Sono scese nel 2009 le compravendite di casa nella provincia di Roma. Sono state effettuate 46.873 transazioni immobiliare, il 3,9% in meno rispetto all' anno precedente per un prezzo medio di 2907 euro a mq, in discesa del 2,2%. Sono i dati common dall''Ufficio Rome Provincial Agency of Natural Resources, the residential market in the province of Rome for the year 2009. The macro-provincial transactions that result in negative changes are more obvious: Axis Casilina (-20.0%), Iron Flaminia (-15.7%), South Coast (-12%), Iron Tiburtina (-11.2% ) and Aniene River Area (-10.1%). Are increasing the Braccianese (+12.7%), Fiumicino (+17.2%), Monti della Tolfa (+7.2%) and salary (+0.3%). Among the municipalities, excluding Rome, the average prices is highest in Grottaferrata of macro Castelli Romani (3,033 € / sqm) and in the town of Fiumicino (2,923 € / sqm). The lowest value is found for the macro Aniene River Area (1,230 € / sqm), which in turn contains the town of Conrad Items listed with lower provincial (1,013 € / sqm), "continues the note. In the capital transactions were 29,426, down dell'2, 56% on 2008 . The macro that contributed to a greater extent to the decrease are: GRA Out South West (-35.6%), Outside North GRA (-35.2%) and Appia-Tuscolana (-31.9%), all contractions with higher to 30% on last year's data. In contrast, among the 8 macro positive trends are emerging, with a percentage increase to above 20%, the half-central-Appia Tuscolana (+25.3%) and Eur-Laurentina (+25%).
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
How Much Sport Psychologists Make?

Consigli pratici e condivisi che possano dare un’idea definita anche a chi si occupa di altri tipi di business e vuole cominciare ad approcciare al social media marketing senza ombre e con le idee nitide.
- Non parlare ai consumatori. Non vogliono ascoltarti, vogliono essere ascoltati.
- Offri una ragione per partecipare. Se le persone non percepiscono di ottenere un valore aggiunto dal condividere le loro opinioni, non verranno da te (magari vanno dal tuo diretto concorrente, che ha saputo soddisfarli meglio).
- Resisti alla tentazione di vendere a tutti i costi.
- Sperimenta e tieniti aggiornato. Ma soprattutto sperimenta, e se sbagli sperimenta ancora.
- Ascolta le conversazioni che avvengono anche al di fuori del tuo sito. E partecipa anche lì indicando chiaramente chi sei e perchè stai partecipando. Chi ha provato a fare il furbo è stato smascherato prima che potesse realizing it.
- Cedi control of the communication. Do not be afraid to open your doors to criticism. When a community feels controlled and forced into a one-way direction setting, will not last long.
- Make it in your organization there are many people as possible who have a background composed of pragmatic thought to be a marketing man, unconscious of the curiosity of a sociologist and are big fans of social networks.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Kamehasutra Dbz Vidéo
Tips for home buyers: the deed only as a dwelling built
" The deed is done only after its completion otherwise the risk is that the construction company failed and no longer be able not only to finish the house, but also to repay the sums paid . And 'this one of the councils which provide the Italian note that you are in a meeting during the Festival of Economics in Trento.
"The safeguards are there - it was pointed out - why were introduced in 2005 and provide, among other things, a surety as a guarantee of all sums paid by the manufacturer is obliged to deliver to the buyer . In this way, in case of bankruptcy of the manufacturer, we can immediately turn to a bank, insurance or other financial intermediary to get back the amount due. The same decree provides for a more structured series of protections, ranging from a indemnity insurance policy ten-year double check the contents of this insurance, the possibility of seeking an alternative procedure for the fractionation of the loan and its mortgage, if the bank does not comply within 90 days of receipt of the request. The problems arise from lack of implementation of safeguards. Only 10% of construction companies, for example, guarantees delivery to buyers.
"The safeguards are there - it was pointed out - why were introduced in 2005 and provide, among other things, a surety as a guarantee of all sums paid by the manufacturer is obliged to deliver to the buyer . In this way, in case of bankruptcy of the manufacturer, we can immediately turn to a bank, insurance or other financial intermediary to get back the amount due. The same decree provides for a more structured series of protections, ranging from a indemnity insurance policy ten-year double check the contents of this insurance, the possibility of seeking an alternative procedure for the fractionation of the loan and its mortgage, if the bank does not comply within 90 days of receipt of the request. The problems arise from lack of implementation of safeguards. Only 10% of construction companies, for example, guarantees delivery to buyers.
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