Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Touching Blood With Finger Cut



Nell''inchiesta Friday, March 11, 2011 that led to the arrest for complicity with the Mafia Magliocca George, Mayor of Pignataro Maggiore (Caserta) and component the secretary of the mayor of Rome Gianni Alemanno, prosecutors have made use of statements made by a 'sorry' and the contribution of a journalist, Enzo Palmes, the author of numerous investigations of the irregular handling of confiscated property to the Camorra clan Lubrano-Ligato and entrusted the small town of Agro Caleno. Enzo Palmes, former editor of the newspaper "Rome", published le sue inchieste su alcuni quotidiani locali e su alcuni siti web, è stato più volte minacciato e fatto oggetto di ritorsioni e attentati, come ha documentato il Meta Rapporto Ossigeno 2010. Dopo l’arresto di Magliocca, Palmesano ha espresso soddisfazione. Le indagini, ha commentato, hanno confermato in pieno il contenuto delle sue inchieste e “la pericolosità del comitato d’affari politico camorristico che tiene in pugno l’amministrazione comunale di Pignataro Maggiore”. Nelle scorse settimane a Pignataro Maggiore è stato minacciato più volte un altro giornalista, che ha collaborato alle inchieste di Palmesano.


Since 2006 I am conducting several journalistic investigations on illegal nell'Agro Caleno large and small (the area that is home to my country, Pignataro Maggiore). All have one thing in common: they converge on a business group that includes businessmen, politicians, white-collar and organized crime. In my articles I reported the failure of administrative machinery and some incidents related directly or indirectly. I published my first article on "Il Giornale di Caserta" (later renamed "Hello Caserta") and, a couple of months on "The Morning" - the drafting of Caserta. The publication of these articles made it difficult for some politicians and some Camorra.

In 2007, I began pointing to the possible infiltration of the Camorra in the construction of a biomass power plant in the territory of Pignataro Maggiore. In May, while making an inspection on a property confiscated along with a colleague of mine, I saw the presence of entrepreneurs holders of the company that was building the plant. A few tens of meters above the ground which was to host the center, there was also the boss Peter Ligas. The September 27 of that year, inside my car I found a dead fish. I thought of a girl, and I did not give the incident weight. But a few days later, taking the car that I had left parked in another place, I found another fish in the vehicle died. At that point, denounced the incident.

I put my finger into a big business illegal. So much so that, in February 2009, 23 people ended up under arrest for a round of bribes involving just that biomass power plant. The operation was dubbed "Biopower." Because of those news, and despite the claims were proved and confirmed by subsequent police operations, in 2008 I was forced to discontinue cooperation with the daily "Good Morning Caserta," which for some time did not publish my journalistic investigations. I continued working servant of my blog. I posted on-line all that I found in these two years.

These are the facts. And these facts are the basis of what I do today. Last September I managed to get an external collaboration with "Il Mattino" (handing over intellectual property rights and opening a VAT). The newspaper published - among others - some of my articles about an important process on the death of a municipal employee who committed suicide after having sued for forgery, corruption and vote trading the current mayor of Pignataro Maggiore, George Magliocca. Another article published by the "Morning" focused on the contract for the school bus, donated by a company linked to the cooperative, which already operates in Pignataro - unsuccessfully, in my opinion - some assets confiscated from the mafia. Also, I have devoted several 'pieces' to the question of waste and consortia that deal with management in Caserta.

From December 3, together with other colleagues (Enzo Palmesano Minieri and Savior, they also threatened, in recent years), I'm running a daily online information called www.pignataronuova.it, which I am the chief. On this I went to an online report all unclear affairs of the lobby above. On December 7, unknown persons threw an envelope full of excrement against my garage. Shortly before, a neighbor heard a gunshot and, at the gate of my house, he found many bird feathers. An obvious incident of intimidation against me, which I reported to the police. I immediately informed the preparation of the "Morning" Caserta and to my surprise, instead of receiving support and solidarity, have been asked to stop publishing news on my blog and other online sites to prevent, they said, possible retaliation that would threatened to involve the "Morning." I have also been invited to close the proceedings in a friendly way that I have been instituted by the Mayor of Pignataro Maggiore and in which an employee is involved in the newspaper. And also I was notified that I should not write any more news about Pignataro Maggiore on "Morning."

I am amazed by these requests. Because the process that I should quit amicably concerning compensation in civil proceedings that were commenced against me by the mayor of Pignataro, Giorgio Magliocca, who asked me for damages for having reported between brackets the public statements of a local councilor. The latter, during a meeting of the City Council Pignataro, said that the mayor Magliocca, during the election campaign of 2002, he dined with the Camorra Raffaele Lubrano, the son of "Don Vincenzo" Speech and son Lorenzo. This dinner, on the other, you are in a complex investigation of the DDA in Naples. I believe that the claim block will hide my investigations, which have often described behavior of the mayor who make it look dirty business involved in administrative decisions and "questionable".

The collaborator of the "Morning" with which I should reconcile, a few years ago, produced a video interview with the mayor in front of the camera Magliocca who expressed opinions on the offensive me and other people (including Carl Pascarella, Palmesano Enzo, Lorenzo Diana, just to name a few), and makes threatening statements against us. He said he would "hurt" and we would "walk with their bellies on the ground.

Insomma, non capisco proprio la richiesta che mi è stata fatta e neppure la ragione per cui da allora di fatto la collaborazione con il “Mattino” è stata interrotta. Immagino che alcuni miei articoli pubblicati da “Il Mattino” e numerosi altri pubblicati sul blog www.pignataronuova.it abbiano fatto incavolare la lobby affaristica di cui racconto le magagne e che essa abbia fatto pressioni sul giornale. Anche perché si stanno avvicinando le elezioni amministrative del 2011.

Quella che si sta giocando in questo territorio, è una partita importante. Io credo di avere fatto solo il mio dovere di cronista e provo amarezza per come vanno le cose. Per avere svolto la mia professione con passione e coscienza subisco pesanti intimidazioni e, inoltre, sono allontanato come un “appestato” da numerosi colleghi giornalisti. Mi chiedo: che paese è questo?

Davide De Stavola




“L’arresto del sindaco di Pignataro Maggiore, Giorgio Magliocca, con l’accusa di concorso esterno in associazione mafiosa e l’intera indagine della Direzione distrettuale antimafia di Napoli e della Squadra Mobile della Questura di Caserta sullo scandalo dei beni confiscati alle cosche confermano in pieno le mie inchieste giornalistiche sulla pericolosità del comitato d’affari politico-camorristico che tiene in pugno l’Amministrazione comunale di Pignataro Maggiore. Rngrazio magistrati e Polizia di Stato per l’attenzione investigativa dimostrata per il territorio di una città tristemente nota come ‘la Svizzera dei clan’.

Il clan Lubrano-Ligato, grazie anche alle collusioni politiche, istituzionali e imprenditoriali, è capace di governare non solo le attività criminali ma pure quelle apparentemente legali e ad imporre a certa stampa locale linea politica e la cacciata di giornalisti scomodi. Sono vari i casi in cui giornalisti pignataresi sono stati censurati, cacciati o messi a tacere perché avevano osato dare fastidio the Camorra or the mayor and his administration George Magliocca colluding. I urge all journalists to report affected the District Anti-Mafia Directorate, without any reticence, naming the so-called 'gentlemen' that may be provided as needed. Another page is shameful that so-called organizations 'anticamorra' than to have backed the mayor Pignataro Maggiore Giorgio Magliocca, contributing with their initials to give coverage to the maneuvers-Camorra mafia. "

As for me, and from investigative journalist for more General investigative journalism that Pignataro Maggiore has one of its most courageous bulwarks, we can assure you that we will not stop for fear of any Magliocca and his cronies in politics and the Camorra. I am sure that sooner or later the courts will clearly well on those cowards who hit my innocent family members. Those cowards are convinced (wrongly) that this will serve to silence my journalistic investigations. "



NAPOLI, 11 MAR 2011 - Un sindaco "asservito ai desiderata del clan camorristico locale, un sodalizio criminale agguerritissimo, protagonista di delitti efferati": Giorgio Magliocca, 37 anni, primo cittadino di Pignataro Maggiore (Caserta) è stato arrestato oggi con l'accusa di concorso esterno in associazione mafiosa.

Una curiosità: sul suo sito web c'é una foto dei pm Giovanni Falcone e Paolo Borsellino, sotto cui è scritto: "L'Italia impariamo how to love them. "An A in the past, today in the PDL, Magliocca - helping various initiatives anticamorra and author of complaints against the boss Joseph Brisson - is accused of having facilitated the criminal activities of the clan-Lubrano Ligato in exchange for electoral support (and twice mayor, Magliocca was also Councilor of Caserta).

