Sono scese nel 2009 le compravendite di casa nella provincia di Roma. Sono state effettuate 46.873 transazioni immobiliare, il 3,9% in meno rispetto all' anno precedente per un prezzo medio di 2907 euro a mq, in discesa del 2,2%. Sono i dati common dall''Ufficio Rome Provincial Agency of Natural Resources, the residential market in the province of Rome for the year 2009. The macro-provincial transactions that result in negative changes are more obvious: Axis Casilina (-20.0%), Iron Flaminia (-15.7%), South Coast (-12%), Iron Tiburtina (-11.2% ) and Aniene River Area (-10.1%). Are increasing the Braccianese (+12.7%), Fiumicino (+17.2%), Monti della Tolfa (+7.2%) and salary (+0.3%). Among the municipalities, excluding Rome, the average prices is highest in Grottaferrata of macro Castelli Romani (3,033 € / sqm) and in the town of Fiumicino (2,923 € / sqm). The lowest value is found for the macro Aniene River Area (1,230 € / sqm), which in turn contains the town of Conrad Items listed with lower provincial (1,013 € / sqm), "continues the note. In the capital transactions were 29,426, down dell'2, 56% on 2008 . The macro that contributed to a greater extent to the decrease are: GRA Out South West (-35.6%), Outside North GRA (-35.2%) and Appia-Tuscolana (-31.9%), all contractions with higher to 30% on last year's data. In contrast, among the 8 macro positive trends are emerging, with a percentage increase to above 20%, the half-central-Appia Tuscolana (+25.3%) and Eur-Laurentina (+25%).
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