Thursday, December 30, 2010

How Do I Know If My Pc Is Hd



of Carmelo work

After two weeks of the disappearance of Yara do not know what happened really, we only know that the 18.30 to 35 Yara was seen alive for the last time as he left the sports center, which at 18 , 47 sent an SMS, which is then swallowed by the darkness and disappeared out of thin air, that its traces are lost in the vicinity of Mapello a distance of about a mile from the sports center.
We have data for certain criminal profiling and defined, it must then wait for the investigative findings, the systemic intersection of all the statements of people who have been heard by the investigators, the evaluation of spatial positions and time of all the characters of the story and their phone records, the background of Yara and the family, the entire history of victimology, the result of screening of the previous Area, the setting of a complex array of events, profiles and Findings. In these circumstances I propose the following considerations-considerations.
Combining criminal (a person or persons) who has kidnapped Yara is included in one of the following seven categories:
1) subject in confidence / trust that we tried (a friend, admirer, adult-friendly guide to colleagues Yara, an acquaintance);
2) hunter s of the girls itinerant collector of prey, equipped with means of transport and transit of a circuit of prey;
3) hunter s the type of girls planner, organized, and foresight, resources, instruments and logistics special type;
4) maniac who approaches alone, so situational random or premeditated manner;
can be a subject expert or a beginner's career
5) a subject of primitive and lustful, which saw the prey instinctively grabbed and broke it by taking advantage of the favorable situation;
6) a pack that has acted for revelry and hedonism;
7) un’organizzazione o un singolo che ha puntato la ragazzina per segregarla o dirottarla verso luoghi segreti, rispettivamente per motivi di commercio sessuale o di erotomania.
Eliminiamo, per il momento, il sequestro a scopo di riscatto, per motivi politici, per motivi interni di un gruppo particolare.
Ogni tipologia ha sistemi, strumenti, mezzi, modus operandi e livelli criminali del tipo specifico, oltre che uno specifico profilo logico investigativo.
Gli scenari principali in termini di probabilità sono praticamente due: il conoscente e l’estraneo.
Il primo prevede nel soggetto rapitore quelle speciali possibilità, opportunità e capacità approach, of hoarding and escape that only one person territorial, organize, plan and familiar with Yara can possess. In this scenario, the unknown subject (1) characteristics of knowledge of the habits of Yara, its time of entry and exit from the gym via Locatelli, his leisure activities, (2) enjoyed the confidence and sympathy of the victim : failed to lower her body's natural defenses, to draw her into a trap and then move on to attempt to target primary (sexual violence), so crossing the line of no return, one that leads to the suppression of the victim to explosive anger, for Mute Witness, for vengeance unleashed by ferita narcisistica ricevuta inseguito alla resistenza ed al rifiuto, (3) sapeva che Yara quel venerdì non doveva allenarsi, quindi, l’ha seguita oppure l’ha incontrata casualmente all’interno e/o all’esterno della palestra.
Il rapporto di fiducia-simpatia fra la preda e il predatore appare essere basato, nella fattispecie, sull’età, sull’attrazione o simpatia reciproca o sull’autorevolezza dell’ignoto autore.
Il secondo scenario vede Yara catturata con un blitz o con la forza da un soggetto ignoto (o unità criminale) che approfitta della situazione favorevole (preda aggredibile e vulnerabile, buio e strada isolata). Il fatto che il kidnapper knew places and times of Yara and we can attack approached, it means that it is not the physical elimination of planned or expected, but a "hiccup - accident" in the path of criminal kidnapper, which only provided sexual advances and did not provide waste: the 'malignant aggression is then exploded after the refusal.
The approach and type of contact have been overt or secret? If, as reported by Tironi and another witness, who described a red car, two men - probably an Italian and an immigrant - and their dialogue with Yara, the type of contact was evident, although discreet not hidden. If, however, that white van is involved in speaking, you are in front of Raiders of the organized type, at least at the level of resources.
Traces of an unknown entity and its possible relationship with Yara can be found in the girl's mobile phone, the phone records of their phone calls, in the myriad of communications adolescent Yara (victimology analysis), in memory of his acquaintances, friends and media deposition of his memory.
Surely the investigators have dug in all contacts of the last three weeks of Yara, have listened to all its stakeholders and the people adjacent to them, they compared all the movements of all persons attending the gym, school and social points of Yara, who monitored all the cars parked on the relevance of the gym. I hope that it has been made a full screening, because in cases like the death of Serena Mollicone (yellow Arce, 2001), Sarah Scazzi, Simonetta Cesaroni and others, has not been done.
Other tracks should be included in all records of security cameras and camcorders brandeggianti located in some crosses.
On 26 November was a Friday and weekends, the day when some friend or secret admirer of Yara hoped to have much time to spend with the girl, but this was not accondiscentente, Then there was the explosion of violence. In this context must be considered that Yara was not to train, but she had gone to the gym to greet, socialize and spend some 'time.
Yara may have been chosen as prey to those who had bet that the wanted: choice, desire, plan of approach, overcoming instinctive defenses, in contact with the victim, capture prey. A person so attending the gym for their own reasons, or is a guardian of others. In the remaining case a predator is traveling.
Yara was certainly a victim assaulted vulnerable and required by a specific type of criminal.
The unknown subject has enjoyed many advantages, including being able to control the state and methods of research and investigation of the body and thus be able to apply the appropriate counter-move. He has certainly made sure to erase their tracks and those of Yara, destroyed material evidence, has detecting, polluted, contaminated and altered.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Glory Holes In Orange County