Employee of the Municipality of Rome and clerical staff of the mayor, Gianni Alemanno, Magliocca was suspended from that post as soon as the news spread of his arrest.

Sostenuto da clan -L'esponente del Pdl sarebbe stato appoggiato e sostenuto nelle competizioni elettorali prima dal boss Lello Lubrano, che lo avrebbe fatto eleggere nel 2002; successivamente all'uccisione di Lubrano sarebbe stato appoggiato da Pietro Ligato, attualmente detenuto in regime di 41 bis. In cambio, secondo l'accusa, Magliocca avrebbe contribuito a rafforzare i vertici e le attività del gruppo camorrista, omettendo qualsiasi controllo dovuto in qualità di sindaco sui beni confiscati al clan e consentendo che i capi e i loro familiari continuassero a gestire i beni, solo formalmente annessi da anni al patrimonio indisponibile del Comune.

Searches -arrest the same time, several searches were carried out against those responsible for the non-profit organizations including the City of Pignataro Maggiore had entrusted the land confiscated.

addition to the declarations of repentance Pettrone Joseph, the investigation has benefited from assistance from a journalist, Enzo Palmes, the author of numerous investigations on the goods confiscated from the clan.

the policy response -L 'stop Magliocca, who was also advisor to the Ministry of Telecommunications when he was Minister Mario Landolfi, a strong response in political circles. "Trust and solidarity have been expressed in particular by its Mario Landolfi, deputy coordinator of the Campania regional vicar of the PDL, and sen. Gennaro Coronella, deputy provincial coordinator of the PDL of Caserta. "Takes note" of their statements, Gianni Alemanno, who in a footnote adds: "It 's clear that the objections raised by the judiciary lawyer Magliocca have nothing to do with his work at Rome Capital". "Clarity" was requested by several members of the Democratic Party, including Vice President Commissioner of the Senate and Lazio, Vannino Chiti. The deputy Campania Luisa Bossa, a member of the Anti-Mafia Commission, calls for "continued vigilance on the criminal infiltration." Pina Picierno and Stephen Graziano, deputies of the Democratic Party, have said that they put exactly the same issue, management of assets seized in Pignataro Maggiore, with a query, the Minister Maroni, more than two years ago and have not received a response.

WHO '- George Magliocca was arrested on charges of collusion with the Mafia, has 37 years, is a lawyer, was active in the past in the National Alliance and then passed to the PDL. He served as mayor of Pignataro Maggiore (Caserta). It 'been a consultant to the Ministry of Telecommunications when it was governed by Mario Landolfi. Employee of the City of Rome, was recently appointed consultant by the mayor Gianni Alemanno.

ACCUSATION - would have allowed the Camorra clan-Lubrano Ligato to continue to manage assets that were confiscated and its data management to the mayor Magliocca. In particular, rather than allocating a house and some plots of land for social purposes, would allow the mayor that the building was devastated, even with the removal of the frames, and that the land was cultivated a beneficio degli originari proprietari.

CHI INDAGA - Gli agenti della squadra mobile hanno notificato ordinanze emesse dal gip Antonella Terzi su richiesta del procuratore aggiunto di Napoli Federico Cafiero de Raho e dei sostituti Giovanni Conzo, Alessandro Milita e Liana Esposito..

IL RUOLO DI PALMESANO - L'inchiesta si è avvalsa del contributo del giornalista, Enzo Palmesano, autore di numerose inchieste sui beni confiscati al clan Lubrano-Ligato. Nell'ordinanza di custodia cautelare sono riportati vari stralci delle deposizioni rese da Palmesano alla polizia giudiziaria, che più volte lo ha ascoltato come persona informata dei fatti. Il giornalista, sia su quotidiani locali sia su siti web, ha in particolare raccontato le vicende della grande villa confiscata ai boss di Pignataro Maggiore, ai quali fu consentito di smontare e portare via gli infissi di valore. Palmesano ha anche raccontato che un trattamento di favore era riservato anche ai poderi confiscati, che continuavano ad essere coltivati ed i cui ricavi - come fu accertato dai carabinieri, che interruppero una raccolta delle pesche - finivano comunque nelle casse del clan.


Monday, March 14, 2011

Free Standing Wood Swings

Assigning public housing accommodation in Tuscany Veneto

About 21,500 residents in the Region of Tuscany are waiting for the allocation of housing to public housing ERP data for classification. In response to this request, only 4.3% of the housing stock in the region is for social rent (ex-housing). A share only slightly above average Italian (4%) and well below the European average of 20%, not to mention countries like England and the Netherlands, where social housing accounts for 22 and 36% of housing stock. Meanwhile, across Italy, historically the funds for construction of public housing are increasingly cut back: so much so that if in the 80 new housing in the total public funding erano circa 34mila l'anno, negli ultimi tempi sono scesi sotto le 2mila unità all'anno. È una situazione che l'attuale crisi economica rischia di far diventare esplosiva, perchè le nuove povertà portano con sè l'aumento della domanda di alloggi a basso costo e in affitto, una richiesta già da tempo in crescita per l'affacciarsi sul mercato di nuove categorie sociali, come gli immigrati.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Im 30weeks Pregnant And. Keep Havng Heart Burn

Toton studio location rental house paris paris: The ideal place to live and work in Paris .......

Toton studio location rental house paris paris: The ideal place to live and work in Paris ....... : "Ability to manage numerous meetings and presentations with video. Ability to manage Numerous meetings and presentations ..."

Friday, March 11, 2011

Bionicle Building Instruction


The measure was taken by the High Council of Justice Tax. E 'on trial in Rome for serious crimes. He denounced his deputy Paul Albano. He became famous for having been arrested the wife of the Keeper Sandra Lonardo -
S. Maria CV (Chronicles Online Journalism Agency) - At the last meeting, the Presidency Council of Rome of the Tax Justice (a sort of CSM) gave notice all’ex Procuratore della Repubblica di S. Maria C.V., Mariano Maffei, un provvedimento di sospensione dalla sua funzione di presidente di sezione della commissione tributaria di Napoli. Infatti, l’ex magistrato, pur essendo andato in quiescenza, continuava ad occupare la prestigiosa poltrona della giustizia tributaria in grado di appello. Il provvedimento è scaturito dopo una lunga istruttoria – nel corso della quale sono stati richiesti ed ottenuti tutti i consensi ministeriali – in seguito al grave processo instauratosi a Roma che vede l’ex procuratore accusato di gravissimi reati nei confronti di alcuni suoi colleghi.

La vicenda è ben nota ma vale summarize the penalty. Following a detailed complaint by the deputy prosecutor Paolo Albano (then employed by the attorney Sammaritani) now Chief Prosecutor in Isernia, Maffei was committed for trial at the request of Gup Maurizio Silvestri that he had accepted the request of the Prosecutor Giancarlo Amato in Rome). To occupy and the 2nd Chamber of the Court of Rome (competent to judge the crimes of the magistrates Sammaritani) and the offenses charged are: abuse of office (art. 323 CP penalty from 6 months to 3 years) and aggravated defamation ( art. 368 CP penalty from 2 to 6 years), aggrieved parties are formed prosecutors Dr. Paul Albano and Filomena Capasso.

Mariano Maffei's defense was taken by his son, lawyer. Giovanni Francesco Maffei (but seems to be a civilian) and Prof. Alfonso Maria Style Court of Rome. To the offended parties was present as the defender of Sen. Law Ferdinando Imposimato, a former magistrate.

The charge of abuse of office with respect to an arbitrary exercise by acting in the performance of his duties as Prosecutor at the Court of St. Maria CV in violation of the provision contained in art. CPP 335 (which allows the recording in the register only real "news of crime" pervenute dalla polizia giudiziaria ovvero acquisite di iniziativa dagli uffici di Procura ) cagionava intenzionalmente ingiusto danno al Procuratore Aggiunto della Repubblica Paolo Albano, in servizio presso il richiamato ufficio giudiziario, con le seguenti condotte: In data coincidente o immediatamente successiva al 7/6/2006 il Dottor Maffei veniva a conoscenza, attraverso il Sostituto Procuratore della Repubblica Maria Di Mauro ( in servizio presso l’ufficio da lui diretto e titolare del procedimento penale 58/06 mod. 21 nell’ambito del quale erano svolte indagini in merito a presunti illeciti ascrivibili al dottor Giuseppe Tatavitto, medico presso l’ospedale di S. Maria C.V. per la predisposizione di falsi titoli professionali in occasione di un concorso da lui vinto, bandito per il conferimento dell’incarico di Direttore Sanitario di quel presidio) di una situazione per la quale relativamente ai medesimi fatti era pervenuto alcuni anni prima presso la Procura della Repubblica di S. Maria C.V. un esposto anonimo.

