Thursday, January 20, 2011
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Boat Template For Birthday Cake
HUNDRED PERCENT DESIGN invite chez Kvadrat Toton. A Bastille
Cento per Cento DESIGN invite Ulrik Hjerrild, Directeur Général de la société Kvadrat SA en France pour une présentation de la société prestigieuse Danois et de sa nouvelle collection of furnishing fabrics.
A collection of 2200 references available to architects, designers and manufacturers.
A company that has always been to work alongside the designers by providing its expertise to the industrial achievements of their ideas.
has Kvadrat showroom in the largest cities in the world: China and Japan newborns. A 'Paris society Kvadrat is at 19, rue des Saints Peres in the 6 th arrondissement. CENTOxCENTO DESIGN is to show furniture and objects (from 21 to 25 January 2011) stands with CORO, Zanotti, and ARPER San Patrignano.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
What To Write In A Wedding Card To A Coworker
mass-media representation of justice
Politica Documenti di straordinario interesse 1/. Bruti Liberati in marzo 2010 al Csm sulla rappresentazione mass-mediatica della giustizia
Il Procuratore della Repubblica di Milano, Edmondo Bruti Liberati, è uno dei magistrati che con maggiore autorevolezza e competenza si è occupato dei rapporti fra media e magistratura. Laico, arguto, raffinato, apprezzato per il suo equilibrio, ha firmato editoriali e saggi che hanno aperto dibattiti su palpitanti temi di attualità e fatto scuola.
Edmondo Bruti Liberati ha proposto al CONSIGLIO SUPERIORE DELLA MAGISTRATURA il 23 marzo 2010 a ROMA una sua riflessione sul tema della “ RAPPRESENTAZIONE MASS-MEDIATICA DELLA GIUSTIZIA”Si tratta di un documento di straordinario important that we offer to our readers.
1.1.Giustizia: advertising against secret
"Public opinions are public and the evidence of the crime," wrote Beccaria and stressed that the secret is "the strongest shield of tyranny" in the tradition inquisitorial researching and finding out the truth of the contradictory and out of public scrutiny. Advertising is not the function of control, but social message on exemplary sentences and pronunciation of the sentence. For this reason the investigation is strictly secret and sentenced to death or corporal punishment is carried out in public.
The history of democratic development of the criminal trial, Glauco Joust reminded us, is that the fight against secrecy in favor of advertising. In the tradition of accusing the opposite applies the principle of the adversarial and public, also extended to the investigation stage, with limited exceptions. "Free press and fair trial."
The principle is that of freedom of information and the democratic value of information on justice, "the ordinary administration of criminal and civil justice contributes more than any other circumstance to induce in the minds of the people affection, esteem and reverence" (Alexander Hamilton , The Federalist papers).
On the issue of information on justice, with a view to strengthening confidence in the institutions of democracy in Italy there has never been enough attention. In contrast to other situations is the subject of much attention, gaining a wealth of information that are drawn from websites of the Ministries of Justice and other institutions operating in the circuit court (Judicial Council, Schools of the judiciary).
The Council of Europe, particularly involved during the past twenty years in supporting the building of democratic institutions in the countries of 'Eastern Europe devoted to the theme "Justice and the media" the second Conference European judges (Krakow in April 2005): in the final document stresses that the transparency of the judicial system and the information on the operation of justice
helps to strengthen public confidence in justice. The Canadian Judicial Council in September 1999 published a paper on "Role of the judiciary in matters of public information", which concludes with a series of practical proposals.
In the tradition of American justice with the freedom of information free press there is equally concerned about the protection of fair trial, particularly in a process that has the central role of the jury. After this introduction
on the role of the advertising process, one must pass to an analysis of the problems posed by information on the criminal trial. There is, in this regard must have a direction, a guiding star: democracy in the publicity of the process control function of public opinion on the exercise of judicial power that knows no forms of political responsibility, while assuming a growing importance in community life.
The growing importance of justice in the life of the community which already caught Neate thirty-five years ago with reference to the Italian situation has subsequently become a global phenomenon and heightened intensity to the point that the French philosopher Philippe Raynaud, deems it "one of the most important political events of this end of the twentieth century" Robert Badinter, French Minister of Justice from 1981 to 1986 and subsequently until 1994 Chairman of the Constitutional Council has used the term "democracy judicial review. " Antoin Garapon has recently carried out an analysis of the acute "giuridizionalizzazione of collective life" 4 In the introduction to the massive volume entitled "The global expansion of judicial power" the healers C. Neal Tate and Torbjorn Vallinder argue that the phenomenon of politics judicialization "good and evil seems to be either set to become one of the most significant trends of the institutions in the late twentieth and early the twenty-first century. It deserves careful description, analysis and evaluation "5 The work is particularly interesting for the analysis of scholars from countries with different traditions, often with accents critical of the phenomenon they describe, and especially for the strong contribution of approach and reconstruction systematic offered by the curators.
"The trend toward giurisdizionalizzazione society is accompanied, paradoxically, to an attitude of growing distrust of the courts. It is a fundamental issue of legitimacy"
The increasing importance of justice in society has made more vivid the problem of accountability of judges. Underlining Profile of responsibility / control is seen as a counterweight to the greater emphasis given by the judiciary.
This is not the place to address the issue of different forms of liability by the magistrate, is relevant here, in the words of Neate the theme of "control of public opinion on the exercise of judicial power that does not know (and I do not add must know) forms of political accountability.
The theme of the advertising process has traditionally been addressed with reference to the phase of the trial. Today is also information on justice, and even more information and therefore information / control the investigation stage. But before addressing the specific problems posed by the different stage of the process. It is useful to recall the traditional categories, originally calibrated on the final stage of the trial.
the Italian doctrine is used to distinguish between immediate advertising, which consists of a traditional physical presence of the public hearing, mediated and advertising, which leads to knowledge of an unspecified number of people carrying out the process by means of mass communication (press, radio, television)
1.2.La immediate public
immediate publication is the traditional form of advertising and In my view, remains of central relevance "has been a bulwark against the exercise of arbitrary power in the courts .... , The battle for the public process has been, and remains part of the battle against an esoteric procedural face not to the better attainment of justice, but injustice to subtract from the look of the community "to underline the observation of procedural sull'esoterismo Joust , which can now assume a new significance. There are cases where the distortion occurs: any party (more often on defense, but sometimes also the prosecutor), rather than resort to the court, in the logic of the process, use the forum to appeal process directly to the public. But in ordinary cases it is the esoteric will prevail. Much progress must be made in Italy to fight the needless and unnecessary technical judges and the prosecutor and the lawyers themselves, act as if the process involves people who do not speak Italian and still come from other cultures.