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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

How Do You Huff Spray Paint

Guide to 'buy a house label

Things to know before buying a house label are all in the "Decalogue information for the purchase of a property" a ten-point document that summarizes what are the best tips for buying an apartment " green ". E 'was prepared by the architect Giuseppe Magistretti design studio "Archingegno in Milan and can be downloaded here .
The document is a guide to prices photovoltaic panels, biocompatible materials, the best material to insulate an apartment in an optimal way to reach the 'sound insulation. We speak of control of heat loss to test the insulation of the dwelling to the establishment of relative humidity, the check up of the electric and hydraulic analysis on the presence of radon gas that, if highly concentrated, increases the risk of lung cancer .
More and more Italians fact that the dream eco-house that does not need electricity because it uses solar energy. Between dream and reality, the market, despite the difficulties linked to the economic crisis, is moving in this direction becomes a possibility and viability of sustainable development. But the world is full of traps and waiting for home 'green' as we can buy without risking to have unpleasant surprises?

Friday, December 10, 2010

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Sailboat Rigging Book

appointment today 9/11/2010

current October (00:50), October machinery orders (0:50)


October Trade Balance (8:00), industrial production in October (12:00)


Foreign Trade in October (8:45)


weekly crude inventories (16:30)
Macro Data


current October (12:50), October machinery orders (0:50)


October Trade Balance (8:00), industrial production in October (12:00)


Foreign Trade in October (8:45)

U.S. weekly crude oil stocks (16 : 30)

partite correnti ottobre (0:50), ordini macchinari ottobre (0:50)
Giappone         partite correnti ottobre (0:50), ordini macchinari ottobre (0:50)

Germania         Bilancia commerciale ottobre (8:00), produzione industriale ottobre (12:00)

Francia             Commercio estero ottobre (8:45)

Usa                   scorte settimanali di greggio (16:30)

Paddle Wheel Boat For Sale

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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

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What Kind Of Fondant Does The Cake Boss Use

taxes in forex

Su Banca del Risparmio ho scritto una serie di 3 articoli sulla tassazione del Forex .

Da questi articoli due erano le indicazioni essenziali:
  1. in Italia praticamente non si pagano tasse sui guadagni del Forex stante l’interpretazione attuale della legge da parte di investitori e intermediari;
  2. il quadro normativo italiano sul tema tassazione dei guadagni sul Forex è molto lacunoso e confuso .

Tassazione Forex e Agenzia delle Entrate

La situazione è cambiata radicalmente negli ultimi tempi.  In seguito ad un interpello di un privato cittadino all’Agenzia delle Entrate, questa ha infatti dato una nuova interpretazione al tema tassazione sul Forex . Puoi trovare la risposta sul sito dell’Agenzia delle Entrate .

In sostanza l’Agenzia delle entrate ha stabilito che:
  • le plusvalenze realizzate alla fine della giornata tramite contratti rolling spot (rollover) devono essere dichiarate nella sezione II del quadro RT di Unico. A queste si applica l'imposta sostitutiva nella misura del 12,50% ;
  • le minusvalenze e i differenziali negativi non sono deducibili .

Tasse sul Forex e intermediari finanziari

La risposta dell’Agenzia delle Entrate non ha valore di legge, ma è comunque interpretation difficult to ignore. A few days later Fineco sent to customers the following email:

