Sawadee cup to all fans of Muay Thai!
was' done yesterday in the second phase of the Eagle regional championship KOMBAT LEAGUE. The presence of good athletes and the public due to the presence of various disciplines to be light contact to full contact which include: KICK BOXING - MUAY THAI - SHOOT BOXING - SUBMISSION.
Here is a list of athletes who have participated for the Sabaisabai Muay Thai Training Academy: Luca Liberatore, Francesco Coco, Francesco Orso, Adam Marino, Mattia Santese, Yuri Di Carlo and James Cavallo.
Thanks to two great semi-finals both Adam Marino Francesco Orso reach the final, the first won by TKO forcing his opponent to pick a quarrel and the second macth impeccable winning the full merit. The two final total amount of colors and see Sabaisabai Muay Thai Coconut and Yuri Francesco Di Carlo, also qualified in the final, respectively, against Adam Marino Fancesco Bear. Both winners, Adam and Yuri, the runner, and Francesco Coco Francesco Orso had two more major finals by giving precedence to 'love for the discipline of Muay Thai for the athletic competition.
also to underline the good performance of Luke and Matthew Liberatore Santese finding that when they first met they fought the great and showed that all the qualities to grow and improve in most 'early: UNDER BOYS!
In the final we all lived an 'other beautiful giornata all'insegna dello sport riportando a casa degli ottimi risultati che sono la conferma degli sforzi e dell'impegno che i miei ragazzi mettono ogni giorno durante gli allenamenti : COMPLIMENTI e sempre avanti cosi' CONVINTI !
A presto con le news e sempre TRAINING HARD , KICK IN THE ASS AND LOVE MUAY THAI ...
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