L’esposto che era stato inizialmente trattato dal Procuratore Paolo Albano con delega alle indagini ai carabinieri di S. Maria C.V., accompagnata peraltro nel corso dell’attività investigativa da alcuni biglietti manoscritti con i quali il medesimo magistrato aveva precisato gli adempimenti da svolgere in maniera più analitica dall’ufficiale di polizia giudiziaria incarico della trattazione ( Marshal Henry Jordan, then commander of the local Carabinieri station), the delegation was later found to be informative signature of the said officer, presents the vision for the first time the dr. Albano but had not been filed or registered with the Attorney S. Maria CV, following purely formal findings by the Prosecutor Added dell'operante containing an opinion as to the absence of facts which were considered a crime (more properly attributable to the judicial authorities) and then revived without the above proceedings.

Dr. Albano objectively despite the negative outcome of the investigations carried out, considering the matter worthy of further investigation, he ordered a new registration of documents from the model 46 to model 21 (albeit against a "person to be identified" and not against a particular suspect) in the group with automatic specialized jurisdiction over Deputy Prosecutor Patrick Dongiacomo, continuing to follow developments pi ù significant investigation, and endless views of the storage request god (after that advice had not allowed graphics to establish the falsity of the only document reported as suspicious by Marshal Jordan ). Subsequent investigations conducted by Dr. Di Mauro, however, led to results very different on the basis of a much more complete verification made by the police from her delegate (Commando Provinciale Carabinieri di Caserta, Unit Operations) who had also considered other documents submitted by an applicant Tatavitto Health Director and had examined the issue concerning the falsity the registration number of one act on which it was concentrated (albeit with negative outcome) the attention of Marshal Jordan, noting in a permanent inadequate investigative activity took place at the time by the latter (considered fraudulent by the Police Provincial Command of the said 5/7/2006 denounced them with information only as Marshal Enrico Giordano autore dei delitti previsti dagli artt. 323 -328 e 479 C.P. ).

Preso atto di quanto sopra il Dr. Mariano Maffei disponeva per la trasmissione degli atti contenenti le precedenti investigazioni sfociate in una richiesta di archiviazione del Sostituto Dongiacomo vistata dal Procuratore Aggiunto Albano alla Procura della Repubblica di Roma per competenza funzionale ( ai sensi dell’art. 11 del C.P.P. ) segnalando eventuali responsabilità del maresciallo Giordano e “di magistrati di questo ufficio” ed iscrivendo nei confronti del medesimo Giordano le fattispecie previste dagli artt. 323- 328 e 479 C.P.

"In fact, such an initiative - it is written in the request for indictment of the Prosecutor of Rome - had been taken in complete absence of any element accusatory, as well as to marshal the Jordan against Dr. Albano, in fact at that point quickly and duly registered as a suspect by the public prosecutor of Rome upon arrival from the corresponding office of the acts Sammaritano since he appeared as the only possible Public Prosecutor of the Republic of S. Maria CV involved in the misconduct attributed to Marshal Jordan since only that the deputy prosecutor had taken the prescribed reports and operational directives to the NCO of the Carabinieri in the conduct phases of the investigation that was assumed by the latter intentionally incomplete.

"The initiative of Dr Maffei - is written in the documents - if anything was justified in previous disagreements with the previous personal and or professional colleague - no suspicion of collusion to the benefit of a compliant suspect had never been able to induce the expected absence of any element to recognize a direct knowledge of the person who would be favored. The initial delegation of investigation that had been prepared, the next indication to expunge the information from a reference to the absence of crime in question, the new registration acts as a model 21 with assignment to a Deputy Prosecutor, who then carried out further investigations, including technical. "

The charge of slander was instead blamed for the prosecutor Paolo Albano even knowing the 'innocence of competition in the consummation of the offense provided for denouncing him (in an indirect but unmistakable) while in Rome GA in the absence of any real news of crime against him. Maffei and also responds to abuse of office against not only the Attorney Albano Added also to the Deputy Philip Capasso for other events.

Kidde Talking Smoke Detector Beeping



CASERTA, 11 MARZO 2011 (Casertasette) - «Se c’è una responsabilità personale di tutti i funzionari dello Stato, non mi sembra straordinariamente rivoluzionario il fatto che ci sia una responsabilità anche nei confronti dei magistrati. Ricordiamo ci on this subject there was the so-called popular sovereignty, which is expressed in a referendum then vanished into thin air. " This was said today - speaking at the conference of AIG by the theme "lawyers and businessmen in search of justice 'useful': with or without reform, the possible answers to the needs of the economy and citizens," held at the Court Theatre of Reggia di Caserta - the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Filippo Berselli who added: "The phenomenon of the system correntizio between the robes, that the former ANM has made amends in the last Congress, to the detriment of the judiciary itself. I believe that the reform measures on the separation of careers, should not be opposed by the public as widely expected. " Replied the senator responsible for the justice of the PD, which Andrea Orlando, arguing that we should work on the road to recent form and order of processes in biblical times, these measures "rather than a reform of justice, they look like on a reform ' attitude of the judiciary. " On the slowness of the civil trial has also intervened Chris Coppola, vice president of the National Confederation of saying that "an efficient judicial system is one of the most important competitiveness factors for a country and its functioning should deal with the timing of economic dynamics." «Sappiamo tutti che i tempi lunghi della giustizia civile – ha proseguito Coppola - sono anche uno degli ostacoli all’attrazione degli investimenti stranieri ma va anche contrastato con forza l’abuso del processo, quello strumentale». 

La lentezza della giustizia civile – per il vertice di Confindustria – alimenta spesso comportamenti opportunistici da parte di chi utilizza il rimedio giudiziale non come strumento per risolvere una controversia, bensì per dilazionare o anche aggirare l'adempimento di un contratto. Queste disomogeneità accrescono il senso di illegalità soprattutto nelle zone a rischio making crime more difficult to start or continue a business activity. On the subject of reform is also addressed by chief prosecutor of Santa Maria Capua Vetere, Corrado Lembo. "There is a scapegoat who is about to be sacrificed - he said - I think there is a particular aspect of justice concerning the prosecutor should be carefully considered: this is because the independence of the prosecutor played the part of ' efficiency of justice. The prosecutor is not simply a recipient of news of crime, but he himself a seeker of crime reports. I would not want this reform, among other things also shared (for example, I am in favor the separation of careers that is already on my list) may adversely affect the independence of the official-pm and especially those powers which allow him to do useful work for justice for all. "

Among the interventions, including those of Deputy Secretary General ANM, Silvana Sica, that 'the reform era is heralded as a way to deflect the' attention on the real issues of justice that are the solution of the temperature of the process are still too long. These measures - he added - not even a day will reduce the times of biblical justice. Even the judiciary has its responsibilities and in our Congress have highlighted a few things to change, but these problems can not be distorted by passing the judges as the authors of the breakdown of justice. " For the provincial chairman of AIG, Alfonso Fourth, "We must open a channel of dialogue and reflection with the world of the judiciary by, self-criticism and self-abandoning those settings first by lawyers. A step to ask even the robes, although there are also judges in our forum forum where you can not ask for more sacrifices from which we already submit 'For the Fourth, "we should focus more on the content of this reform, and on those who have decided, abbandonando pregiudizi di sorta». Sulla lentezza del processo è intervenuto anche Il magistrato Raffaele Ceniccola, avvocato generale della Procura generale di Cassazione, che ha affermato: «La lentezza del processo è un fatto incontestabile: i rimedi sono l’adeguamento delle strutture, troppi uffici a volte inutili; l’incremento del personale di cancelleria, l’informatizzazione e la semplificazione delle procedure. Con questa riforma si stanno cambiando connotazioni ontologiche del processo, il pm viene allontanato da quelli che sono i valori della giurisdizione». Affrontato, durante il convegno, anche il tema della Conicliazione oggetto di uno sciopero degli avvocati, a pochi giorni dall'entrata in vigore: l'istituto was found partially positive by those present. The symposium was organized with the forms of Greek Tregedia: Prologue, Act I: complain, mea culpa and accusatio (territory), Act II: redemptive, ethics, ethics and education (the country) with the signing, the third act, Card Caserta among lawyers, judges and entrepreneurs represented by Alfonso Fourth (AIGA), Anna Motti (ANM) and Massimiliano Santoli (Confindustria). Speakers, among others, Joseph Silec (Aiga national president), the trial judge Sammaritano Raffaello Magi, and the Chairman of the provincial administration of Caserta, Dominic Zinzi; Elio Sticco (President order lawyers Santa Maria Capua Vetere) Caia Francis (President of the Bar of Naples); Franco Tortora (Regional Chair of the orders in the region) and the Chairman of the Young Entrepreneurs of Confindustria Campania, Mauro Maccauro, the university professor Joseph Riccio, the judge Giancarlo De Donato (representing the President of the courthouse in Santa Maria Capua Vetere, Andrea Della Selva), the local secretary ANM Ilaria Sasso del Verme and other members of the world of justice.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Pregnant,yellow Mucus In My Throat