"Dear ...,
recently published tax authorities an opinion (Resolution n. 67 / E, 6 July 2010) concerning the tax treatment of capital gains and losses arising from transactions in the Forex market.
While I believe that the service of buying and selling of foreign exchange spot "Forex" is offered by FinecoBank not contained in the specific cases dealt with by the Inland Revenue, the uncertainty in interpreting the tax matters requires us to apply the replacement tax on the capital gain, even with a view to ensure better protection of our customers.
will then apply the substitute tax of 12.5% \u200b\u200b on all capital gains on Forex service, the following rules from Monday 'August 2, 2010 :
- if you have chosen the regime administered, the gain made in respect of each day will boost cross backpack tax already in place;
- if you have opted for the declarative, the gains realized on a daily basis in respect of each cross will be certified by FinecoBank by February 28 next year and will be his by state on the tax return, e in tal sede applicare l'imposta sostitutiva del 12,5%.
Precisiamo che eventuali minusvalenze e differenziali negativi realizzati giornalmente sul servizio Forex con riferimento a ciascun cross non sono ammesse in deduzione. Sono invece ammesse in deduzione le minusvalenze maturare nello zainetto fiscale non provenienti quindi dall'operatività in Forex.
Per maggiori dettagli la invitiamo a consultare la sezione Help del sito Fineco, dove troverà alcuni esempi esplicativi sulle modalità di applicazione della nuova fiscalità.
Grazie per aver scelto Fineco.
Cordiali saluti,”

In pratica Fineco sta dicendo: secondo noi le plusvalenze sul Forex rimangono non taxable, but in doubt prefer to protect investors withhold taxes on an accruals basis of the interpretation of the Revenue.

should just add that rather than protect investors, Fineco protect herself Fineco is required by law to hold (administrative systems) or certificate (declarative system) gains to its clients.

Fineco At present, however, only after the intervention has given the Inland Revenue. IWBANK for example, has not done anything yet and the site still reads that the Forex does not pay taxes unless you keep stocks higher 51.6645,69 euro (100 million lire) per almeno 7 giorni lavorativi continui (come da vecchia interpretazione di legge).

Ovviamente nulla viene detto dagli intermediari stranieri . Questi infatti non sono tenuti a trattenere o certificare le tasse sulle plusvalenze . In questo caso quindi spetta a te tenere traccia dei guadagni e pagare le tasse.

Tassazione Forex iniqua

Il tema delle tasse sul Forex era già molto confuso e incerto e necessitava di chiarimenti. L’intervento dell’Agenzia delle Entrate però sembra aver solo complicato la situazione.

La risposta infatti da una parte sembra trascurare alcuni elementi e  dettagli del funzionamento del Forex, dall’altra has essentially introduced a new case of taxation on financial investments.
Although it may seem just and proper taxation of 12.5% \u200b\u200bon Forex do not understand why not allow you to deduct the losses (depreciation) as for any other type of financial investment.

E 'clear now that the Forex (spot or spot transactions) loses much of its appeal. With the new interpretation also closed at a loss on a transaction you can end up paying taxes : think to a closed two-day gain in the first 10 days and then the loss of 20 seconds.

Pending further clarification (after the summer?) è consigliabile evitare di investire sul Forex con operazioni spot (a pronti). Si può provare ad operare a termine, con i Futures o i CFD (tassazione 12,5% con detraibilità delle minusvalenze).

preso dal blog

Summer Soles Go Barefoot

2011 Odyssey without the euro. Orphans of the single currency GDP in free fall and spread to the stars. The data

L'insostenibile pesantezza del debito, quello pubblico. Tale da far sparire l'euro o, in un mood meno catastrofista, costringere una nazione "periferica" a uscire dall'unione monetaria . Simili suggestioni, un po' di tempo fa, sarebbero state liquiditate as folly. Today, after the affair Athens and Dublin, not all of the exclude. Unrealistic assumptions (or less) what distinguishes it is a fact: the fanciful forecast does not indicate why the cost associated with it. And yes the economy in "free lunch" does not exist. The investigation

The objection is well known: difficult to quantify the unquantifiable. Yet Mark Cliffe, global head of financial markets research Ing, in a report just tried to calculate the price of a Europe without . Sure, he recalls, "any choice in this area is more political than economic 'treaties, then, do not involve spoils system of a nation, finally, "each simulation inevitably have wide margins of error".

Two scenarios: both the wealth decreases
That said, however, give the indication is useful. Beyond being for or against any solution to know what "gauntlet" to be addressed in the short term, first to exploit the much "sought after" competitive devaluation, it is not just. So Cliffe has designed two hypothetical scenarios. The first is the exit from the euro zone Greece alone, the second, the return of all members of the monetary union to the individual national currencies the . "In both cases," writes the economist-Assist ", obviously with very different values," a reduction in economic activity. " Why? Well, just think of the logistical and legal problems for the re-introduction of old cones ; to currency fluctuations, to "cheap" cross-border capital and the new pressure on the financial system . A cocktail that clear, crush trade and investment. Not only that, collapse in business and consumer confidence in would the reduction of asset prices inside and outside Euroland . In addition, governments may be tempted to launch more restrictive fiscal maneuvers , crushing even the most modest recovery.
The euro is no more: in 2012 the GDP of 9% greek collapses
If these general considerations, such as the numbers that jump out of the models identified by Ing? In the worst scenario ( break up the euro) for 2011, GDP would fall by 9.1% in Greece, in Italy 6.6%, 4% in France and 6.5 percent in Spain ( -5% Above the average for Central Europe ). Even Germany, a real locomotive of Europe, should engage the reverse: the gross domestic product, according to Cliff, would drop by 3.8 percent. In short, it would be recession: the slump in domestic demand is not balanced, for those who are able to do so, the rise in exports. The minus sign, however, stands up in 2012: Berlin (-1.8%), Paris (-2.5%), Rome (-3.7%) and Madrid (-3%) has a negative growth.