Avoid Legalise warn Americans need to be understood, is now further enhanced dall'irrompere in the society of mass immigration. In the process, there are more and more defendants, victims and witnesses who speak other languages \u200b\u200band come from other traditions, in addition to the narrow procedural safeguards on translations must bear the "understanding" of the global sense of the process.
the procedural rules of the principle of public debate suffers limited exceptions. The hearing in camera under Article. 472 cpp, mainly to protect the morality and the state secret in practice is an absolute exception. Rather the trend is in the way of protecting the privacy of witnesses in relation to acts which are not subject to imputation and especially to protect the dignity of victims of crimes of sexual violence, in particular minors, but also adults. A 1998 amendment of the Code of Criminal Procedure has ordered that "In these proceedings are not allowed questions about life privata o sulla sessualità della persona offesa se non sono necessarie alle ricostruzione del fatto” (art.472 co. 3 bis cpp); l’esame dei testimoni minorenni può esser svolto con modalità particolari (vetro a specchio) che consentano al minore di vedere senza essere visto (art. 498 co.4; per l’incidente probatorio vedi art. 398 co.5 bis cpp). Ulteriori norme sono state introdotte per consentire l’esame dei collaboratori di giustizia in teleconferenza o comunque, nel caso di cambio delle generalità, in modo da evitare che il volto della persona sia visibile dal pubblico.
Le limitazioni alla pubblicità introdotte da queste recenti modifiche si pongono in una prospettiva diversa da quella tradizionale and are inspired by the need to ensure the genuineness of evidence, or to protect the dignity or even the safety of persons.
specific rules for summary procedure is dictated by Article co.3 .441 cpp "the summary proceedings held in closed session, the judge must order the proceedings to be conducted in open court when they apply all the defendants ". Normally, the defendants did not ask for the publicity, since their "confidentiality", together with the reduction of sentence, one of the main advantages of the rite.
1.3. Advertising mediated.
mediated advertising is defined as one that leads to knowledge of a number undetermined number of people carrying out the process by means of mass communication (print, radio, television). It seems a new phenomenon, but has always existed, what changes is only the means of communication: a preacher, storyteller, manuscripts, printed books, newspapers, radio, photos, TV Internet. Although there are deviations from the time we think of the spectacle made by the storyteller, the sensationalism of crime news in newspapers 800.
Here I face the issue of advertising is not mediated in terms of legal regime of secrecy in the pre-trial stage, but from the point of view of the mode of communication. And 'natural, therefore, that a space found to be given to television communication
About processes on TV there was talk of "electronic pillory," but the "shame" historically existed was no less heavy and not the sensationalism of crime news in newspapers.
The trial of OJ Simpsons in the 1996 World Almanac enter the Top Ten News Stories: but such a case, eg. a winner of Olympia who had killed his wife, would have a huge advertising mediated at all times. The media would then have been the oral history collection and maybe put in a poem by Homer.
The novelty of TV and especially the Internet would be the "uncontrollable diffusivity" of the half. The Court of Assizes of Perugia, by order of April 11, 1996 has prohibited the dissemination of procedural documents via the Internet because of "uncontrollable diffusivity with that half of the acts of the process." A decision in the opposite direction, always in a trial of Andreotti was taken by the Court of Palermo. But the "uncontrollable diffusivity" is really the essential feature of freedom of expression, news, freedom of the printing press. In the American tradition
the role of the media, the fourth estate, is seen as that of "guardian" of the other powers. Writing in 1904 Joseph Pulitzer likened the journalist to lookout on the bridge of the ship of state, someone "peering through the fog and storm to raise the alarm about the dangers we face" 8 There is no middle ground: as Thomas Jefferson warned, "Our liberty depends on freedom of the press and this can not be limited without being lost. "
But there is an alternative view point. And 'the opinion of those who think that it is "a false and injury" the idea "that knowledge is an asset as is common ... In the end what Bellarmine reproached Galileo? Not that he had discovered scientific truths, but he used the means of widespread, because these things have not written in Latin, as the scientists write, and instead have written in Italian so that everyone can read? "
But leaving aside these opinions, a more interesting question is: the TV revolution might not have been more the revolution of Gutenberg's movable type printing. Everyone knows the consequences in the context of religion. But it seems interesting to mention an observation of Toussaint, a Belgian lawyer and journalist: "In the early fifties, the era of incunabula, there has been a precipitous drop in the quality of published texts. The novels of chivalry, which were for the corresponding period of the books from station Station, triumphed instead of works of great culture. "aspects of innovation are therefore perhaps less radical than it appears at first sight.
must therefore address the problems posed by new communication techniques with reference to eternal values \u200b\u200bsuch as protection of human dignity and newer issues such as the TV show (docu-fiction) and the process parallelo.Forse for the TV in the process should be take the usual precautions for fragile or dangerous "Handle with care" but would not go to the written package of cigarettes is harmful to health. "But before facing the risks necessary to highlight the positive aspects:
Controllo e informazione sul funzionamento della giustizia in generale e sui singoli casi giudiziari. Gli insabbiamenti divengono più difficili. Il controllo è diretto e non filtrato da verità ufficiali. La visioni di processi “veri” e di “imputati veri” costringe ad una attenzione meno distorta di quella dei film americani. Un esempio clamoroso delle conseguenze negative della mancanza di una informazione critica è stato in Francia il caso cd. di Outreau, una indagine per fatti di pedofilia, che si è svolta in un clima di indignazione popolare e che ha condotto la Corte di Assise di Appello di Parigi a riformare in radice la sentenza di primo grado, in pratica distruggendo l’ipotesi accusatoria
Controllo/ informazione sulle regole del processo.
Un grande spazio viene preso dalla accusa pubblica, dal pm, ma per la prima volta, almeno nei casi famosi, la difesa ha un spazio notevole e una possibilità di replica in tempo reale. La disputa innocentisti/colpevolisti esisteva già sui giornali; ora il contatto diretto con il processo introduce anche il tema delle garanzie del processo e dei limiti di prova
Controllo/informazione sugli attori professionali del processo, giudici, pm e avvocati.
Il loro comportamento è oggetto di analisi dal punto di vista della capacità professionale ed anche della deontologia. La Tv mette a nudo la arroganza di certi Pm, la capacità o incapacità dei judges to supervise the process, the competence or the emptiness of lawyers. TV stimulates the clerics to be understood.