II COLLEGIO PENALE ( Pres. Guglielmo)

Atto di costituzione di Parte Civile

Per: Arturo Scotto nato a Torre del Greco (NA) il 15/05/1978 residente in via Carbonara 127 Napoli nella qualità di coordinatore Regionale della Campania di Sinistra Ecologia e Libertà, giusta attestazione del sig. Boccadutri Sergio nato a Palermo il 19/06/1976, Codice Fiscale BCC SRG 76H19 G273W, nella sua qualità di Tesoriere Nazionale e quindi Legale Rappresentante pro-tempore, ai sensi dell’art. 12 dello Statuto (deposito Notaio Atlante in Roma rep. 36126 racc. 15744) di Sinistra Ecologia Libertà, con sede in Roma, via Goito 39, elettivamente domiciliato in Benevento alla via Salvator Rosa,2, presso e nello studio legale dall'avv. Italo Palumbo, dal quale è rappresentato e difeso giusta procura speciale stesa in calce al presente atto


a norma degli artt. 74 e segg. C.P.P.: di costituirsi, come in effetti si costituisce, parte civile nel procedimento penale  pendente dinanzi al Tribunale di Santa Maria Capua Vetere per l’udienza dibattimentale del 10-3-2011




del delitto di cui all'artt. 110, 416 bis - I, II, III, IV, V, VI ed VIII comma, C.P., perché non essendo inserito organicamente ed agendo nella consapevolezza della rilevanza causale dell’apporto reso e della finalizzazione dell’attività agli scopi dell’associazione di tipo mafioso denominata “clan dei casalesi” - promossa e diretta da Antonio BARDELLINO (fino al 1988), da Francesco SCHIAVONE di Nicola, detto “Sandokan”, da Francesco BIDOGNETTI e da Vincenzo DE FALCO (dal 1988 al 1991) e infine da Francesco SCHIAVONE di Nicola e da Francesco BIDOGNETTI - dopo l’arresto di questi ultimi due, da Michele Zagaria e Iovine Antonio, quali esponenti di vertice, tuttora latitanti, della fazione facente Head to the family and Bidognetti Dominic Schiavone, Bidognetti Aniello, Bidognetti Raffaele, Luigi Guide, Alfieri Nicola Cirillo Bristles Joseph and Alexander, as members who took turns driving the apical side of the family headed Bidognetti (against which we proceed separately) which, operating on the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe province of Caserta and elsewhere, uses of force to intimidate the associative bond and the condition of subjection and conspiracy of silence that follows, for the realization of the following purposes: •

control of economic activities, through monopolistic management of entire business sectors and commercial

• giving licenses and administrative authorizations;

• the acquisition of contracts and public services;

• the unlawful conditioning of the political rights of citizens (by preventing the free exercise of voting, getting votes for candidates nominated by the organization during consultations election) and, through that, the conditioning of the composition and activities of political organizations representing local

• condition the activities of government, local and central;

• reinvestment in speculative businesses, real estate, financial and Business arising from the huge capital attività delittuose, sistematicamente esercitate (estorsioni in danno di imprese affidatarie di pubblici e privati appalti e di esercenti attività commerciali, traffico di sostanze stupefacenti, truffe, riciclaggio ed altro);

• assicurare impunità agli affiliati attraverso il controllo, realizzato anche con la corruzione, di organi istituzionali;

• l'affermazione del controllo egemonico sul territorio, realizzata non solo attraverso la contrapposizione armata con organizzazioni criminose rivali nel tempo e la repressione violenta dei contrasti interni ma altresì attraverso condotte stragiste e terroristiche;

• il conseguimento, infine, per sè e per gli altri affiliati of unjust profits and benefits;

contribute, with continuity and stability, since the 90s, to strengthen leadership and activities of the Camorra families headed Bidognetti and Schiavone (from which the partnership will deliver electoral support in elections Cosentino who participated as a candidate, becoming the provincial council of Caserta in 1990, Regional Council of Campania in 1995, list MP for Forza Italy in 1996 and, therefore, political office before becoming Deputy Coordinator and then as Coordinator of the party Forza Italy in Campania, on after the parliamentary mandate in 2001) through the following conduct:

• ensuring the permanence of the relationship between business mafia, government and municipal

• ensuring the perpetuation of economic crime trends, exemplified by exerting undue pressure on institutions to cut prefect, as is the case Eco4 spa on procedures leading to the issue certification in situations where anti-mafia elements were discernible impediments to the issuance of the certificates themselves or still active, with prefectural authorities and / or structures of the Ministry of Interior in order to prevent, as in the case of the City of Mondragone, the proper unfolding of the procedure provided for the dissolution of the local mafia infiltration;

• creating and co-managed company in business monopolies controlled by Mafia families, such as Eco4 spa, and where the Cosentino exercised - in higher-level position with Joseph Valente, and Sergio Orsi Michele Orsi - the real power steering and management , thus allowing the building re-use of illicit proceeds, taking advantage of these business activities for electoral purposes, including the hiring of staff and various utilities;

criminal conduct occurred in the province of Caserta right from 'early '90s and continuing .


The Italian Constitution explicitly recognizes the role of political parties when he writes, art. 49, that "all citizens have the right to freely associate in parties to participate in a democratic way to determine national policy." Four principles derive from this provision in particular:

1. The formation of political parties is free: each party has the right to citizenship in the Italian State irrespective of their ideology. The only limit to this freedom, written art. XII of the transitional provisions of the Constitution, is the reorganization of the fascist party.

2. The republic is based on party pluralism. The use of the plural ("parties") art. 49 of the Constitution implies che sarebbe inammissibile un regime a partito unico.

3. Ai partiti è riconosciuta la funzione di determinare la politica nazionale, in concorrenza tra di loro.

A partire dagli anni ’70, ha trovato ingresso nel processo penale la tutela dei cosiddetti interessi diffusi, anche attraverso la costituzione di parte civile. La Suprema Corte ebbe a sottolineare che, per interessi diffusi, potevano intendersi quegli interessi che sono riferibili non al soggetto come individuo, ma come membro di una collettività più o meno ampia, coincidente, al limite, con la generalità dei cittadini, dando così luogo ad una generalità di situazione soggettive analoghe (Cfr. Cass.Civile, Sez.Unite, 08.05.78 in Arch. Civ. 1978, p.. 956). Well, the protection of these interests was widely assumed by groups and associations that if they made carriers, such protection was accomplished through the application of civil restorative, which allowed the intrusion of common interests in the criminal trial, in this case collective interests (see Ichino, the civil party in criminal proceedings. The legitimacy, Padova, 1989, p. 97.).

Case law has established that the institutions and associations are entitled action for damages, whether in a criminal through a civil, if by the offense have received damage to its own interest. The identification of the bearer entity with common interests gli interessi perseguiti e statutariamente enunciati comporta la sua elevazione a titolare di un diritto soggettivo, potenzialmente leso dai fatti di reato relativi alla lesione di quell'interesse. L'aver posto l'interesse statutariamente enunciato, sia in astratto che in concreto, tra gli obiettivi della propria azione (ponendo dunque la tutela di questi interessi quale ragion d'essere stessa dell’associazione) configura l'esistenza, in capo alla medesima, di un diritto soggettivo idoneo a essere leso dalle condotte illecite e quindi idoneo a cagionare all’associazione stessa un danno.(Cfr. Tribunale di S. Maria Capua Vetere, 19.07.04; Ufficio Indagini Preliminari di Milano, 10.02.03; Cass. Penale, SEz.VI, 01.06.89 in GP, 1990, III, p.. 204).

However, the offenses for which they were asked the trial of Cosentino, can certainly be considered plurioffensivi and subject to interest and, given the parliamentary function of the suspect and the role he has played for polluting the vote, may be considered offensive even in respect of political parties which play a key role recognized by the Constitution.

Al Cosentino is in dispute:

"the unlawful conditioning of the political rights of citizens (by preventing the free exercise of voting, getting votes for candidates nominated by the organization during elections) and, through that, the conditioning the composition and activities of political organizations representing local condition the activities of government, local and central, "

The offenses alleged, in addition of course to harm the interests protected by criminal law in a direct way, ends with the also produce damage to the system of political parties and their credibility, their social function, exercise democratic right to vote, its transparency and fair competition among political parties, as guaranteed by the Italian Constitution.

And the subjective position of Cosentino - who, as parliamentary institution plays a role of national importance - and the types of crimes for which he is under investigation, may justify, in fact, the request for a civil part of a political party and, therefore, Freedom and Ecology of the Left.

