, 912; Trib Rome, 06.04.1988, in DInf, 1988, p. 837).
NOW, THEREFORE, on the other hand, it is also obvious that the freedom of the press (and, more generally, demonstration of thought) can not be totally sacrificed even to the principle of presumption of innocence, and this on the assumption that the benefit of the accused or the suspect is not any reason soldiers aimed at granting them protection of the reputation more than it falls to other subjects.
Against this background, we see that the judicial reporting meets the same limits as other forms of news (the truth of news, public interest in knowledge of the facts narrated, and continence), but on which specific duties were carried out.
And in fact, what the limits of truth, it is understood in a restrictive sense, since the sacrifice of the presumption of innocence should not go beyond what is strictly necessary for the information. This means that the journalist should not tell the fact to generate a conviction on a guilty not only not yet established, but then it could prove even nonexistent (see App Rome, 20.01.1989, in GPen., 1991, II , c. 519), in addition, if the news is borrowed from a court, it must be faithful to the content of the measure itself, without inferences, allusions, alterations or misrepresentations (see Cass. pen., 10.11.2000, Scalfari in CPen, 2001, p. 3045) and without reconstruction, or journalistic assumptions, individual offensive (see Cass. pen., 20.09.2000, in CPen, 2001, p. 3405). It also requires that is non-narrative aspects of suitable exonerate the accused: the facts are therefore reported in terms of concern (Court of Rome, 05/11/1991, in DInf, 1992, p. 478), clarifying opposing the prosecution's case and defense (so-called equilibrium), giving voice to the opposing parties in equal measure while not concealing important aspects of the thesis defense, in order to inculcate in the reader pronounces the conviction of an inevitable conviction. Moreover, in giving the word to suspects, defendants and their defenders, the police reporter must not collect outbursts and tirades, but evidence for the defense or prosecution, acts to make the reader form their own opinion on the facts, the criteria Management processi, sul ruolo della magistratura così da consentire il controllo diretto della collettività sull'operato delle istituzioni (L. BONESCHI, Etica e deontologia del giornalista nella cronaca giudiziaria: qualche regola da rispettare, in DInf., 1999, p. 569, ss).
In questo contesto la Cassazione nella sentenza qui pubblicata ha precisato che i giudizi critici manifestati su una persona coinvolta in indagini devono porsi in correlazione con l’andamento del processo, perché “rientra nell’esercizio del diritto di cronaca giudiziaria riferire atti giudiziari e atti censori, provenienti dalla pubblica autorità, ma non è consentito effettuare ricostruzioni, analisi, valutazioni tendenti ad affiancare e precedere policing and the judiciary, regardless of the results of these activities. "
The Court is therefore contrary to the "right and duty to tell the facts already occurred, without indulging in narratives and assessments" for future reference, "the work of the journalist who confuse news about events that occurred on prognosis and future events. Thus he, independently, suggests and anticipates the development and outcome of investigations into key culprits, compared with no beginning and no official investigation concluded, without being able to demonstrate the reliability of these investigations and private correspondence to historical truth of their outcome. It offers citizens a process agarantista. Dinanzi al quale il cittadino interessato ha, come unica garanzia di difesa, la querela per diffamazione”.
Conclude così la Corte: “a ciascuno il suo: agli inquirenti il compito di effettuare gli accertamenti, ai giudici il compito di verificarne la fondatezza, al giornalista il compito di darne notizia, nell’esercizio del diritto di informare, ma non di suggestionare la collettività”. (
E la Corte di Cassazione dà lezioni di giornalismo al Fatto Quotidiano.
Roma, 1 febbraio 2011. Il compito del giornalista è quello di dare notizie, ma un cronista non può mai suggestionare i cittadini. L’assioma sembra scontato, but these days the militant journalism takes its toll. The Supreme Court pulls the ears to the everyday occurrence. Too often, the shrine became a courtroom and offers readers "a process agarantista" before which the accused as the only guarantee of protection, the lawsuit for defamation "The High Court rejects appeal by the journalist as Peter Gomez against the sentence which the Court of Appeal of Rome had declared the prescribed criminal defamation against the prime minister, Silvio Berlusconi.
skills of journalists. The fifth section of the Supreme Criminal Court has reaffirmed, with the sentence number 3674 filed today, that "it is the right of the community receive information on who was involved in a criminal or civil trial, especially if the players have positions in social, political or judicial. " Precisely for this "falls within the exercise of the right to report judicial proceedings and investigations and to report acts of censorship, from public authorities, but is not allowed to carry out reconstruction, analysis, evaluations tend to precede and complement activities of law enforcement officers, regardless of the results of these activities. "
To each his task. In short, "to each his own," wrote the judges of Piazza Cavour. "To the investigators responsible for carrying out the investigations, the courts the task to determine the truth, the task of the journalist give notice, in the exercise of the right to inform, but not to influence the community. " In fact, we read the sentence, "is in stark contrast to the right and duty to tell the facts already occurred, without indulging in narratives and evaluations 'future memory', the work of the journalist who confuse news about events that occurred and prognosis events to come: so he, independently, suggests and anticipates the development and outcome of investigations into key culprits in the face of official investigations beginning or completed, without being able to demonstrate the reliability of these indagini private e la corrispondenza a verità storica del loro esito”.