1.4. Process and filming
With regard to the hearing stage the matter was governed by the new Code of Criminal Procedure.
Article 146 disp att. Audio-visual coverage of court hearings
"1. For the purpose of the exercise of freedom of the press, by order of the court, if the parties allow, authorize all or part of the photographic, phonographic or audiovisual work or the radio or television broadcast of the hearing provided that no harm comes to peaceful and smooth conduct of the hearing o della decisione.
2. L’autorizzazione può essere data anche senza il consenso delle parti quando sussiste un interesse sociale particolarmente rilevante alla conoscenza del dibattimento.
3. Anche quando autorizza la ripresa o la trasmissione a norma dei commi 1 e 2, il presidente vieta la ripresa delle immagini di parti, testimoni, periti, consulenti tecnici, interpreti e di ogni altro soggetto che deve essere presente se i medesimi non vi consentono o la legge ne fa divieto.
4. Non possono in ogni caso essere autorizzate le riprese o la trasmissione dei dibattimenti che si svolgono a porte chiuse a norma dell’art. 147 co. 1, 2 e 4 del codice.”
La norma del codice lascia ampia discrezionalità al giudice nel bilanciamento dei valori in gioco: diritto di cronaca/diritto alla riservatezza, in particolare dei terzi. Ma forse è più giusto dire che il valore da bilanciare con il diritto di cronaca è essenzialmente il “ sereno e regolare svolgimento del processo” che comprende la
tutela della dignità della persona. Inoltre il valore della pubblicità del processo non deve sacrificare, al di la del necessario la riservatezza dei soggetti che intervengono nel processo.
Il codice distingue per così dire: - processi ordinari , nei quali per le riprese Tv è necessario il consenso delle parti - processi in cui vi è un “interesse sociale particolarmente rilevante alla conoscenza del dibattimento”. In this case, the consent of the parties is not essential.
However, the consensus is always needed to take pictures of people, the series, for which reference to the analysis of E. Valentini, audio-visual coverage of the hearing is quite articulate. There is a trend towards more restrictive, based on the risk of psychological conditioning of witnesses, experts, expert witnesses, private parties. They range from total prohibition, the limitation to only take pictures or radio, with the exception of TV, limited in space and time (eg only the initial and final phases of the trial, no recovery of live TV, but delayed) One places is also the question of
conditioning of the popular judges of courts of Assizes. The subject has been thoroughly studied, including interviews with empirical investigations, by a magistrate Louis Lanza, who has long experience as President of Cards Assizes, changing a previous address Lanza came to the conclusion that this risk is not significant.
a specific discipline, as already mentioned, is dictated by the summary procedure under Article co.3 .441 cpp "the summary proceedings held in closed session, the judge must order the proceedings to be conducted in open court when request it all the defendants. If the defendants do not normally have intereresse advertising, the opposite occurs in the appeal process for the CD case Cogne. The defendant asked that the proceedings before the Court of Assizes of Appeal of Turin to take place in open court, and the Chairman, the minutes of the hearing, ordered in accordance with, but separately held that the ordinance regulates art. 147 Code of Criminal Procedure did not apply to summary proceedings, even if the hearings at the request of the accused were public, since the rule cited in the "audio-visual coverage of court hearings and in paragraphs 1 .2 was referring specifically to the" debates "
In the U.S., filming TV are not allowed in federal courts, but are allowed in almost all delle Corti statali. Court Tv dal 1991 trasmette via cavo e pagamento solo processi. Usa camere fisse, con trasmissione integrale “gavel to gavel” i presentatori sono giornalisti avvocati; se la trasmissione è in diretta vi è comunque un ritardo di dieci secondi per evitare di trasmettere informazioni relative all’indirizzo dei testimoni, ai nomi dei giurati e alle conversazioni tra il difensore ed i clienti. Sul sito internet di Court Tv si trova inoltre dibattito culturale sulla giustizia, ad es, sulla pena di morte.
Nel dibattito Usa di solito si indicano gli aspetti positivi delle riprese Tv sotto due aspetti: - controllo della attività dei giudici - diffusione della conoscenza sul sistema legale nel suo funzionamento practical.
Many pointed out that depends on the ability of the court directing the trial and monitor the effect of TV and the OJ Simpson trial is cited as a negative example. Furthermore it is stated that when faced with a major case applies to just keep the TV out of the hall of the court because the case was still a shooting in front of the TV coverage with courthouses with a siege to the homes of victims and witnesses.
Other authors point in particular in pointing out the negative elements of the sayings of Reality TV shows, including French Temoin No 1, which was a forerunner in Europe in Italy had an important role in the program by Roberta Petrelluzzi “Un giorno in pretura”. Riporto dal sito internet la pagina di domenica 21.3.2010:
Un Giorno in Pretura è una delle trasmissioni storiche di Rai Tre. Dal 18 gennaio del 1988 inizia il suo lungo percorso sulla terza rete nazionale. Da semplice funzione di controllo sull'andamento della giustizia, il programma si trasforma in un grande affresco della realtà italiana. Le aule giudiziarie vengono coperte a 360 gradi dalle telecamere che ripropongono, senza commento, i numerosi processi tenutisi nelle corti di giustizia italiane.
E’ la realtà ad essere protagonista: ogni processo è infatti una storia individuale che ha come personaggi principali vittime e imputati. Alle immagini registrate nell`aula della Court d'Assise, which constitute the main body of the message, filmed reconstructions are facing the facts and audiovisual contributions made by new and very impressive specialized departments of the Police and Carabinieri. A Day in the District Court has, over the years, many processes "epochal"
Among the many should be noted that to Erich Priebke for the massacre of the Fosse Ardeatine and Tangentopoli era and the process node, that Sergio Cusani, without forgetting the darkest pages of the national crime such as processes related to the events of the Monster of Florence, to kidnappings and Celadon Soffiantini murder of Martha and the Russian serial killer Donato balance of Liguria. "
The program "A Day in the District Court, which has survived the demise of the District Court, has been over the many years of analysis and commentary. In particular, Aldo Grasso stated, both by the "objectivity" because it still "the transmission of a job on television is not the true account of a process, but the spectacle" is a risk that "the cameras mainly stimulated the vanity of magistrates, lawyers and various exhibitionists. "
Although sharing these observations and while noting the gradual shift to the spectacle, my assessment of this program is generally positive. E’ stata per un lungo periodo iniziale dal 1988 al 1992 un programma, l’unico, di informazione non tanto sui singoli processi, quanto sul funzionamento complessivo
della giustizia, una informazione che il pubblico italiano traeva pressoché esclusivamente dai telefilm e dai film americani. Ed inoltre. E’ vero che, soprattutto all’inizio, gli “attori” si preparavano: aule d’udienza in ordine, toghe ben stirate, scambio di cortesie; ma progressivamente, gli “ attori” si sono rilassati e sono apparsi nella loro veste quotidiana, anche negli aspetti negativi. Dalla autrice Roberta Petrelluzzi mi è stata fatta pervenire quattro anni fa la cassetta della trasmissione di un processo where the court, quite oblivious to the presence of the cameras, all showed a sample of what you should do and be, approximation, arrogance, lack of respect for the dignity of the accused.