In particular, as reflected in the charges, the Cosentino has engaged in an unlawful conditioning of the political rights of citizens, hinder the free exercise of voting, getting votes for candidates nominated by the criminal at the time of elections and, through this, took steps to influence the composition and activities of local political representative bodies and to influence the activities of government, local and central.

Well, the suspect, with the weight of his national political role, has certainly given an unfair advantage to his political constituency, to the serious detriment of other forces, which are also policies on local and national territory. The Cosentino has in fact illegally influenced the electoral vote, he has handled, and took steps to influence political bodies and local government, only to cause damage to other parties-including the Left, Freedom and Ecology, who have always acted within the law.

For these reasons, Arturo Scotto was born in Torre del Greek (NA) on 15.05.1978, resident in Naples alla via Carbonara 127, nella qualità di coordinatore Regionale della Campania di Sinistra Ecologia e Libertà, giusta attestazione del sig. Boccadutri Sergio nato a Palermo il 19/06/1976, nella sua qualità di Tesoriere Nazionale e quindi Legale Rappresentante pro-tempore, ai sensi dell’art. 12 dello Statuto (Deposito Notaio Atlante in Roma rep. 36126 racc. 15744) di Sinistra Ecologia Libertà, ut supra domiciliato, rappresentato e difeso


Di costituirsi, come in effetti si costituisce, parte civile nei confronti dell’indagato Cosentino Nicola, nato a Casal di Principe il 02.01.59 ed ivi residente al C.so Umberto I n.44, in relazione ai reati ascrittigli ed indicati in rubrica, allo scopo di ottenere, con la condanna dello stesso alla pena di giustizia, l’integrale risarcimento dei danni morali nella misura che sarà determinata in corso di causa o in separata sede, oltre alle spese di costituzione di parte civile e di difesa.

Napoli lì 10.03.2011

Arturo Scotto Avv. Italo Palumbo


Io sottoscritto Arturo Scotto nato a Torre del Greco (NA) il 15/05/1978 residente in via Carbonara 127 Napoli nella qualità di coordinatore Regionale della Campania di Sinistra Ecologia e Libertà,


l’Avv. Italo Palumbo nato a San Bartolomeo in Galdo il 20.11.1952, with the law firm in Benevento Via Salvator Rosa, No 2. from which elects domicile, giving special agent, so that you may pursue the civil action in criminal proceedings pending before the Court of Santa Maria Capua Vetere, initiated against Nicola Cosentino was born in Casal di Principe January 2, 1959 and there resident in Corso Umberto, 44, investigated for crimes pe p. Articles. 110, 416 bis - I, II, III, IV, V, VI and VIII paragraph CP in order to obtain compensation for damages including with the widest powers to appoint replacement lawyers in Naples there

Arturo Scotto

To Authentic

Mr. Italo Palumbo

Can Herpes Look Like Scratches




TV FREE 20-Rai - Can. 5 - SKY TV - A day at the Magistrates Court, the BBC asked to perform live - President's Reserve - hypothesis of a civil party for "Left and Freedom" - The Presidency of the Council and Fibe Ministers present with its defenders -

S. Maria CV. (Ferdinand Terlizzi) - The first hearing of the trial of former Secretary of the Government Economics Berlusconi (PDL) Hon Nicola Cosentino was held yesterday morning before the 1st Criminal Division of the Court of St. Maria CV (President William Gianpaolo, Judges Luigi and Tommaso D'Angiolella Perrella) with the presence of representatives of the Anti-Mafia Prosecutor prosecutors Dott.ri Milita and Alessandro Giuseppe Narducci.

L’On. Cosentino ( abito scuro e giaccone marrone Fly) si è seduto in prima fila schierandosi al fianco dei suoi difensori avv.ti Stefano Montone e Agostino De Caro. “Sono presente oggi qui – ha dichiarato a fine udienza ai giornalisti presenti – perché intendo seguire tutte le udienze per far emergere la verità e fare chiarezza su questa nebulosa parentesi della mia vita. Sono stato io a chiedere il processo “immediato” perché sono stato accusato e coinvolto in vicende alle quali ritengo di essere totalmente estraneo. Spero che i miei difensori riusciranno a dimostrare che non sono contiguo ai clan, non ho concesso agevolazioni ai boss. Non ho usufruito del their contributions in politics. The rest of my personal position against the clan is given by the proof of the battle fought for the closure of landfills Saurino Park. You can not ignore - said Cosentino - we asked for and obtained the so-called model Caserta to combat the mafia and that the Berlusconi government has obtained remarkable achievements in combating organized crime not only in our country but throughout Italy. "

Classroom many people, amongst many Sen. Gennaro Coronella: "I'm here to show solidarity with a friend and a fellow party member for whom I hope for a well prepared solution. " In the spotlight a lot of TV, and a score over 30 envoys of all publications including the British BBC (Sky - Rai - TG1-TG2-TG3 - TG5 - One day in Magistrate's Court - BBC Radio Radical - who have made application for transmit the entire process live and deferred) President William opened the proceedings by distrusting the photographers and camera operators not to hinder the smooth running of the process while allowing the filming within the limits of freedom of the press, being a major media event .

The President then announced that it has already drawn up a timetable for the next hearings (see separate box) said that the process was now postponed because of irregularities "incurable" in the area of \u200b\u200bnotifications, not having been notified Avvocatura State, which should become a civil party, representing the Presidency of Council of Ministers copy of the proceedings.

However, the President has also asked Mr. Cosentino had he had regular communication and the same answer in the affirmative, said he was willing to be present at any hearing in accordance with the timetable agreed between the parties. The President then asked the parties (defendants, lawyers, pubblici ministeri e rappresentanti della privata accusa ) il loro pensiero sull’autorizzazione delle tv che avevano chiesto di seguire in diretta l’intero processo.

Sia pure con pareri diversi, tutti hanno convenuto che è auspicabile una discrezione nella presenza in aula della tv, perché la loro presenza “condiziona” massicciamente il regolare svolgimento del processo. In particolare l’avv. Italo Palumbo, in rappresentanza del movimento “SINISTRA ECOLOGIA LIBERTA” ( ma non ancora ufficialmente ammesso come parte civile ) ha espresso parere favorevole alla ripresa dell’intero processo.

E 'was the turn of the Anti-Mafia prosecutors in the Attorney Narducci and Milita who have asked to know the schedule of the hearing in order to prepare the material for the prosecution for the most part consisting of eavesdropping and phone. On the "media advertising" the prosecutors said they were favorable, but with a shooting footage that does not affect the smooth functioning of the process.

defense lawyers of the same opinion of Mr Nicola Cosentino, Stefano De Caro Montone and Augustine: "As long as no conditions the smooth running of the process and the resumption of clips.

They have also announced their creation in court - as the injured party for now - part of the civil FIBE with the lawyer of the Roman Forum Prof. Alfonso Maria Style, professor of criminal law at the University of Rome "La Sapienza". The Fibe (involved, inter alia in the management of Acerra incinerator) would have been affected by Mr partisanship. Cosentino for "Ecoquattro" (headed by brothers Michael and Sergio Orsi.

Nutritissime le liste sia della pubblica che privata accusa. Per l’on. Cosentino gli avvocati Montone e De Caro hanno presentato una sfilza di nome a discarico che partono dall’ex sindaco Carlo Natale, proseguono con i consiglieri provinciali Arcangelo Tedesco e Raffaele Tessitore, Stefano Coronella, Vincenzo Caterino, Aldo Riccardi, Giovanni Piccirillo ( ex deputati DC ) Renato Natale ex sindaco, l’ex sen. Lorenzo Diana, Nicola Rocco, Vincenzo D’Amore, Luigi Fucci. I parlamentari Carlo Sarro, Pasquale Giuliano, Gennaro Coronella, Paolo Santulli, Vito Amemdolara ( Assessore all’agricoltura nella Giunta Caldoro ), Franco Delvino ( ex comandante dei vigili urbani di Caserta ), Former Vice Questore Vincent Roca and the Mayors Pauline Franco Provolo Maddaloni and former President of the Province Hon Richard Ventre.

Black Stains On Lcd Tv Screen

GIUSTIZIA. Mediazione.Dal 21 marzo cambia la procedura per le cause civili di risarcimento da diffamazione a mezzo stampa

JUSTICE. Mediation.

