Monday, March 17, 2008

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LATEST FIGHT THE RICE IN BEIJING: reopen dialogue with the Dalai Lama

Rice in Beijing: "Reopen the dialogue with the Dalai Lama"

Secretary U.S. state calls for efforts to for the peaceful settlement of the crisis in Tibet. Anti-violence demonstration in New York in front of the Chinese consulate
to the crisis in Tibet is a solution that may not coincide with a new violent repression. Concerned about the "terrible situation" exploded after a week of protests by monks in Lhasa, the Tibetan capital, against the regime of terror imposed by China, Condoleezza Rice has addressed an appeal to the government in Beijing to reopen dialogue with the Dalai Lama, the exiled Tibetan spiritual leader, and put a stop to the tough action by police authorities. "Over the years we have repeatedly urged the Chinese government to find the path of dialogue with the Dalai Lama, a figure authoritative, not a separatist, and why it would involve, with all his moral weight, in finding a sustainable solution to the Tibetan issue, "said Rice," I wish it were now this way. " The appeal, launched during the flight carrying the U.S. Secretary of State to Moscow for bilateral talks on security and meeting with the president-elect Medvedev, alongside the demands of peace already expressed by European governments in recent days, but not is the support of the hosts of Rice on the age issue of Tibet, which the monks march for freedom of worship and the release of religious prisoners in Chinese prisons is just the latest expression, the Russian government does not intend to intervene. "Russia has often claimed that Tibet is an integral part of China and considers its relations with the Dalai Lama an internal matter for China", has said the Foreign Ministry, who added: "Attempts to pass on political issues China will host the Olympic Games is unacceptable. " Faced with the violent reaction of the Chinese government, which has killed at least 80 deaths among the protesters are in fact lots of requests from many quarters to boycott the Beijing Games, to be held in August, while Europe was traversed by a wave of protests from Paris to Rome to Prague, New York, several hundred activists pro-Tibet gathered yesterday in front of the Chinese consulate and shouting "Free Tibet" and "Shame, China, shame", asked the International Olympic Committee to reconsider the allocation of the 2008 Olympics. But the request has not met with the support of the Dalai Lama himself: what the Tibetan spiritual leader does not want the cancellation of the Games, but the international condemnation of the "regime of terror" and "cultural genocide" that China is carrying out in Tibet since 1951 and has worsened since 1989, when Chinese President Hu Jintao, then Communist Party secretary for the autonomous region, introduced martial law. "I want Games, "said the Dalai Lama," The Chinese people need to feel proud. China deserves to host the Olympic Games. "

The Dalai Lama is' an extraordinary man as America, Russia and China .... I have no words ...

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Guerino Pavone

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La protesta dei monaci esce da Lhasa e si allarga a tutto il Tibet storico mentre il Dalai Lama chiede un’inchiesta internazionale sul “genocidio culturale” nella regione e denuncia che a Lhasa venerdì ci sono stati 80 morti.

“La nazione tibetana è in grave pericolo. Che il governo cinese lo ammetta o no there is a problem said the Dalai Lama calls for inquiry and appealing for an end to violence.

But from Beijing to the request for investigation of the Dalai may seem like a new political provocation and sometimes violent demonstrations spread to China for half patchy.

Yesterday in the district of Aba, in that part of the Sichuan province which was the historical Amdo in Tibet, hundreds of Tibetans have stormed a police station and a market burning them with Molotov cocktails. Demonstrators set fire to two police cars and a truck

"I'm mad!" Said a trembling voice on the phone an agent of Aba. The agents have responded by firing tear gas and arrested five people.

overseas Tibetan Sources say that seven people were killed, but local police denies. A Tibetan resident of Aba said in the city are rumors that the dead are ten, they heard gunshots, but it is unclear if they were only tear gas. The demonstrators were mostly students from local high school in the Tibetan language.

The situation is very tense in the center. The police have started going house to house looking for injured people, then that might have participated in the riots.

the same day near the Kirti monastery in Ngaba hoisted a Tibetan national flag, banned in China. Security forces stormed the monastery to prevent monks from leaving. In the province of

Qianghai, always part of historical Tibet, is a hundred monks from the monastery of Rongwo in Tongren, have climbed on a hill to burn incense and shoot fireworks in protest against repression in Tibet.

Saturday there were more riots in Xiahe, in the Gansu Province, home to the largest monastery Lamaist out of the Tibet Autonomous Region, one of which houses a historical library Lebrang Tibet.

A group of protesters, including one thousand and five thousand according to the testimonies, sing praises to the independence of Tibet. The protest was dispersed using tear gas.

Today, there are also reports of demonstrations, again Saturday in the town of Bora Luchu and again in Gansu. Meanwhile

opened the war of numbers in Dharamsala, seat of the Tibetan government in exile and Beijing. Yesterday, the Tibetans in India have said that in the violence of last week there were 80 dead and 72 wounded. The day before, a spokesman for the Dalai Lama spoke of 30 deaths among the protesters saying that the final bill could reach a hundred.

Beijing yesterday reiterated however that there were ten "innocent civilians" killed and seriously injured 12 policemen. State television has also said that a girl could not escape from his burning house by the demonstrators and died in the flames.

And Lhasa is still the epicenter and the capital of all the problems. Chinese television showed the almost deserted streets with armored cars on patrol and soldiers went from house to house, explaining that the situation was brought under control.

speakers shouting slogans and ordered citizens to "distinguish between enemies and friends and maintain order."

The old town, the tourist center, is closed and only a small part of the shops had reopened Sunday attacked Friday.

According to accounts at least two hundred military vehicles, each carrying dozens of fibula, arrived in the city. Today in the afternoon hours end Italian authorities an ultimatum to the rebels to surrender. After the government promised harsh penalties against those who are arrested.

It is likely that the government is compiling a black list of upcoming stops. But now the real question is whether there will be more protests in that vast part of the country, one quarter of Chinese territory, Tibet as claimed by the Tibetans in exile.

This is perhaps' the most delicate point of the whole affair, because this new surge of nationalism of the Tibetans, about 4 million people in China, could also turn to the reaction of the rest of Chinese nationalism, which are almost 1.4 billion people.
the Chinese government, as it always has, does not accept complaints even if they are peaceful or as in this case, made directly by the monks: SHAME! Luckily this country is to host the Olympics .... that look good ... The only country where repression is still legal.
Why America does not intervene now? Rather than not to intervene also tries to tone down the protest: that's just because 'is' a small emerging form of collaboration between the two countries?
collaboration Bella: Well on the other hand what might be expected from China and America when it comes to human rights trampled?
Pieta '! Behaving this way do nothing but fuel hatred che la popolazione mondiale ha gia' verso di voi ...
Spero che le olimpiadi vengano boicottate e che questo paese , dove la vita umana non vale niente , non abbia piu' la possibilita' di ospitare manifestazioni sportive di questo livello .

Thursday, March 13, 2008

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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

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Trainig hard, kick in the ass and love Muay Thai ...

Guerino Pavone

Monday, March 10, 2008

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