Balza performance bond on the outskirts of Europe
inevitable, then, the jump in yields on government bonds for countries with higher deficits and debt. The yield del bond quinquennale spagnolo, secondo Ing, si spingerebbe al 6,6% nel 2011 (6,8% nel 2012); quello italiano al 5,88% (5,6%). In discesa, invece, il governativo francese (0,5% nel 2011) e, ovviamente, quello tedesco (0,75%). Insomma, com è facile prevedere, negli stati periferici vola il premio al rischio e, con lui, il costo del debito pubblico .

Quale rischio nelle svalutazioni
Mentre, al contrario, si svaluta la nuova moneta : è del 25% il deprezzamento della lira verso il marco e del 50% quello della peseta spagnola . «La divisa tedesca, together to mark the Swiss and the French franc, would return currencies of the Old Continent, "says Gabriele Vedani , managing director of Italy Forex Capital Markets. A weak currency which devices, however, would underpin exports of those countries ... "The mechanism - Vedani emphasizes - is not that simple. In this scenario the weaker countries suffer from, among other things, hyperinflation and a high exchange rate volatility . The impairment losses, if not managed well and cooordinate, are risky. " It is a bit 'overkill? "Absolutely not. I remember September of '92 "took place, in a weekend, the devaluation of the lira against the mark, for an overall variation of 5 per cent. Well, the upper limit of oscillation was fixed at a height of 756.4 pounds. At the start of trading Monday, the exchange rate jumped to 803.7 and then subsequently go up to 900 pounds. In short, the pressure on the currency was such that central banks were no longer able to manage it. With the current globalization of markets fin'anche similar movements would be increased with the consequences that anyone can imagine. " If you leave Athens

farewell to the 'irreversibility' of the euro
far more apocalyptic scenario. What happens, however, in 'cases of abandonment greek ? Tutti i numeri, seppur negativi, sono molto meno "pesanti": il Pil 2012 dell'Europa centrale salirebbe per esempio solo dell'1,3% (in recessione, invece, Grecia, Italia, Portogallo e Spagna) . Tuttavia, in questo caso, per Ing un altro aspetto è più rilevante. Quale? La fiducia dei mercati finanziari sulla sostenibilità dell'Unione. «Ammettendo la possibilità -scrive Cliffe -che i componenti dell'euro possono andarsene, il concetto di "irreversibilità" della divisa unica sparisce». Un sentimento che, nel 2011, farebbe scivolare la moneta europea verso quota 0,70/0,75 verso il dollaro. Mentre la nuova dracma di Atene si svaluterebbe fino all'80% verso l'euro.

La proposta: mantenere l'euro e ripristinare le valute locali
A questo scenario si lega con una certa forza l'ipotesi, più volte sostenuta, della nascita di un euro di serie A e uno serie B. «È una soluzione non così semplice - afferma Luca Fantacci, professore di storia economica alla Bocconi -. Bisogna imporre un cambio fisso tra le due monete, al limite concedendo una banda d'oscillazione. Ma assolutamente non si può pensare, almeno nel breve, ad un cambio libero perché la speculazione farebbe il bello e il cattivo tempo. Poi, bisogna ri-distribuire il potere di politica monetaria a una nuova banca centrale dei paesi dell'euro B. Ciò detto, però, credo che il problema dev'essere affrontato in maniera più strutturale».

Da unione monetaria a unione europea dei pagamenti
Vale a dire? «Una possibile soluzione potrebbe essere mantenere l'euro, ma ripristinare le valute nazionali . Questo consente, in primis, di non dover scegliere fra una misura sbagliata (l'euro attuale, che incorpora tassi arbitrariamente fissati più di dieci anni fa) e un'assenza di misura (il passaggio a un regime di cambi oscillanti). Poi, non lega la creazione di liquidità alle esigenze di finanziamento del debito pubblico, bensì alle esigenze di finanziamento del commercio privato. Così, si crea una camera di compensazione che trasforma l'Unione monetaria europea in un'Unione European payment.