Sunday, June 20, 2010

Will Marijuana Help Cataracts

content increases the buying and selling real estate last year

Sono scese nel 2009 le compravendite di casa nella provincia di Roma. Sono state effettuate 46.873 transazioni immobiliare, il 3,9% in meno rispetto all' anno precedente per un prezzo medio di 2907 euro a mq, in discesa del 2,2%. Sono i dati common dall''Ufficio Rome Provincial Agency of Natural Resources, the residential market in the province of Rome for the year 2009. The macro-provincial transactions that result in negative changes are more obvious: Axis Casilina (-20.0%), Iron Flaminia (-15.7%), South Coast (-12%), Iron Tiburtina (-11.2% ) and Aniene River Area (-10.1%). Are increasing the Braccianese (+12.7%), Fiumicino (+17.2%), Monti della Tolfa (+7.2%) and salary (+0.3%). Among the municipalities, excluding Rome, the average prices is highest in Grottaferrata of macro Castelli Romani (3,033 € / sqm) and in the town of Fiumicino (2,923 € / sqm). The lowest value is found for the macro Aniene River Area (1,230 € / sqm), which in turn contains the town of Conrad Items listed with lower provincial (1,013 € / sqm), "continues the note. In the capital transactions were 29,426, down dell'2, 56% on 2008 . The macro that contributed to a greater extent to the decrease are: GRA Out South West (-35.6%), Outside North GRA (-35.2%) and Appia-Tuscolana (-31.9%), all contractions with higher to 30% on last year's data. In contrast, among the 8 macro positive trends are emerging, with a percentage increase to above 20%, the half-central-Appia Tuscolana (+25.3%) and Eur-Laurentina (+25%).


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