I rischi per il cittadino. La Cassazione spiega infatti che “si propone ai cittadini un processo ‘agarantista’ dinanzi al quale il cittadino interessato ha come unica garanzia di difesa, la querela per diffamazione”. Condivisibile, dunque, osservano gli ermellini, il verdetto di giudici d’appello, che avevano escluso nel caso in esame il corretto esercizio del diritto di cronaca: “Il giornalista ha integrato le dichiarazioni della fonte conoscitiva con altri dati di riscontro, realizzando la funzione investigativa e valutativa rimessa all’esclusiva competenza dell’autorità giudiziaria” e “l’assenza di verità dei fatti narrati”, cioè di “finanziamenti di provenienza mafiosa all’ascendente manager dell’informazione e del trattenimento televisivi”, conclude la Suprema Corte, “comporta l’evidente carica diffamatoria della narrazione e la totale assenza di evidenza del corretto esercizio del diritto di cronaca giudiziaria”.
"To each his own: the investigators responsible for carrying out the investigations to the court to determine the truth, the task of the journalist give notice, in the exercise of the right to inform, but not to influence the community ". In CODA's comment PERON Sabrina and the text of the award.
Rome, February 1, 2011. "To each his own: the investigators responsible for carrying out the investigations to the court to determine the truth, the task of the journalist give notice, in the exercise of the right to inform, but not to influence the community." It is the admonition of the Supreme Court, called to examine a case of defamation. According to the Supreme Court, in particular, "falls within the exercise of the right to report judicial proceedings and investigations and to report acts of censorship, from public authorities, but is not allowed to carry out reconstruction, analysis, evaluations tend to precede and complement police activity and judiciary, regardless of results of that activity. " "It is therefore in stark contrast to the right and duty to tell the facts that have already happened (...) the work of the journalist who confuse news about events that occurred and prognosis on events to come", because "in this way - adds to the Supreme Court, referring to the matter - he, independently, suggests and anticipates the evolution and outcome of investigations into key culprits, compared with no beginning and no official investigation concluded. " The case on which it is delivered in the Fifth Criminal Division concerns proceedings for defamation against the journalist Peter Gomez against the Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.
The Court of Appeal of Rome, in 2009, while declaring the extinction statute of limitations for defamation was considered grounds for arguing that the journalist in an article on alleged mafia financing of the Fininvest group, in addition to reporting the statements of an associate of justice contained in the investigation, he added, "further consideration drawn from other statements of other entities that appeared aimed to enhance the credibility of the collaborator with justice thus creating a feedback function "but it can not be a journalist but only" the judicial authority. " In the appeal to the Supreme Court asked the reporter that although the prescription was the same as the ability to exercise the freedom of the press, but the supreme 3674 trial, rejected the request. They write that the judges' interest of citizens is to be aware of possible violations of criminal laws and civil rights, know and control the progress of the investigation and the reaction of state bodies in front of the illegality in order to make assessments on the state institutions and level of law of the rulers and the ruled 'too, "is the collective right to receive information about who has been involved in any criminal or civil, especially if the players have prominent position in social, political or judicial." But the Supreme Court states, is "in stark contrast to the right and duty" of Chronicle reporter that the action of "confusing news about events that occurred and prognosis on events to come." In this case, "the reporter's statements integrated with other data source finding a match, making the investigation and evaluation function called to the exclusive jurisdiction of the court." And the article says the Supreme Court, "can not be considered an aseptic (...) but a reproduction of statements that articulate speech, including other historical data, tends to support unequivocally the truth of the contents of these 'statements, 'in front of their ongoing investigations to ascertain the truth. " (ANSA).
Supreme penale: “A ciascuno il suo: agli inquirenti il compito di effettuare gli accertamenti, ai giudici il compito di verificarne la fondatezza, al giornalista il compito di darne notizia, nell’esercizio del diritto di informare, ma non di suggestionare la collettività”.
commento di Sabrina Peron, avvocato in Milano
La cronaca giudiziaria è quel particolare ramo della cronaca che riguarda l’esposizione di avvenimenti criminosi e delle vicende giudiziarie ad essi conseguenti, al fine di consentire alla collettività di avere una retta opinione su vicende penalmente rilevanti, sull'operato degli organi giudiziari e, più in generale, sul sistema giudiziario e legislativo del Paese.