From March 21 to change the procedure for civil cases for damages for libel

The reform provides for the required step prior to a kind of arbitration before a lawsuit to obtain court civile un indennizzo come risarcimento per articoli pubblicati su agenzie di stampa, quotidiani e periodici o mandati in onda da radio, tv ed internet e ritenuti diffamatori. Procedimento di conciliazione in materia bancaria e creditizia.

di Pierluigi Roesler Franz - Consigliere nazione dell'Ordine dei Giornalisti
Roma, 7 marzo 2011. Importante innovazione un tema di risarcimento civile da diffamazione a mezzo stampa o con altro mezzo di pubblicità. Tra 2 settimane sarà operativa la riforma varata un anno fa che prevede il preventivo passaggio obbligatorio ad una sorta di arbitrato prima di iniziare una vertenza giudiziaria per ottenere dal tribunale civile un indennizzo come risarcimento per articoli pubblicati su agenzie di stampa, quotidiani e periodici o mandati in onda da radio, tv ed internet e ritenuti diffamatori.
La nuova normativa, prevista dall’art. 5, primo comma, del decreto legislativo n. 28 del 2010, entrerà in vigore lunedì 21 marzo. E si applicherà anche ai diritti reali, divisione, successioni ereditarie, patti di famiglia, locazione, comodato, affitto di aziende, risarcimento del danno derivante da responsabilità medica, contratti assicurativi, bancari e finanziari.
Slitta, invece, di un anno l’entrata in vigore del comma 1 dell’art. 5 del d. lgs. n. 28 del 2010 per le sole controversie in materia di condominio e risarcimento del danno derivante dalla circolazione di veicoli e natanti. L'entrata in vigore per queste vertenze civili é stata infatti prorogata dall'art. 2, comma 16-decies, del decreto-legge 29 dicembre 2010, n. 225, convertito in legge 26 febbraio 2011 n. 10, meglio noto come "Milleproroghe".
Decreto legislativo 4 marzo 2010, n. 28
Art. 5. Condizione di procedibilità e rapporti con il processo
1. Chi intende esercitare in giudizio un'azione relativa ad una controversia in materia di condominio, diritti reali, divisione, successioni ereditarie, patti di famiglia, locazione, comodato, affitto di aziende, risarcimento del danno derivante dalla circolazione di veicoli e natanti, da responsabilità medica e da diffamazione con il mezzo della stampa o con altro mezzo di pubblicità, contratti assicurativi, bancari e finanziari, é tenuto preliminarmente a esperire il procedimento di mediazione ai sensi del presente decreto ovvero il procedimento di conciliazione previsto dal decreto legislativo 8 ottobre 2007, n. 179, ovvero il procedimento istituito in attuazione dell'articolo 128-bis del testo unico delle leggi in materia bancaria e creditizia di cui al decreto legislativo 1 settembre 1993, n. 385, e successive modificazioni, per le materie ivi regolate. L'esperimento del procedimento di mediazione é condizione di procedibilità della domanda giudiziale. L'improcedibilità must be raised by the defendant, under penalty of forfeiture, or recognized by the court office not later than the first hearing. Where the court finds that mediation has already begun but not ended, fixed the next hearing after the expiration of the period referred to in Article 6. Similarly when the mediation shall not used it, giving the parties the same period of fifteen days to submit the request for mediation. This subparagraph shall not apply to actions under Articles 37, 140 and 140-bis of the Code of consumption referred to in Legislative Decree 6 September 2005, No 206, as amended.
2. Subject to the provisions of paragraph 1 and subject to the provisions of paragraphs 3 and 4, il giudice, anche in sede di giudizio di appello, valutata la natura della causa, lo stato dell'istruzione e il comportamento delle parti, può invitare le stesse a procedere alla mediazione. L'invito deve essere rivolto alle parti prima dell'udienza di precisazione delle conclusioni ovvero, quando tale udienza non e' prevista, prima della discussione della causa. Se le parti aderiscono all'invito, il giudice fissa la successiva udienza dopo la scadenza del termine di cui all'articolo 6 e, quando la mediazione non é già stata avviata, assegna contestualmente alle parti il termine di quindici giorni per la presentazione della domanda di mediazione.
3. During the mediation in any case does not preclude the granting of interim measures and protective measures, nor the transcript of the proceedings.
4. Paragraphs 1 and 2 shall not apply:
a) in proceedings for an order, including the opposition, pending a decision on applications for granting and withdrawal of provisional execution;
b) in proceedings for validation of license or eviction until the change of procedure laid down in Article 667 of the Code of Civil Procedure;
c) in proceedings owners, pending delivery of the measures referred to in Article 703, third paragraph of the Code of Civil Procedure;
d) to opposition or incidental knowledge of the enforcement;
e) in proceedings in chambers;
f) in the civil action pursued in the criminal trial.
5. Subject to the provisions of paragraph 1 and subject to the provisions of paragraphs 3 and 4, if the contract, the statute or the act of incorporation include a provision for mediation or conciliation and
attempt is exhausted, the court or arbitrator, except on hand, first proposed in defense, shall allow the parties a period of fifteen days for the submission of mediation and sets the next Hearing after the deadline referred to in Article 6. At the same the court or arbitrator fixed the next hearing if mediation or conciliation attempt started but not completed. The application is brought before the body specified by the clause, if entered in the register, or, failing that, before another body in writing, without compliance with the criterion laid down in Article 4, paragraph 1. In any case, the parties may agree , after the contract or the statute or the statute, the identification of a different body writing.
6. From the time of disclosure to other parties la domanda di mediazione produce sulla prescrizione gli effetti della domanda giudiziale. Dalla stessa data, la domanda di mediazione impedisce altresì la decadenza per una sola volta, ma se il tentativo fallisce la domanda giudiziale deve essere proposta entro il medesimo termine di decadenza, decorrente dal deposito del verbale di cui all'articolo 11 presso la segreteria dell'organismo.
Art. 6. Durata
1. Il procedimento di mediazione ha una durata non superiore a quattro mesi.
Art. 24. Disposizioni transitorie e finali
1. Le disposizioni di cui all'articolo 5, comma 1, acquistano efficacia decorsi dodici mesi dalla data di entrata in vigore del presente decreto e si applicano ai processi successivamente iniziati.
L’art. 2, comma 16-decies, del decreto-legge 29 dicembre 2010, n. 225 (in Gazzetta Ufficiale - serie generale - n. 303 del 29 dicembre 2010), convertito in legge 26 febbraio 2011, n. 10 nel Supplemento ordinario n. 53 alla Gazzeta Ufficiale n. 47 del 26 febbraio 2011, recante: «Proroga di termini previsti da disposizioni legislative e di interventi urgenti in materia tributaria e di sostegno alle imprese e alle famiglie», meglio noto come "Milleproroghe" prevede che “il termine di cui all'articolo 24, comma 1, del decreto legislativo 4 marzo 2010, n. 28, é prorogato di dodici mesi, limited to disputes relating to condominium and damages resulting from the movement of vehicles and boats. "

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Pain On Left Side Of Back


(ANSA) - Caserta, 7 March - The leadership of the National Association of Young Lawyers, the judiciary and those entrepreneurs local and national level will sign on 11 March, at a conference scheduled in the court theater of the palace Vanvitelli, the "Chart of Caserta. The work will be developed on the theme "lawyers and businessmen in search of justice useful with or without reform, the possible answers to the needs of the economy and citizens", explained to reporters this evening by the provincial president of the association giovani avvocati, Alfonso Quarto, dal presidente dei giovani imprenditori di Confindustria, Massimiliano Santoli e dalla presidente della sottosezione dell'Associazione nazionale magistrati di Santa Maria Capua Vetere, Annarita Motti. "Nella convinzione che la giustizia rappresenti il principale valore della democrazia e dello sviluppo economico, i giovani avvocati, i magistrati e gli imprenditori - ha spiegato Quarto - intendono intraprendere un percorso virtuoso che, partendo dall'analisi dei problemi su base territoriale e sfruttando al meglio il sistema vigente, in attesa delle tanto sperate riforme, con le quali bisogna comunque ristrutturare il sistema, riesca a garantire la migliore risposta possibile alle esigenze della società e, nel contempo, garantisca maggiori opportunità per i professionisti ed il rilancio dell'economia per gli Imprenditori". Al convegno, è prevista, tra gli altri, la partecipazione della vicepresidente nazionale di Confindustria, Cristiana Coppola, del presidente dell'Anm Nazionale Luca Palamara, del presidente della Commissione Giustizia del Senato, Filippo Berselli, del Responsabile Giustizia Pd, Andrea Orlando, di esponenti del mondo dell'avvocatura, magistratura, università e imprenditoria. (ANSA).



“Con o senza riforme, le risposte possibili alle esigenze dell’economia and citizens'

Court Theatre Royal Palace of Caserta - March 11, 2011


The Young Lawyers are in a strong "identity crisis" on the one hand due to wider market crisis, which apparently can not satisfy a superabundant supply professional, the other to the degradation of culture, ethics and social Advocate of the same figure, against which the young forward a request for intervention and greater control Part of the Orders, as well as introduction of a limited number (or at least, planned) at the University. All this inquadra in una più ampia crisi della giustizia che, sempre più spesso, non riesce a dare risposte certe e veloci ai cittadini.