1.5. The spectacle and the parallel process
The spectacle undermines the logic of the process, space and processing time, the ritual of the process to propose a real "parallel process". A French magistrate, Antoine Garapon several years ago, proposed an approach that is highly critical that deserves reflection.
"The media, especially television claim to offer ... a more faithful representation of reality than the fictions offer the procedure. The average wake up the dream of direct democracy, the dream of a free access to the truth of any mediation proceedings. "
We demand the truth '. "The size of the conventional judicial truth becomes unbearable" 14THE TV has a claim to objectivity, which also omits the subjective choices of shooting and editing. Occurs the rupture of the logic and timing of the process.
The media and the judicial procedures are logical and different times. There are several stages in the process: the preliminary investigation at the first trial to the final decision. As ha sottolineato un giudice belga “la giustizia è un’opera complessa. Ha bisogno di tempi, di formalismo, di regole di prova” (Foulek Ringelheim). Il processo è un strumento delicato. Occorre distinguere la desacralizzazione che è apertura al controllo e alla critica, dalla delegittimazione.
Il modello processo parallelo assume un aspetto particolare nei casi di processi a carico di uomini politici. Il processo parallelo è gestito dagli imputati esponenti politici e dai loro avvocati. Deliberatamente faccio riferimento ad un caso non italiano.
Prendendo spunto dal processo sul caso degli elicotteri italiani Agusta, che ha visto inquisiti tre ministeri del Belgio, un magistrato belga ha esaminato la vicenda in terms of process parallelo15 The starting point is "no criminal politicus Homo potest." Everything is a media-judicial conspiracy, but the replica is run on all means of mass communication, rather than in the process. The Ministers, surrounded by their lawyers communicate to viewers the elements of the investigation, challenge the evidence provided an alibi, etc.. "The legal scene has moved from the Palace of Justice to parliament. In doing so the politicians do not contribute to peace or that they demand justice, or the strengthening of democratic institutions. They claim, rightly, the benefit of the presumption of confidentiality of investigations and innocence. But they themselves do not meet the first and second subject the viewers of the plebiscite. Circumvent the application of justice to exercise the spells of direct democracy. While claiming status as other citizens, defend their case to the court of the sovereign people. ... "
Politica Documenti di straordinario interesse 1/. Bruti Liberati in marzo 2010 al Csm sulla rappresentazione mass-mediatica della giustizia
Il Procuratore della Repubblica di Milano, Edmondo Bruti Liberati, è uno dei magistrati che con maggiore autorevolezza e competenza si è occupato dei rapporti fra media e magistratura. Laico, arguto, raffinato, apprezzato per il suo equilibrio, ha firmato editoriali e saggi che hanno aperto dibattiti su palpitanti temi di attualità e fatto scuola.
Edmondo Bruti Liberati ha proposto al CONSIGLIO SUPERIORE DELLA MAGISTRATURA il 23 marzo 2010 a ROMA una sua riflessione sul tema della “ RAPPRESENTAZIONE MASS-MEDIATICA DELLA GIUSTIZIA”Si tratta di un documento di straordinario important that we offer to our readers.
1.1.Giustizia: advertising against secret
"Public opinions are public and the evidence of the crime," wrote Beccaria and stressed that the secret is "the strongest shield of tyranny" in the tradition inquisitorial researching and finding out the truth of the contradictory and out of public scrutiny. Advertising is not the function of control, but social message on exemplary sentences and pronunciation of the sentence. For this reason the investigation is strictly secret and sentenced to death or corporal punishment is carried out in public.
The history of democratic development of the criminal trial, Glauco Joust reminded us, is that the fight against secrecy in favor of advertising. In the tradition of accusing the opposite applies the principle of the adversarial and public, also extended to the investigation stage, with limited exceptions. "Free press and fair trial."
The principle is that of freedom of information and the democratic value of information on justice, "the ordinary administration of criminal and civil justice contributes more than any other circumstance to induce in the minds of the people affection, esteem and reverence" (Alexander Hamilton , The Federalist papers).
On the issue of information on justice, with a view to strengthening confidence in the institutions of democracy in Italy there has never been enough attention. In contrast to other situations is the subject of much attention, gaining a wealth of information that are drawn from websites of the Ministries of Justice and other institutions operating in the circuit court (Judicial Council, Schools of the judiciary).
The Council of Europe, particularly involved during the past twenty years in supporting the building of democratic institutions in the countries of 'Eastern Europe devoted to the theme "Justice and the media" the second Conference European judges (Krakow in April 2005): in the final document stresses that the transparency of the judicial system and the information on the operation of justice
helps to strengthen public confidence in justice. The Canadian Judicial Council in September 1999 published a paper on "Role of the judiciary in matters of public information", which concludes with a series of practical proposals.
In the tradition of American justice with the freedom of information free press there is equally concerned about the protection of fair trial, particularly in a process that has the central role of the jury. After this introduction
on the role of the advertising process, one must pass to an analysis of the problems posed by information on the criminal trial. There is, in this regard must have a direction, a guiding star: democracy in the publicity of the process control function of public opinion on the exercise of judicial power that knows no forms of political responsibility, while assuming a growing importance in community life.