Difatti come ricordato dalla Cassazione (Cass. pen., 1 febbraio 2011, n. 3674, Pres. Calabrese, Rel. Bevere) nella sentenza che qui si pubblica l’esimente delle cronaca giudiziaria riguarda il “diritto di informare i cittadini sull’andamento degli andamenti giudiziaria a cario degli altri consociati”, dato che “è interesse dei cittadini essere informati su eventuali violazioni di norme penali e civili, conoscere e controllare l’andamento degli accertamenti e la reazione degli organi dello stato dinanzi all’illegalità, onde potere effettuare consapevoli valutazioni sullo stato delle istituzioni e sul livello i legalità caratterizzante governanti e governati, in un determinato momento storico”.
Continua sempre la Corte osservando come il “diritto di cronaca giornalistica, giudiziaria o di altra natura, rientra nella più vasta categoria dei diritti pubblici soggettivi, relativi alla libertà di pensiero e al diritto dei cittadini di essere informati, onde poter effettuare scelte consapevoli nell’ambito della vita associata. E’ diritto della collettività ricevere informazioni su chi sia stato coinvolto in un procedimento penale o civile, specialmente se i protagonisti abbiano posizioni di rilievo nella vita sociale, politica o giudiziaria”.
Ne segue che “in pendenza di indagini di polizia giudiziaria e di accertamenti giudiziari nei confronti di un cittadino, non può essere a questi riconosciuto il diritto alla tutela della propria reputazione: ove i limiti del diritto di cronaca siano rispettati, la lesione perde il suo carattere di antigiuridicità”.
Ciò posto, nell’ambito della cronaca giudiziaria si ritiene che sia certamente legittima l’esposizione di fatti recanti discredito all’onore ed alla reputazione altrui, purché i "fatti in questione trovino rispondenza in quanto espresso dalle autorità inquirenti ovvero nel contenuto degli atti processuali, dovendosi altresì considerare che per il cronista giudiziario il limite della verità delle notizie si atteggia come corrispondenza della notizia al contenuto degli atti e degli accertamenti processuali compiuti dalla magistratura, con la conseguenza che il fatto da dimostrarsi True, the purpose of verification of the justifications, the correspondence is only to the pleadings of the news regardless of the truth of the facts can be deduced from these "(T. Roma, 09.05.2003, in CPR, 2005, 232)
In the narration of these facts, however, necessary to observe the right of persons involved in these events, so that the view of the assembly of citizens, is formed on the news to those members who are the actual findings of the proceedings against them.
E 'therefore evident that the judicial reporting may collide with the conflicting interests of protecting the privacy of the person involved in the events covered by the judicial record. Also
(And especially) the judicial record is placed in potential conflict with the principles expressed in art. 27 of the Constitution, under which are prohibited anticipatory statements of condemnation or in any way prejudicial to the position of suspects and defendants: the rationale for the rule is intended to protect such persons against any claim that accredits them as guilty before a final determination of the case that actually recognize them as such (see Cass. pen., 21.03.1991, in RPen, 1991, 912; Trib Rome, 06.04.1988, in DInf, 1988, p. 837).
NOW, THEREFORE, on the other hand, it is also obvious that the freedom of the press (and, more generally, demonstration of thought) can not be totally sacrificed even to the principle of presumption of innocence, and this on the assumption that the benefit of the accused or the suspect is not any reason soldiers aimed at granting them protection of the reputation more than it falls to other subjects.
Against this background, we see that the judicial reporting meets the same limits as other forms of news (the truth of news, public interest in knowledge of the facts narrated, and continence), but on which specific duties were carried out.
And in fact, what the limits of truth, it is understood in a restrictive sense, since the sacrifice of the presumption of innocence should not go beyond what is strictly necessary for the information. This means that the journalist should not tell the fact to generate a conviction on a guilty not only not yet established, but then it could prove even nonexistent (see App Rome, 20.01.1989, in GPen., 1991, II , c. 519), in addition, if the news is borrowed from a court, it must be faithful to the content of the measure itself, without inferences, allusions, alterations or misrepresentations (see Cass. pen., 10.11.2000, Scalfari in CPen, 2001, p. 3045) and without reconstruction, or journalistic assumptions, individual offensive (see Cass. pen., 20.09.2000, in CPen, 2001, p. 3405). It also requires that is non-narrative aspects of suitable exonerate the accused: the facts are therefore reported in terms of concern (Court of Rome, 05/11/1991, in DInf, 1992, p. 478), clarifying opposing the prosecution's case and defense (so-called equilibrium), giving voice to the opposing parties in equal measure while not concealing important aspects of the thesis defense, in order to inculcate in the reader pronounces the conviction of an inevitable conviction. Moreover, in giving the word to suspects, defendants and their defenders, the police reporter must not collect outbursts and tirades, but evidence for the defense or prosecution, acts to make the reader form their own opinion on the facts, the criteria Management processi, sul ruolo della magistratura così da consentire il controllo diretto della collettività sull'operato delle istituzioni (L. BONESCHI, Etica e deontologia del giornalista nella cronaca giudiziaria: qualche regola da rispettare, in DInf., 1999, p. 569, ss).