Eppure, continuiamo ad essere convinti che la Giustizia rappresenti il principale valore della democrazia e dello sviluppo economico.

Da tale premessa, ne discende un sentimento di delusione ma al contempo di speranza per un futuro migliore. Partendo, infatti, dalla funzione “sociale” della Giustizia e dall’idea che è l’UOMO (inteso come Uomo-cittadino; Uomo-Imprenditore; Uomo-Avvocato; Uomo-Magistrato) il centro degli interessi da prendere in considerazione, i Giovani Avvocati, Magistrati ed Imprenditori intendono intraprendere un percorso virtuoso che, by analyzing the problems on a territorial basis and making the most of the current system (waiting time of hope for reforms, which still must restructure the system), is able to ensure the best possible response to the needs of society and at the same time providing greater opportunities for professionals and entrepreneurs for economic recovery.

The project is ambitious but are powerful synergies to achieve it.


The idea to see united in this enterprise, the Young Lawyers and Judges on the one hand, and the Young Entrepreneurs on the other hand, stems from the consideration that, pending a comprehensive reform della giustizia, l’unica possibilità per risollevare le sorti del territorio è rappresentata da una maggiore “attenzione” da parte degli operatori del diritto alle esigenze del cittadino e dell’economia.

Sotto tale profilo, il Magistrato (l’Uomo Magistrato), pur dinanzi alle “carenze” delle risorse e degli organici più volte denunciate, dovrà mostrare una maggiore “sensibilità” nell’applicazione della legge, mettendo da parte le ambizioni personali, i numeri che fanno statistica, le tentazioni di vanità, le posizioni di conservazione e autoreferenzialità.

Da parte sua, l’Avvocato (l’Uomo Avvocato) partendo da una costruttiva autocritica, deve riappropriarsi del suo vero ruolo di “mediatore sociale”, rilanciando la sua funzione sociale che affonda le radici nella Costituzione. Bisogna così, innanzitutto, prendere atto che la nostra è una avvocatura dequalificata: troppo spesso manca la consapevolezza che il ruolo del difensore non si esaurisce nella tutela dei diritti del singolo cittadino, ma comprende la salvaguardia della legalità processuale. Così pure, bisogna prendere atto di un atteggiamento “mercantile” alimentato da forme di concorrenza sleale da parte di avvocati “low cost” impegnati più nella tecnica dell’accaparramento della clientela, piuttosto che in quella giuridica di approfondimento scientifico della disciplina.

Ed allora, proprio per la centralità della funzione dell’Avvocato nella corretta gestione della giurisdizione (presupposto imprescindibile per la qualità della Giustizia), è fondamentale curare la formazione e la deontologia. In una società in continua evoluzione l’Avvocato è chiamato a concorrere alla realizzazione di un modello professionale non più confinato entro i limiti dei vari ordinamenti giuridici nazionali. Si ritrova, infatti, alle prese con la difesa di posizioni e di diritti “nuovi”, rispetto ai quali gli si offrono nuovi terreni di operatività nonché importanti stimoli di trasformazione.

Il punto centrale del discorso è che the proper functioning of justice in general and an adequate legal services in particular are key inputs for the economy and business, and their quality and competitiveness have important effects on the economy.

's why the Attorney General, while retaining its social role that is grounded in the Constitution, to reinterpret its role in modern require a lawyer, "going beyond the static function of the" sentinel against misuse, intercept know the changes imposed by the rapid socio-economic changes and to prepare suitable instruments ensuring new rights and new protections. "

However, this can be achieved on the one hand, with proper training, which not only responds to a professional obligation, but above all the need for a new professional model that do not depend on the quality and suitability of the static length of service but by knowing how do, and second, with a new awareness of companies begin to see the figure of the lawyer, not as a necessary evil, but as a necessary part for the success of their investments (not only therapeutic and preventive intervention Advocate ).

In this context, entrepreneurs play an important role. They not only represent an opportunity di mercato per l’Avvocatura, ma rappresentano una grande risorsa per l’intera collettività, se solo si considera quale ricaduta possa avere su di essa il rilancio dell’economia.

Tuttavia, per fare in modo che ciò accada è necessario ascoltare le esigenze delle imprese ed intraprendere quei percorsi virtuosi che l’incontro di Caserta dovrà delineare, onde assicurare agli stessi una risposta di Giustizia più pronta ed efficace. Gli Imprenditori, dal canto loro, dovranno mettere da parte i temi di conflitto che da tempo agitano i consessi nazionali (ad esempio, la voglia di egemonizzare a proprio favore il rapporto con il libero professionista, soggiocandone l’autonomia e l’indipendenza; l’annosa questione sulle tariffe minime ecc..) ed aprire un canale di dialogo reale e proficuo con gli Avvocati.

D’altra parte, i professionisti, al servizio delle esigenze delle imprese, hanno contribuito alla formazione di un diritto globale del mercato, progressivamente disegnando una trama di regole e procedure che ha assicurato un riferimento stabile, seppur utilmente mutevole, per le innovative strategie aziendali d’internazionalizzazione.

Sotto questo aspetto, le interazioni di mercato tra diverse aree geoculturali richiedono dunque nuove conoscenze in termini di regole e di strumenti, dunque competenze e professionalità ulteriori. Nella realtà del Mezzogiorno, dove le aziende presentano spesso very small, lawyers are those who, for professional training and the trust relationship that binds them to entrepreneurs, can play a crucial role in promoting agreements, initiatives, connections and investments.

In the Mediterranean the forces of globalization are subject to special criticism for the known diversity in cultural traditions that characterize the people of the area. It is, however, at the same time, an area where the global market has its own ancient history: Greeks, Syrians, Egyptians and Phoenicians showed centuries ago as the propensity to trade links, close, peaceful.

Youth Caserta (Industrial, Lawyers and accountants) have already signed, in February 2010, a protocol agreement with the structure of a journey through time, knowing that the effort required is important, but also believe that, if practiced with consistency and tenacity, it may offer new development prospects. The workshop today is only one stage, the initial one, a journey that will last. There is also awareness of the need for action on skills training and so on.


criminal matters

The degree of inefficiency of our criminal justice system can be measured on the basis of what he was arguing about three centuries ago, the lawyer Mario Pagano, who said: "Woe to the land in which the accused's condition is worse than that of the offender." Nothing is more real and immediate, given that our prisons are bursting through the systematic use of custody in prison (which is actually become a form of punishment and expiation advance a defense fund), that access to alternative measures to prison becomes increasingly difficult (if not impossible) that the process fails to respond in time "reasonable", that there is legal certainty.

To this we must add that the "principle of the adversarial the formation of evidence "was in fact inapplicable and that there is a marked imbalance of the jurisdiction to investigate and then to the PM, the inequality of power between the prosecution and defense has been gradually expanding, with increasing suspicion and mistrust of defensive investigations, the deterioration of the last "package" of legislation introduced in the wake of the now eternal invoked emergency (ex multis, amendments to Article. 275 paragraph 3 cpp; 453 co. 1 a, 392 Co. Bis cpp, cpp 656, OP 4 a) has not been cushioned by some judicial interpretation that often, so subversive, has weakened the constitutional principles set out in Article. 111.

Finally, the lack of rigor of judicial review by the Judge, the Prosecutor's requests (requests for extensions inquiries and requests tapping etc ...), then further failures, resulting in negative effects on the entire system.

And then, we must first: •

recover the centrality of the court (and the trial, the heart of the process);

• reduce processing time (and not the "magic" of the vaunted "short trial") starting analysis of the causes of the irrational and seeking lasting solutions to organizational and administration (beginning to eliminate the dead time of the phase of investigations and implementing protocols virtuous hearing for the trial);

• agree on the meaning of the news of crime and correct the tendency of the prosecutor to seek the crimes rather than the tests (leading to slow and the unreasonable length of investigation) in the same effect, avoid so-called wiretapping "trawling", turning a natural tool for gathering evidence in an unnatural research tool of the offense;

• exercise a more rigorous judicial review request for the extension of investigations of prosecutor and its inertia, avoiding unnecessary delays of the same;

• initiate a reflection on the meaning of mandatory the prosecution, by introducing selective mechanisms on the treatment of criminal affairs;

• attract greater attention and sensitivity to the PM in relation to the timeliness of the inclusion of news of crime in the register;

These focal points of the criminal trial could certainly be exceeded (resulting in more effective implementation of constitutional principles that are based on due process) by applying the best regulatory tools already available to the judge.