The growing importance of justice in the life of the community which already caught Neate thirty-five years ago with reference to the Italian situation has subsequently become a global phenomenon and heightened intensity to the point that the French philosopher Philippe Raynaud, deems it "one of the most important political events of this end of the twentieth century" Robert Badinter, French Minister of Justice from 1981 to 1986 and subsequently until 1994 Chairman of the Constitutional Council has used the term "democracy judicial review. " Antoin Garapon has recently carried out an analysis of the acute "giuridizionalizzazione of collective life" 4 In the introduction to the massive volume entitled "The global expansion of judicial power" the healers C. Neal Tate and Torbjorn Vallinder argue that the phenomenon of politics judicialization "good and evil seems to be either set to become one of the most significant trends of the institutions in the late twentieth and early the twenty-first century. It deserves careful description, analysis and evaluation "5 The work is particularly interesting for the analysis of scholars from countries with different traditions, often with accents critical of the phenomenon they describe, and especially for the strong contribution of approach and reconstruction systematic offered by the curators.
"The trend toward giurisdizionalizzazione society is accompanied, paradoxically, to an attitude of growing distrust of the courts. It is a fundamental issue of legitimacy"
The increasing importance of justice in society has made more vivid the problem of accountability of judges. Underlining Profile of responsibility / control is seen as a counterweight to the greater emphasis given by the judiciary.
This is not the place to address the issue of different forms of liability by the magistrate, is relevant here, in the words of Neate the theme of "control of public opinion on the exercise of judicial power that does not know (and I do not add must know) forms of political accountability.
The theme of the advertising process has traditionally been addressed with reference to the phase of the trial. Today is also information on justice, and even more information and therefore information / control the investigation stage. But before addressing the specific problems posed by the different stage of the process. It is useful to recall the traditional categories, originally calibrated on the final stage of the trial.
the Italian doctrine is used to distinguish between immediate advertising, which consists of a traditional physical presence of the public hearing, mediated and advertising, which leads to knowledge of an unspecified number of people carrying out the process by means of mass communication (press, radio, television)
1.2.La immediate public
immediate publication is the traditional form of advertising and In my view, remains of central relevance "has been a bulwark against the exercise of arbitrary power in the courts .... , The battle for the public process has been, and remains part of the battle against an esoteric procedural face not to the better attainment of justice, but injustice to subtract from the look of the community "to underline the observation of procedural sull'esoterismo Joust , which can now assume a new significance. There are cases where the distortion occurs: any party (more often on defense, but sometimes also the prosecutor), rather than resort to the court, in the logic of the process, use the forum to appeal process directly to the public. But in ordinary cases it is the esoteric will prevail. Much progress must be made in Italy to fight the needless and unnecessary technical judges and the prosecutor and the lawyers themselves, act as if the process involves people who do not speak Italian and still come from other cultures.
Avoid Legalise warn Americans need to be understood, is now further enhanced dall'irrompere in the society of mass immigration. In the process, there are more and more defendants, victims and witnesses who speak other languages \u200b\u200band come from other traditions, in addition to the narrow procedural safeguards on translations must bear the "understanding" of the global sense of the process.
the procedural rules of the principle of public debate suffers limited exceptions. The hearing in camera under Article. 472 cpp, mainly to protect the morality and the state secret in practice is an absolute exception. Rather the trend is in the way of protecting the privacy of witnesses in relation to acts which are not subject to imputation and especially to protect the dignity of victims of crimes of sexual violence, in particular minors, but also adults. A 1998 amendment of the Code of Criminal Procedure has ordered that "In these proceedings are not allowed questions about life privata o sulla sessualità della persona offesa se non sono necessarie alle ricostruzione del fatto” (art.472 co. 3 bis cpp); l’esame dei testimoni minorenni può esser svolto con modalità particolari (vetro a specchio) che consentano al minore di vedere senza essere visto (art. 498 co.4; per l’incidente probatorio vedi art. 398 co.5 bis cpp). Ulteriori norme sono state introdotte per consentire l’esame dei collaboratori di giustizia in teleconferenza o comunque, nel caso di cambio delle generalità, in modo da evitare che il volto della persona sia visibile dal pubblico.
Le limitazioni alla pubblicità introdotte da queste recenti modifiche si pongono in una prospettiva diversa da quella tradizionale and are inspired by the need to ensure the genuineness of evidence, or to protect the dignity or even the safety of persons.
specific rules for summary procedure is dictated by Article co.3 .441 cpp "the summary proceedings held in closed session, the judge must order the proceedings to be conducted in open court when they apply all the defendants ". Normally, the defendants did not ask for the publicity, since their "confidentiality", together with the reduction of sentence, one of the main advantages of the rite.
1.3. Advertising mediated.
mediated advertising is defined as one that leads to knowledge of a number undetermined number of people carrying out the process by means of mass communication (print, radio, television). It seems a new phenomenon, but has always existed, what changes is only the means of communication: a preacher, storyteller, manuscripts, printed books, newspapers, radio, photos, TV Internet. Although there are deviations from the time we think of the spectacle made by the storyteller, the sensationalism of crime news in newspapers 800.
Here I face the issue of advertising is not mediated in terms of legal regime of secrecy in the pre-trial stage, but from the point of view of the mode of communication. And 'natural, therefore, that a space found to be given to television communication
About processes on TV there was talk of "electronic pillory," but the "shame" historically existed was no less heavy and not the sensationalism of crime news in newspapers.
The trial of OJ Simpsons in the 1996 World Almanac enter the Top Ten News Stories: but such a case, eg. a winner of Olympia who had killed his wife, would have a huge advertising mediated at all times. The media would then have been the oral history collection and maybe put in a poem by Homer.
The novelty of TV and especially the Internet would be the "uncontrollable diffusivity" of the half. The Court of Assizes of Perugia, by order of April 11, 1996 has prohibited the dissemination of procedural documents via the Internet because of "uncontrollable diffusivity with that half of the acts of the process." A decision in the opposite direction, always in a trial of Andreotti was taken by the Court of Palermo. But the "uncontrollable diffusivity" is really the essential feature of freedom of expression, news, freedom of the printing press. In the American tradition
the role of the media, the fourth estate, is seen as that of "guardian" of the other powers. Writing in 1904 Joseph Pulitzer likened the journalist to lookout on the bridge of the ship of state, someone "peering through the fog and storm to raise the alarm about the dangers we face" 8 There is no middle ground: as Thomas Jefferson warned, "Our liberty depends on freedom of the press and this can not be limited without being lost. "
But there is an alternative view point. And 'the opinion of those who think that it is "a false and injury" the idea "that knowledge is an asset as is common ... In the end what Bellarmine reproached Galileo? Not that he had discovered scientific truths, but he used the means of widespread, because these things have not written in Latin, as the scientists write, and instead have written in Italian so that everyone can read? "
But leaving aside these opinions, a more interesting question is: the TV revolution might not have been more the revolution of Gutenberg's movable type printing. Everyone knows the consequences in the context of religion. But it seems interesting to mention an observation of Toussaint, a Belgian lawyer and journalist: "In the early fifties, the era of incunabula, there has been a precipitous drop in the quality of published texts. The novels of chivalry, which were for the corresponding period of the books from station Station, triumphed instead of works of great culture. "aspects of innovation are therefore perhaps less radical than it appears at first sight.