In questo contesto la Cassazione nella sentenza qui pubblicata ha precisato che i giudizi critici manifestati su una persona coinvolta in indagini devono porsi in correlazione con l’andamento del processo, perché “rientra nell’esercizio del diritto di cronaca giudiziaria riferire atti giudiziari e atti censori, provenienti dalla pubblica autorità, ma non è consentito effettuare ricostruzioni, analisi, valutazioni tendenti ad affiancare e precedere policing and the judiciary, regardless of the results of these activities. "
The Court is therefore contrary to the "right and duty to tell the facts already occurred, without indulging in narratives and assessments" for future reference, "the work of the journalist who confuse news about events that occurred on prognosis and future events. Thus he, independently, suggests and anticipates the development and outcome of investigations into key culprits, compared with no beginning and no official investigation concluded, without being able to demonstrate the reliability of these investigations and private correspondence to historical truth of their outcome. It offers citizens a process agarantista. Dinanzi al quale il cittadino interessato ha, come unica garanzia di difesa, la querela per diffamazione”.
Conclude così la Corte: “a ciascuno il suo: agli inquirenti il compito di effettuare gli accertamenti, ai giudici il compito di verificarne la fondatezza, al giornalista il compito di darne notizia, nell’esercizio del diritto di informare, ma non di suggestionare la collettività”. (
E la Corte di Cassazione dà lezioni di giornalismo al Fatto Quotidiano.
Roma, 1 febbraio 2011. Il compito del giornalista è quello di dare notizie, ma un cronista non può mai suggestionare i cittadini. L’assioma sembra scontato, but these days the militant journalism takes its toll. The Supreme Court pulls the ears to the everyday occurrence. Too often, the shrine became a courtroom and offers readers "a process agarantista" before which the accused as the only guarantee of protection, the lawsuit for defamation "The High Court rejects appeal by the journalist as Peter Gomez against the sentence which the Court of Appeal of Rome had declared the prescribed criminal defamation against the prime minister, Silvio Berlusconi.
skills of journalists. The fifth section of the Supreme Criminal Court has reaffirmed, with the sentence number 3674 filed today, that "it is the right of the community receive information on who was involved in a criminal or civil trial, especially if the players have positions in social, political or judicial. " Precisely for this "falls within the exercise of the right to report judicial proceedings and investigations and to report acts of censorship, from public authorities, but is not allowed to carry out reconstruction, analysis, evaluations tend to precede and complement activities of law enforcement officers, regardless of the results of these activities. "
To each his task. In short, "to each his own," wrote the judges of Piazza Cavour. "To the investigators responsible for carrying out the investigations, the courts the task to determine the truth, the task of the journalist give notice, in the exercise of the right to inform, but not to influence the community. " In fact, we read the sentence, "is in stark contrast to the right and duty to tell the facts already occurred, without indulging in narratives and evaluations 'future memory', the work of the journalist who confuse news about events that occurred and prognosis events to come: so he, independently, suggests and anticipates the development and outcome of investigations into key culprits in the face of official investigations beginning or completed, without being able to demonstrate the reliability of these indagini private e la corrispondenza a verità storica del loro esito”.
I rischi per il cittadino. La Cassazione spiega infatti che “si propone ai cittadini un processo ‘agarantista’ dinanzi al quale il cittadino interessato ha come unica garanzia di difesa, la querela per diffamazione”. Condivisibile, dunque, osservano gli ermellini, il verdetto di giudici d’appello, che avevano escluso nel caso in esame il corretto esercizio del diritto di cronaca: “Il giornalista ha integrato le dichiarazioni della fonte conoscitiva con altri dati di riscontro, realizzando la funzione investigativa e valutativa rimessa all’esclusiva competenza dell’autorità giudiziaria” e “l’assenza di verità dei fatti narrati”, cioè di “finanziamenti di provenienza mafiosa all’ascendente manager dell’informazione e del trattenimento televisivi”, conclude la Suprema Corte, “comporta l’evidente carica diffamatoria della narrazione e la totale assenza di evidenza del corretto esercizio del diritto di cronaca giudiziaria”.
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