Mea culpa

The lawyer (advocate to call me =) is part of the order forense perché anticamente l'avvocatura era nel Foro ( ).

Con tale termine oggi si indica il laureato in giurisprudenza che, previa abilitazione, è iscritto ad un pubblico albo e che rappresenta, assiste e/o difende una parte processuale, avanti ad un giudice o in una controversia extragiudiziale, in forza di un mandato e dietro pagamento di un onorario.

Purtroppo, con tale termine si è finito per intendere (ma, per fortuna le cose, come vedremo, stanno cambiando), anche un “mercenario” disposto a combattere qualsiasi battaglia per il “soldo”, svincolato da qualsiasi laccio morale.

Per quanto attiene l’avvocato civilista ed ancor più di quello che or work in Campania, like us, in the province of Caserta, the altered-and, fortunately, is not fully shared image-safety improvements daughter of reprehensible conduct, is increasingly subject to scrutiny by the specification by professional associations, as well that the Judiciary, which

- cultural and technical accuracy, able to affect it permanently the rights of their clients, the daughter of a university and academic preparation-for the most distorted reasons (or survival statistics of excessive universities) - has often attracted to the low level of graduates () ()

- oriented management of the dispute over the fees that accrue to achieving the Int-est del cliente (la firma al mandato talvolta è stata equiparata alla sottoscrizione di una cambiale in bianco);

- gioco di “sponda” effettuato dai Giudici onorari Avvocati con alcuni Avvocati (patrocinio da parte dei secondi di procedimenti di interesse dei primi) e perdita sostanziale della imparzialità e terzietà;

- compartecipazione nella gestione di attività illecite: eclatanti e diffuse sono quelle note come delle “truffe alle assicurazioni” (vero ammortizzatore sociale, spesso favorite anche dalle stesse Compagnie per giustificare il progressivo e costante aumento dei premi);

- collusioni col sistema delinquenziale (cfr. quanto ricordato nella relazione con cui President of the Court of Appeal of Naples, SE Buonajuto Antonio opened the judicial year 2011: Lawyers will surely be among those who are referred to as refined minds that give assistance in the perpetuation of illicit purposes by criminal organizations)

la defense

Fortunately, such conduct, felt like salt on the wounds of those who, daily, drib blan-obstacles that are on the path towards obtaining a response from the State for the regulation of conflicts subjectively considered huge ( the right to a pension, the reintegration in the workplace, the return of a dwelling on the expiry of the lease, the payment di un credito, il trasferimento di un immobile, la definizione di rapporti successori, la regolamentazione, certa ed effettiva, dei rapporti a seguito della disgregazione delle famiglie)- non riguardano i più.

Anzi contrariamente alle aspettative di coloro che formano la propria opinione solo sui casi eclatanti riportati dalla Stampa, una recente indagine - ha acclarato che la stima e la considerazione verso gli Avvocati è piuttosto elevata.

La ricerca ha permesso di rilevare che l’avvocato viene percepito come un professionista al bivio; da un lato, obbligato a raccogliere la sfida di mettersi al passo con i tempi e con i modi di atteggiarsi di una società in profonda trasformazione e, dall’altro, per certi ways still committed to the defense of pensions and corporatism, which can more easily raise that challenge only if they know and be able to look beyond the interests of only part of it.

What the community has shown its appreciation, based on their individual relationship with the individual-Lawyers is the care, the effort to be the garrison of security and legality, the readiness to get involved to catch up culturally and legally, the understanding of customer needs in a context in which the legal profession is becoming a new social dimension as summoned, increasingly, as a human and professional point of reference.

All this emerges from research in a rapidly changing that, unfortunately, is also bringing to the proletarianization of the profession, partly because of an indiscriminate and uncontrolled access to the Bar, his stay in the books of those who have no standing and cause the stigma and lobbying pressures and / or policies that even led to heinous cases of dumping professional competitions that the percentage of decline than even ancient - and therefore inadequate - minimum tariff, the steady erosion of professional spaces by powers who see profit in the standardized management of the original restricted to the category, to the detriment of citizens left without any protection.

Così come Diogene cercava l’Uomo, allo stesso modo l’Avvocatura è alla ricerca della sua funzione sociale, nella condivisa considerazione che il futuro è nell’etica.

Ed allora, venuti meno luoghi comuni quali quelli che volevano gli Avvocati – almeno nel civile- responsabili della lunga durata dei processi in attuazione del principio dum pendet, rendet (finchè la causa pende, rende), pur riconoscendo alla Magistratura i notevoli passi compiuti grazie al sacrificio dei più e dell’attuazione delle diverse ed ormai digerite riforme (chi non ricorda –e parlo a chi ha già compiuto i quarantacinque anni- i defatiganti rinvii per “articolare e controdedurre” alle requests were made of evidence that even at an advanced stage of the process and also in the clarification of the conclusions?). Today

foreclosures there are, are stiff and give the process a lively pace, sometimes dangerous for the "responsibility", even civil lawyer.

Among others, the possibility was

- to consider peaceful circumstances are not disputed (Art.115 cpc);

- to carry the appearance of the parties to allow the judge to "understand" the story and have a 'idea;

- to issue injunctive orders also in the process (artt.186 a, b and c CCP);

- to issue rulings in the immediate short motivation (281 ce);

- to conduct summary proceedings, when the subject matter is purely legal and requires no inquiry (art.702 bis);

- to speed up the securities enforcement proceedings (think of the possibility of the garnishee no longer appear at the hearing but to make his declaration on the existence of sums of the executive in its possession, in a letter to-and-concrete chance to remove movable property in the implementation securities);

- actually accelerate the implementation of real estate.

defenses have been imposed less smoky than the past, forcing the parties to clarify the application and attach your documentation within a granite mandatory.


We record, however, that these tools are just accelerators implemented.

And not because the parties do not want to, but because the system, or perhaps the judge tends to reject them.

Unlike what happens in the administrative process, in which-until recently - the suspension, disqualification or presidential decree before the Council Chamber, was not denied to anyone, it is no doubt that the judge down to the Civil summary measures, precautionary or anticipatory, is for the different conception dell'irreparabilità, both out of concern for executives to take interim measures, screening, thus, more resistant, especially if fugitive, armed with a fait accompli before whom the applicant has faced, the latter. In

concern to issue an order "motivated and justified," are deleted from the code of the measures by decree ante causam, probably able to seek positions in conciliation contenders.

be clear, in assessing the cost of litigation, the parties often rely on the duration of the process to change their economic circumstances, dispose of assets, impose transactions halter, losing to justice the highest of his duties "with the regular conflict and bring peace to the relationship." Therefore, the faster the more effective justice its function.

What is the point - give a mandate to a stereotypical consultant, having no idea what they are talking and not teach him what to do?

- issue a "good" sentence, when no longer needed? when, that is, who asked to be paid has already failed because the arbitration that his creditor had ordered closed before the opportunity to recover its claim against third parties?

- Have the lawyer with an attitude, to say the least grumpy and self-(and this applies to the newly appointed indoctrinated to fear the lure and charm of the court) when a well-afternoon-party may appear to better understand the story and proposing solutions reconciled, even delegating an ombudsman attended by lawyers.

Why not make public their guidelines and Section-by way of practice to enable more-better to settle their disputes in accordance with the assessment they will have? The proper function of law is to propose virtuous conduct and not to expose citizens all'alea unforeseen penalties. A

che pro evitare di rimettere la causa sul ruolo per riappropriarsi della funzione di giureconsulto dialogante con le parti, evitando di emettere speciose decisioni che lasciano l’amaro in bocca ad entrambe le parti (rigettare la domanda perché agli atti non vi è, la non contestata e perciò pacifica, allegazione in copia conforme della documentazione che attesta la successione nel diritto controverso della terza banca subentrante) e aprono la strada del procedimento per responsabilità professionale dell’avvocato?

Perché non usare la condanna alle spese quale giusta retribuzione per la parte che ha “osato” temerariamente promuovere o (o resistere alla) lite? In Inghilterra, per quanto risulta, è This is the way of requiring the media-conciliation and keep down the number of cases. Among other things, to the south, the fees are paid so low, in a sort of comparison between what we decide who gains and who patronizes. Why have

lawyer (even if something is changing) the perception of a "disturbing", hinders, earn much less working? The citizen feels

-unfortunately-that the state (in this case called him to justice, whether he or the other contender is assumed to have a reprehensible attitude) has no interest in him and their stories, it feels quote in a system that protects him and in which is more effective than the criminal.

The social function to which each of us is called legal practitioners (and proper exercise of which, for those who ask, we will be asked the bill) is to help create certainty on the legal positions, including that the only way, in protecting Man and his views can lead to virtuous conduct able to rescue this troubled "Terra di Lavoro", hoping to "leave the world better than we found it."