must therefore address the problems posed by new communication techniques with reference to eternal values \u200b\u200bsuch as protection of human dignity and newer issues such as the TV show (docu-fiction) and the process parallelo.Forse for the TV in the process should be take the usual precautions for fragile or dangerous "Handle with care" but would not go to the written package of cigarettes is harmful to health. "But before facing the risks necessary to highlight the positive aspects:
Controllo e informazione sul funzionamento della giustizia in generale e sui singoli casi giudiziari. Gli insabbiamenti divengono più difficili. Il controllo è diretto e non filtrato da verità ufficiali. La visioni di processi “veri” e di “imputati veri” costringe ad una attenzione meno distorta di quella dei film americani. Un esempio clamoroso delle conseguenze negative della mancanza di una informazione critica è stato in Francia il caso cd. di Outreau, una indagine per fatti di pedofilia, che si è svolta in un clima di indignazione popolare e che ha condotto la Corte di Assise di Appello di Parigi a riformare in radice la sentenza di primo grado, in pratica distruggendo l’ipotesi accusatoria
Controllo/ informazione sulle regole del processo.
Un grande spazio viene preso dalla accusa pubblica, dal pm, ma per la prima volta, almeno nei casi famosi, la difesa ha un spazio notevole e una possibilità di replica in tempo reale. La disputa innocentisti/colpevolisti esisteva già sui giornali; ora il contatto diretto con il processo introduce anche il tema delle garanzie del processo e dei limiti di prova
Controllo/informazione sugli attori professionali del processo, giudici, pm e avvocati.
Il loro comportamento è oggetto di analisi dal punto di vista della capacità professionale ed anche della deontologia. La Tv mette a nudo la arroganza di certi Pm, la capacità o incapacità dei judges to supervise the process, the competence or the emptiness of lawyers. TV stimulates the clerics to be understood.
1.4. Process and filming
With regard to the hearing stage the matter was governed by the new Code of Criminal Procedure.
Article 146 disp att. Audio-visual coverage of court hearings
"1. For the purpose of the exercise of freedom of the press, by order of the court, if the parties allow, authorize all or part of the photographic, phonographic or audiovisual work or the radio or television broadcast of the hearing provided that no harm comes to peaceful and smooth conduct of the hearing o della decisione.
2. L’autorizzazione può essere data anche senza il consenso delle parti quando sussiste un interesse sociale particolarmente rilevante alla conoscenza del dibattimento.
3. Anche quando autorizza la ripresa o la trasmissione a norma dei commi 1 e 2, il presidente vieta la ripresa delle immagini di parti, testimoni, periti, consulenti tecnici, interpreti e di ogni altro soggetto che deve essere presente se i medesimi non vi consentono o la legge ne fa divieto.
4. Non possono in ogni caso essere autorizzate le riprese o la trasmissione dei dibattimenti che si svolgono a porte chiuse a norma dell’art. 147 co. 1, 2 e 4 del codice.”
La norma del codice lascia ampia discrezionalità al giudice nel bilanciamento dei valori in gioco: diritto di cronaca/diritto alla riservatezza, in particolare dei terzi. Ma forse è più giusto dire che il valore da bilanciare con il diritto di cronaca è essenzialmente il “ sereno e regolare svolgimento del processo” che comprende la
tutela della dignità della persona. Inoltre il valore della pubblicità del processo non deve sacrificare, al di la del necessario la riservatezza dei soggetti che intervengono nel processo.
Il codice distingue per così dire: - processi ordinari , nei quali per le riprese Tv è necessario il consenso delle parti - processi in cui vi è un “interesse sociale particolarmente rilevante alla conoscenza del dibattimento”. In this case, the consent of the parties is not essential.
However, the consensus is always needed to take pictures of people, the series, for which reference to the analysis of E. Valentini, audio-visual coverage of the hearing is quite articulate. There is a trend towards more restrictive, based on the risk of psychological conditioning of witnesses, experts, expert witnesses, private parties. They range from total prohibition, the limitation to only take pictures or radio, with the exception of TV, limited in space and time (eg only the initial and final phases of the trial, no recovery of live TV, but delayed) One places is also the question of
conditioning of the popular judges of courts of Assizes. The subject has been thoroughly studied, including interviews with empirical investigations, by a magistrate Louis Lanza, who has long experience as President of Cards Assizes, changing a previous address Lanza came to the conclusion that this risk is not significant.
a specific discipline, as already mentioned, is dictated by the summary procedure under Article co.3 .441 cpp "the summary proceedings held in closed session, the judge must order the proceedings to be conducted in open court when request it all the defendants. If the defendants do not normally have intereresse advertising, the opposite occurs in the appeal process for the CD case Cogne. The defendant asked that the proceedings before the Court of Assizes of Appeal of Turin to take place in open court, and the Chairman, the minutes of the hearing, ordered in accordance with, but separately held that the ordinance regulates art. 147 Code of Criminal Procedure did not apply to summary proceedings, even if the hearings at the request of the accused were public, since the rule cited in the "audio-visual coverage of court hearings and in paragraphs 1 .2 was referring specifically to the" debates "
In the U.S., filming TV are not allowed in federal courts, but are allowed in almost all delle Corti statali. Court Tv dal 1991 trasmette via cavo e pagamento solo processi. Usa camere fisse, con trasmissione integrale “gavel to gavel” i presentatori sono giornalisti avvocati; se la trasmissione è in diretta vi è comunque un ritardo di dieci secondi per evitare di trasmettere informazioni relative all’indirizzo dei testimoni, ai nomi dei giurati e alle conversazioni tra il difensore ed i clienti. Sul sito internet di Court Tv si trova inoltre dibattito culturale sulla giustizia, ad es, sulla pena di morte.
Nel dibattito Usa di solito si indicano gli aspetti positivi delle riprese Tv sotto due aspetti: - controllo della attività dei giudici - diffusione della conoscenza sul sistema legale nel suo funzionamento practical.
Many pointed out that depends on the ability of the court directing the trial and monitor the effect of TV and the OJ Simpson trial is cited as a negative example. Furthermore it is stated that when faced with a major case applies to just keep the TV out of the hall of the court because the case was still a shooting in front of the TV coverage with courthouses with a siege to the homes of victims and witnesses.
Other authors point in particular in pointing out the negative elements of the sayings of Reality TV shows, including French Temoin No 1, which was a forerunner in Europe in Italy had an important role in the program by Roberta Petrelluzzi “Un giorno in pretura”. Riporto dal sito internet la pagina di domenica 21.3.2010:
Un Giorno in Pretura è una delle trasmissioni storiche di Rai Tre. Dal 18 gennaio del 1988 inizia il suo lungo percorso sulla terza rete nazionale. Da semplice funzione di controllo sull'andamento della giustizia, il programma si trasforma in un grande affresco della realtà italiana. Le aule giudiziarie vengono coperte a 360 gradi dalle telecamere che ripropongono, senza commento, i numerosi processi tenutisi nelle corti di giustizia italiane.
E’ la realtà ad essere protagonista: ogni processo è infatti una storia individuale che ha come personaggi principali vittime e imputati. Alle immagini registrate nell`aula della Court d'Assise, which constitute the main body of the message, filmed reconstructions are facing the facts and audiovisual contributions made by new and very impressive specialized departments of the Police and Carabinieri. A Day in the District Court has, over the years, many processes "epochal"
Among the many should be noted that to Erich Priebke for the massacre of the Fosse Ardeatine and Tangentopoli era and the process node, that Sergio Cusani, without forgetting the darkest pages of the national crime such as processes related to the events of the Monster of Florence, to kidnappings and Celadon Soffiantini murder of Martha and the Russian serial killer Donato balance of Liguria. "
The program "A Day in the District Court, which has survived the demise of the District Court, has been over the many years of analysis and commentary. In particular, Aldo Grasso stated, both by the "objectivity" because it still "the transmission of a job on television is not the true account of a process, but the spectacle" is a risk that "the cameras mainly stimulated the vanity of magistrates, lawyers and various exhibitionists. "
Although sharing these observations and while noting the gradual shift to the spectacle, my assessment of this program is generally positive. E’ stata per un lungo periodo iniziale dal 1988 al 1992 un programma, l’unico, di informazione non tanto sui singoli processi, quanto sul funzionamento complessivo
della giustizia, una informazione che il pubblico italiano traeva pressoché esclusivamente dai telefilm e dai film americani. Ed inoltre. E’ vero che, soprattutto all’inizio, gli “attori” si preparavano: aule d’udienza in ordine, toghe ben stirate, scambio di cortesie; ma progressivamente, gli “ attori” si sono rilassati e sono apparsi nella loro veste quotidiana, anche negli aspetti negativi. Dalla autrice Roberta Petrelluzzi mi è stata fatta pervenire quattro anni fa la cassetta della trasmissione di un processo where the court, quite oblivious to the presence of the cameras, all showed a sample of what you should do and be, approximation, arrogance, lack of respect for the dignity of the accused.
1.5. The spectacle and the parallel process
The spectacle undermines the logic of the process, space and processing time, the ritual of the process to propose a real "parallel process". A French magistrate, Antoine Garapon several years ago, proposed an approach that is highly critical that deserves reflection.
"The media, especially television claim to offer ... a more faithful representation of reality than the fictions offer the procedure. The average wake up the dream of direct democracy, the dream of a free access to the truth of any mediation proceedings. "
We demand the truth '. "The size of the conventional judicial truth becomes unbearable" 14THE TV has a claim to objectivity, which also omits the subjective choices of shooting and editing. Occurs the rupture of the logic and timing of the process.
The media and the judicial procedures are logical and different times. There are several stages in the process: the preliminary investigation at the first trial to the final decision. As ha sottolineato un giudice belga “la giustizia è un’opera complessa. Ha bisogno di tempi, di formalismo, di regole di prova” (Foulek Ringelheim). Il processo è un strumento delicato. Occorre distinguere la desacralizzazione che è apertura al controllo e alla critica, dalla delegittimazione.
Il modello processo parallelo assume un aspetto particolare nei casi di processi a carico di uomini politici. Il processo parallelo è gestito dagli imputati esponenti politici e dai loro avvocati. Deliberatamente faccio riferimento ad un caso non italiano.
Prendendo spunto dal processo sul caso degli elicotteri italiani Agusta, che ha visto inquisiti tre ministeri del Belgio, un magistrato belga ha esaminato la vicenda in terms of process parallelo15 The starting point is "no criminal politicus Homo potest." Everything is a media-judicial conspiracy, but the replica is run on all means of mass communication, rather than in the process. The Ministers, surrounded by their lawyers communicate to viewers the elements of the investigation, challenge the evidence provided an alibi, etc.. "The legal scene has moved from the Palace of Justice to parliament. In doing so the politicians do not contribute to peace or that they demand justice, or the strengthening of democratic institutions. They claim, rightly, the benefit of the presumption of confidentiality of investigations and innocence. But they themselves do not meet the first and second subject the viewers of the plebiscite. Circumvent the application of justice to exercise the spells of direct democracy. While claiming status as other citizens, defend their case to the court of the sovereign people. ... "
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Can You Pop A Syphilis Chancre
Antonio Gravina - Menditto AND EASTER MARIO Agliona
STARTS TOMORROW 11 ° COURSE professional mediator
Mr. . Antonio Gravina, vice president of the Presidential Council of the Magistracy Tax and Tax Magistrate Pasquale Menditto to the opening greeting - President Mario Aglione has already signed agreements for twenty branch offices of the Arbitration Court in the entire province -
Caserta - will begin Monday, January 17 (and will continue for the 18.19 days, 23, 24, and 25) during the eleventh to reconcile a career at the Practical School of Caserta, Caserta vocational training center run by Dr.. Mario Aglione. On the opening day (two courses with more than 60 lawyers and new graduates to achieve the prestigious title) will bring their greetings Attorney. Antonio Gravina, Vice Chairman of the Presidency della Magistratura Tributaria e il Prof. Dr. Pasquale Menditto, Magistrato Tributario, Presidente della Commissione Tributaria di Napoli.
I docenti, qualificatissimi, oltre all’avvocato Mario Quinto ( ha ottenuto un vero e proprio compiacimento generale da parte di tutti gli allievi dei precedenti corsi ) saranno l’ Avv. Prof. Francesco Sbordone, l’Avv. Domenico Della Ratta, e la sociologa dott.ssa Carmen De Rosa. Il corso, della durata di 54 ore complessive, si svolgerà secondo le prescrizioni del recente decreto ministeriale n. 180/2010 e sarà seguito da 60 allievi in possesso di varie tipologie di lauree. Infatti la nuova normativa prevede che l’attività del conciliatore può essere svolta da soggetti in possesso di un titolo di studio non inferiore alla laurea (anche triennale) ed in possesso di un attestato di frequenza a specifici corsi di formazione.
Come è stato più volte ribadito e come ci ha tenuto a precisare il Presidente dr. Mario Aglione “La PRACTICAL SCHOOL con i corsi per conciliatori offre un risposta concreta a coloro ricercano nell’immediato la possibilità di essere accreditati al Ministero della Giustizia per lo svolgimento dell’attività di conciliatori. La proposta di PRACTICAL SCHOOL risponde al nome di FORUM CAMERA DI CONCILIAZIONE E MEDIAZIONE di Caserta, Organismo riconosciuto dal Ministero, che offre a coloro che sono in possesso dei requisiti richiesti la possibilità di iscriversi all’albo and then be credited to the Ministry of Justice in order to play as a mediator. Body FORUM CCM is expanding and has already established in a short branch offices in Rome, Genoa, Turin and Benevento: In the province of Caserta, with the coordination of Dr. Ferdinand Terlizzi, agreements have been signed for the establishment of branches of Arbitration in Sessa Aurunca, Appin, Pietramelara, Mondragone, Aversa, Caiazzo and Glossop.
There are also numerous agreements signed with public and private. The demand for training in mediation aimed at reconciliation is on the rise since the "fateful" date of March 21, 2011 (day which will come into force legislation which provides for the mandatory settlement for disputes Street, healthcare, home ownership, inheritance, banking and telecommunications) is looming and professionals are being prepared.
According to a study highlighted in a conference, relating to clearing houses Dr. Raffaele Ceniccola, Attorney General of the Supreme Court said that there will be over 600 000 disputes involving new institutions and arbitration, which nevertheless remains always valid, said "the best of causes are those that do not make '
STARTS TOMORROW 11 ° COURSE professional mediator
Mr. . Antonio Gravina, vice president of the Presidential Council of the Magistracy Tax and Tax Magistrate Pasquale Menditto to the opening greeting - President Mario Aglione has already signed agreements for twenty branch offices of the Arbitration Court in the entire province -
Caserta - will begin Monday, January 17 (and will continue for the 18.19 days, 23, 24, and 25) during the eleventh to reconcile a career at the Practical School of Caserta, Caserta vocational training center run by Dr.. Mario Aglione. On the opening day (two courses with more than 60 lawyers and new graduates to achieve the prestigious title) will bring their greetings Attorney. Antonio Gravina, Vice Chairman of the Presidency della Magistratura Tributaria e il Prof. Dr. Pasquale Menditto, Magistrato Tributario, Presidente della Commissione Tributaria di Napoli.
I docenti, qualificatissimi, oltre all’avvocato Mario Quinto ( ha ottenuto un vero e proprio compiacimento generale da parte di tutti gli allievi dei precedenti corsi ) saranno l’ Avv. Prof. Francesco Sbordone, l’Avv. Domenico Della Ratta, e la sociologa dott.ssa Carmen De Rosa. Il corso, della durata di 54 ore complessive, si svolgerà secondo le prescrizioni del recente decreto ministeriale n. 180/2010 e sarà seguito da 60 allievi in possesso di varie tipologie di lauree. Infatti la nuova normativa prevede che l’attività del conciliatore può essere svolta da soggetti in possesso di un titolo di studio non inferiore alla laurea (anche triennale) ed in possesso di un attestato di frequenza a specifici corsi di formazione.
Come è stato più volte ribadito e come ci ha tenuto a precisare il Presidente dr. Mario Aglione “La PRACTICAL SCHOOL con i corsi per conciliatori offre un risposta concreta a coloro ricercano nell’immediato la possibilità di essere accreditati al Ministero della Giustizia per lo svolgimento dell’attività di conciliatori. La proposta di PRACTICAL SCHOOL risponde al nome di FORUM CAMERA DI CONCILIAZIONE E MEDIAZIONE di Caserta, Organismo riconosciuto dal Ministero, che offre a coloro che sono in possesso dei requisiti richiesti la possibilità di iscriversi all’albo and then be credited to the Ministry of Justice in order to play as a mediator. Body FORUM CCM is expanding and has already established in a short branch offices in Rome, Genoa, Turin and Benevento: In the province of Caserta, with the coordination of Dr. Ferdinand Terlizzi, agreements have been signed for the establishment of branches of Arbitration in Sessa Aurunca, Appin, Pietramelara, Mondragone, Aversa, Caiazzo and Glossop.
There are also numerous agreements signed with public and private. The demand for training in mediation aimed at reconciliation is on the rise since the "fateful" date of March 21, 2011 (day which will come into force legislation which provides for the mandatory settlement for disputes Street, healthcare, home ownership, inheritance, banking and telecommunications) is looming and professionals are being prepared.
According to a study highlighted in a conference, relating to clearing houses Dr. Raffaele Ceniccola, Attorney General of the Supreme Court said that there will be over 600 000 disputes involving new institutions and arbitration, which nevertheless remains always valid, said "the best of causes are those that do not make '
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Gay Furry Comics 2010
the letter of review by the prison service to the Ministry of Justice
Vallanzasca insulting the police at the hotel
Denounced, risks returning to prison was in Mondragone
Caserta and his wife. Sentenced to four life sentences at risk the revocation of the "outside work"
Renato Vallanzasca with his wife in a fit of the weekly About
CASERTA - The police reached the hotel for a check, and the "beautiful Rene 'sends them to hell threatening to call newspapers and tivvù to denounce "persecuted." They were soldiers Mondragone however, to denounce him, Renato Vallanzasca in the seventies despite the protagonist angelic face of robberies, kidnappings and killings, for insulting a public official, asking for the withdrawal of benefits penalty that allowed him to leave prison. The version of the police officers is contained in a letter from Michele Di Sciacca, secretary of the Judicial Police Prison (Sinappe) to the Ministry of Justice, and resumed today by the Corriere di Caserta. The military, informed that the former charismatic leader of the gang of Comasina had arrived in town with his wife Antonella D'Agostino, originally from Mondragone, I reached the hotel to "do - they write - a normal and proper supervision to ensure his presence there. "
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